Chapter 1429 He is my son... (6)

 Mo Xicheng: “…??”

He was very confused, but looking at Li Shu's appearance, he still said nothing. He stretched out his hand, pulled two sticks off his head, and handed them to her.

Li Shu felt even more guilty when he saw that he didn't even ask him.

 She took her hair and looked at him reluctantly again.

 This is her son, a son who has lived under her watch since he was a child but doesn't know it.

At this moment, she wished she could just stare at him until the end of time, making up for all the neglect in the past.

Her eyes suddenly turned red again, and she hesitated to speak and said: "Your injury is not healed yet. Get more rest and don't go out and walk around all the time. Do you understand?"

Mo Xicheng was obviously stunned, but his eyes still showed joy. He nodded, and then said: "You too."

Li Shu nodded.

 Even if we are still reluctant to part, we still have to separate.

Li Shu stared at Mo Xicheng and Shi Nianyao walking forward slowly. Watching them flirting while walking, he felt a sour feeling in his heart.

 Mo Xicheng used to be so melancholy, but now, with Shi Nianyao, he has become much more cheerful.

 Shi a good boy.

Li Shu withdrew his gaze, and finally fell on those hairs.

 Then, she narrowed her eyes and walked out quickly.

When she arrived at the underground parking lot, she asked the driver to drive and went directly to the private prosecutor's office. She handed her hair to the staff along with her own hair, and then said, "Help me check the kinship."

The other party nodded, "Okay."

Li Shu asked impatiently: "When will the test results be ready?"

The other party said: "Madam, our domestic DNA testing procedures are complicated and slow, so we will send your sample abroad for testing, which will take at least seven days."

Li Shu narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm not short of money, can I do it faster?"

The other party immediately became more cautious, "Okay, we'll try our best, it will take three days at the earliest."

Li Shu nodded, "I will check the results in three days."


When Li Shu returned to Mo's house, Mo Hai was already waiting at home early.

  She returned home in despair, and then Mo Hai warmly welcomed her into the house.

 The whole restaurant is filled with the familiar smell of food.

Li Shu was stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell on the dining table in the living room.

 Three home-cooked stir-fries, no meat, but full of color and flavor.

 This is... Mo Hai's specialty.

Li Shu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of the scene when Mo Hai pursued her more than twenty years ago.

At that time, Li Shu was very aloof and couldn't stand the commercial atmosphere in Mo Hai, so she always disagreed when Mo Hai launched a crazy pursuit of her.

 Mo Hai always asked her: "Li Shu, tell me what's wrong with me, and I can change it."

Li Shu was harassed and had no choice but to say: "You can't cook."

 Mo Hai:…

 Mo Hai was stunned at the time. Later, when he saw Li Shu reading, he ignored him, touched his nose nonchalantly, and then said, "Oh."

 In the next three days, Mo Hai disappeared.

Li Shu felt that his ears were finally clear.

But what he didn't expect was that three days later, Mo Hai appeared in front of him again. He was holding a thermos box in his hand and handed it to Li Shu, "This is the three best private dishes I found someone to learn from. Here you go." You taste it, it’s what you like.”

 (End of this chapter)

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