Epilogue of Chapter 1641 (20)

"In extraordinary times, extraordinary measures must be taken. I know that you are all people who love and protect your children. If I don't use the method just now, you will not agree. It will take at least a few days to save face for the children, but now we have no It’s time. I’m really sorry for deceiving you. However, what I, Li Shu, said here today are absolutely true and not false!”

After Li Shu said this, he looked at them intently.

 Having regained her usual heroic style and tenacity.

Looking at her look, Si Jingyu closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Everyone in the room looked at Shi Jinyan, waiting for the head of the family to make the final choice.

Shi Jinyan looked at Li Shu, tensed his chin, and then slowly spoke after a while: "There is no need to stay at the Royal Hotel for hotel matters. I will find a better place for you."

 One sentence made Li Shu so excited that he couldn't help himself.

 She nodded to Shi Jinyan reservedly and respectfully, and then looked at Si Jingyu, "Jingyu, I won't say any more. I'll go back to work first, and we'll talk again after the children's wedding is over."

Si Jingyu nodded, and Li Shu turned around and left. Before leaving, he grabbed Shi Nianyao's hand and told him, "Remember to take wedding photos in the afternoon."

Shi Nianyao nodded obediently, "Okay, Auntie."

Li Shu glanced at her several times, then left with a smile.

When Li Shu left, everyone in the room had not yet come to their senses.

 Everyone was silent for a full ten seconds before Si Jingyu broke the silence, "So, we just agreed? Marry our daughter within seven days? Isn't it a bit too hasty?!"

Shi Jinyan frowned: "If you say it, you must do it. Don't think about it. Marrying your daughter within seven days is very busy! You all put down what you are doing and focus on Nian Yao's wedding. Don't let the wedding be a little dull. It’s inappropriate!”


Everyone answered one after another.


When Li Shu returned home in a hurry, Mo Xicheng had already stood anxiously at the door for a long time.

Watching Li Shu's car approaching from a distance, he immediately went to greet him. When he saw Li Shu getting out of the car, he hurriedly said: "Mom..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Shu smiled and said, "It's done, hurry up and prepare for the wedding. We are really busy these days!"

Mo Xicheng immediately became excited, and his eyes were shining with joy!

Looking at Mo Xicheng like this, Li Shu felt a sense of joy in his heart.

 This was the first thing she did for his son.

 In the future, there will be a second and third one...

She will spend the rest of her life making up for the debt she and Mo Hai have owed to Mo Xicheng over the years.

 Perhaps, this is the only reason why she can continue to live.


 The following days were extremely busy.

The news of Mo Xicheng's upcoming marriage was also announced and posted on various platforms.

 For a time, everyone was wailing.

It doesn’t matter if Movie Emperor Shen is married, but now, even Mo Xicheng is married!

You know, in the social circle, it is impossible for people of their age to get married!

However, some people don’t understand it, and some people are very supportive.

 For a time, Mo Xicheng’s marriage was met with mixed praise and criticism on the Internet.

Everyone was busy, only Shi Nianyao was quietly waiting to be her bride. On this day, her WeChat vibrated. After opening it, she saw a message from Pu Yun, "For What do you think about the marriage of the male god?”

 (End of this chapter)

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