Chapter 1473 He is my son... (51)

When Shi Nianyao heard this, his feet softened and he almost fell to the ground!

She stood up straight and looked down from the stairs. She saw Shi Xun staring at Si Jingyu in confusion, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Si Jingyu said: "I don't know where my household registration book is. I'm planning to apply for a visa tomorrow. I need it."

Shi Xun shook his head, "The household registration books of our two families are now separate. How can I know where my household registration book is?"

Si Jingyu was very puzzled, "That's strange. I always remember the household register at home very clearly. The one I kept in the study is gone. Why is it gone?"

Shi Xun immediately said: "Mom, did you see it wrong?"

 “It’s impossible, I read it several times.”

Shi Xun was confused, "Where did the hukou instinct go?"

Si Jingyu sighed, "Forget it, if you don't know, I'll look for it myself."

 Shi Xun nodded.

When Shi Nianyao heard this, he immediately ran upstairs and entered his bedroom, anxious.

Last time I took away the household registration book and got married, but then I forgot to put the household registration book in its original place. Now my mother just happened to block it. What should I do?

When she was anxious, there was a knock on the door. Shi Nianyao almost jumped up in fright. She asked with a trembling voice: "Who, who?"

“I am your mother, Yao Yao, have you seen our family’s household registration book?”

Shi Nianyao:…!

 She immediately said: "No!"

Si Jingyu was confused, "Really not?"

"Really do not have!"

 “Then if you see it, tell me.”

Shi Nianyao breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, Mom, you are tired after flying all day today. Go and rest quickly."


Listening to Si Jingyu's footsteps walking away, Shi Nianyao breathed a sigh of relief, then patted her chest and sat on the bed. She had to think of a way and quickly transferred her hukou. I don’t feel like giving it back.

 Si Jingyu returned to his bedroom after asking about the household registration book.

Shi Jinyan just took a shower, changed into pajamas and walked out. When he saw Si Jingyu, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Si Jingyu sighed and said, "What do you think of today's matter?"

Shi Jinyan sneered, "Last time, Mo Zhi said that Nian Yao was an ugly monster. What he did again this time was really too much. If Mo Xicheng hadn't arrived in time and allowed Mo Zhi to succeed, Yao Yao would have How about it?"

Si Jingyu nodded when he heard this. She frowned and said, "Tomorrow, I will make an appointment with Li Shu to talk to her."

Shi Jinyan nodded, "Just tell her that if she doesn't teach her son, then I will help her educate her son. However, if I take action, the education fee may be a bit high."

 Si Jingyu, “I understand.”


 The next day, Hongkou Cafe.

When Si Jingyu arrived, Li Shu was already sitting there and had already drank half of the coffee in front of him.

Si Jingyu walked over, and Li Shu stood up. Looking at Si Jingyu with a complicated expression, she said, "You're here."

Si Jingyu nodded, and then said: "You must already know what Mo Zhi did, Li Shu, things have developed to this point, aren't you going to take care of it? You used to be such an upright person. Human, but look at you now..."

PS: I’m moving today and I’m exhausted~~ Let’s write these first, and I’ll update the rest at noon tomorrow~~

 (End of this chapter)

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