Epilogue of Chapter 1637 (16)

Mo Zhi’s eyes lit up instantly.

But the moment Yao Lili saw him, she was completely stunned!

Since it was rest time, the prisoners could move around freely inside. Yao Lili immediately ran over and grabbed Mo Zhi's arm, "Why did you get in? What's going on?"

It is certainly impossible for prisoners to know the news from the outside world, so until this moment, Yao Lili did not know that Mo Hai was dead.

Mo Zhi opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but before he could speak, Yao Lili became angry, "Is it Mo Xicheng's fault? Did he treat you like this just to inherit the Mo family's property? It's simply This is too much! Where is your father? Let me tell you, your father is the only one who can save you from this matter! The only person you can rely on in this world is your father!

 But after saying this, she saw Mo Zhi's eyes turned red. She was startled: "What's wrong?"

Mo Zhi cried and said, "Dad, dad has... passed away."

Before she finished speaking, Yao Lili suddenly exclaimed, "How is this possible! He was still so young, how could he die! Who do you think killed him?! Did Mo Xicheng and Li Shulian kill him, okay? Inherit the Mo family’s property?”

Hearing this, Mo Zhi was silent for a moment, then closed his eyes, "I killed him."

Yao Lili:…

 The whole world seems to be quiet.

Mo Zhi opened his eyes and saw Yao Lili looking at him in shock, "Are you mentally retarded?! Did you kill him? Who did you kill? You! That was your father, who was the best to you in the world. No matter what mistakes you make, he is the only one who can tolerate you infinitely!”

Mo Zhi felt even sadder after hearing this. He waved his hands irritably, "I know everything you said. I didn't mean it! I was going to kill Li Shu, but my father rushed up and blocked the knife!"

After finishing the sentence, Yao Lili was even more shocked, "What did you say? He shielded Li Shu from the knife? Is he dead? Hehe, he usually doesn't even look at me, but he actually shielded Li Shu from the knife..."

Yao Lili thought of this, took a step back, and sat down on the ground. She felt that life was very hopeless.

She had planned everything since she was a child, but now, Mo Hai has died. She has struggled for more than 20 years, and she still has nothing.

Her son is still next to her, in this cell...

  The hope that I had when I was poured in completely collapsed at this moment.

Mo Zhi looked at her, and for some reason, he suddenly felt a little annoyed. He bypassed Yao Lili and walked towards his cell number.

 In prison, several people live together.

He came to the door of his cell. As soon as he opened the door, he heard a familiar voice, "Hey, isn't this Mo Zhi?"

Mo Zhi was startled, and when he suddenly raised his head, he saw Big Belly sitting in the room!

Of the other people in the cell, one was rubbing the shoulders of Big Belly, and the other was trimming his nails. Looking at it this way, Big Belly was obviously the boss of the others!

Mo Zhi’s eyes widened in astonishment, he turned around and wanted to run away!

But his shoulder was suddenly grabbed, and immediately, he was dragged into the cell!

 Then, a series of pitiful and sharp screams came from the cell!

  PS: Ninth update~This is yesterday’s update. It counts as three additional chapters. Today’s update, I woke up and wrote it~~

  Concerning Mo Hai’s ending, I think this is the most perfect. Mo Hai loved Li Shu deeply and didn't want to lose her, so they didn't divorce before his death.

As for Li Shu...if Mo Hai didn't die and woke up, and Li Shu forgave him because of this incident, what then? When the two of them lived together, how could Li Shu not remember that Mo Hai had betrayed her? The past betrayal is an established fact, and those injuries will never be erased... It is impossible for a woman with Li Shu's character to accept such an unfaithful marriage, so if Mo Hai is still alive, it will be their tragedy.

I think you don’t need to be sad, because sometimes, incomplete love is also beautiful.



 (End of this chapter)

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