After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1619: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (98)

Chapter 1619 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (98)

 The big belly smiled very obscenely, and the breath coming out of his big yellow teeth made people feel very disgusting. Hearing this, he laughed, "What if the lawsuit fails?"

Mo Zhi was stunned, "How could it fail!"

 Big belly laugh: "Everything you do will fail sometimes. Tell me, why should I trust you? Why should I lend you money?"

Mo Zhi choked: "I, I...I really can't give you anything right now, but I can..."

The fat-bellied eyes wandered back and forth on Mo Zhi, and finally he sneered, "Master Mo, you are really good-looking. No wonder your brother can become a big star, but when I look at you like this, I really want to be with your brother. , not much different…”

Mo Zhi was startled and immediately took a step back, "You, what are you going to do?!"

The big belly immediately laughed: "What are you doing? Of course you are doing... what you should do. Master Mo, maybe you don't know, my favorite thing is not women, but a handsome and thin boy like you... Hey, you Don't change your face, I can lend you the money without interest, what do you think?"

Mo Zhi immediately frowned and said, "Disgusting! Get away!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the door, but as soon as he reached the door, he heard Big Belly say: "Master Mo, do you think that if I say that private loan sharking is not allowed, who would dare to lend it to you?"

Mo Zhi paused and turned around in disbelief.

 The big belly continued to smile very obscenely, and sat on the sofa, spreading his legs directly, staring at him, "Come here, I can talk to you about life, and talk about how I can lend you money..."

Mo Zhi stood there, staring at him.

He knew that the only people in the circle who were willing to lend him money were those with big bellies.

Even if Big Belly doesn’t lend it to him, the rest of the people in the circle won’t lend it to him either.

 He left Mo's house in a hurry and took nothing with him. Even where to stay tonight was a problem. He really has no money. If he had money, he would never accept this kind of humiliation.

He clenched his fists tightly and felt like vomiting when he looked at the obscene look on his big belly, but he couldn't vomit...

Not only could he not vomit, he also had to turn around and walk towards his big belly step by step...

 Before, he played with many people in the circle.

 But until this moment, he didn't know how painful it was to be played with.

The kind of pain that penetrated his body made him feel like his waist was about to break!

 At the same time, the psychological humiliation made him burst into tears!

He, Mo Zhi, has never been so ashamed in his life!


  When everything was over, Mo Zhi rushed to the bathroom and vomited into the toilet.

 He felt as if he was about to vomit out the last night's meal. The nauseating feeling was still in his heart, and he couldn't help but hold on to the toilet seat tightly.

 Mo Xicheng!

 Li Shu!

 If I can’t get back everything I lost, then I will fight with you until death!


 After watching a movie with Shi Nianyao hard, Shi Nianyao was dragged back by Shi Jinyan again.

 That night, Mo Xicheng still stayed alone in the empty room.

 On the second day.

 Early in the morning, he went to the company and found that something was not right with the people in the company.

He raised his eyebrows in confusion, and someone immediately jumped out, "Mr. Mo is here!"

 (End of this chapter)

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