Chapter 1451 He is my son... (29)

The agent immediately said: "Go."

Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes and glanced back at Shi Nianyao, remembering that when he walked out with brown sugar water, Shi Nianyao was staring at his phone, gritting his teeth angrily, and finally said slowly: "I'll go then. "

The agent nodded, "Okay. But this is your first time at the press conference, so we want to have a little surprise and create a hot topic, so we won't announce it to the public yet."

Mo Xicheng nodded: "Okay, you can take care of everything."

The agent continued: "Then it's settled."

Hang up the phone, Mo Xicheng looked back at Shi Nianyao again, and saw that Shi Nianyao had fallen on the sofa, feeling a little drowsy.

Thinking of her physical condition today, Mo Xicheng hurriedly reached out his hand and picked her up.

Shi Nianyao was startled and felt the world spinning. He carried him upstairs and asked hurriedly: "What are you doing?"

 Mo Xicheng:…

He paused, lowered his head, looked at Shi Nianyao, and said a little helplessly and a little aggrieved: "What else do you think I can do?"

Shi Nianyao:…

Shi Nianyao stared at Mo Xicheng at this moment, feeling like he suddenly wanted to laugh.

  Mo Xicheng has always been a good character since I met him on the big screen. However, after I met him in reality, I realized that he can be a bit gloomy and dull.

At this moment, this kind of aggrieved look can make people feel cute.

She lowered her head and shook her shoulders, feeling as if she had met another male god.

Mo Xicheng didn't know what Shi Nianyao was thinking at all. He just continued to hold her and went to the bedroom upstairs. After putting her on the bed, he picked up the quilt and covered her.

Shi Nianyao lay there obediently, holding the corners of the quilt with both hands and looking at Mo Xicheng. Before Mo Xicheng spoke, she said, "I have a stomachache."

Mo Xicheng paused, then stretched out his hand into her quilt, gropingly placing it on her belly. Those big dry hands, unlike his own, were warm and safe.

Shi Nianyao was actually not particularly uncomfortable, but seeing the male god’s rare compromise, he couldn’t help but act coquettishly again and again.

 At home, she was also pampered and grew up.

 Being pampered by my elder brother, my cousins, and my parents.

 But at this moment, she felt that being pampered by Mo Xicheng was a different feeling.

 That is a kind of mysterious happiness that cannot be described in words.


Yao Lili stayed at Mo's house, and the housekeeper tidied up a guest room for her.

Yao Lili was lying on the bed in the guest room, staring at the ceiling.

In the Mo family villa, even a guest room is a small suite.

Although it is not as spacious as living in a small villa by yourself, it has everything you need and is very complete.

It’s just... I stayed here alone, a little bored, and was thinking. Suddenly I heard the sound of a vehicle starting outside, and then I heard the housekeeper shout: "The young master is back!"

Yao Lili's eyes lit up and she jumped up from the bed. She rushed to the door and saw Mo Zhi walking home.

Mo Zhi was discharged from the hospital after he found out that even though he was pretending to be ill, Li Shu could not soften his heart.

He was walking with his head down when he suddenly felt something. When he looked up, he saw Yao Lili standing in front of him!

 (End of this chapter)

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