Chapter 1649 Ending (28)

 The wedding car arrived at the wedding venue quickly.

Shi Nianyao got off the wedding car and went to the lounge to rest before the wedding ceremony.

She was shocked as soon as she opened the door of the lounge!


 Qiao Lian was standing in the lounge, looking at her with a smile.

 Her belly must be nine months old. It is so big that it makes people feel very scary. It feels like she is about to give birth in the next second.

Shi Nianyao rushed over excitedly and took Qiao Lian's hand, "Why are you still here?"

She saw Shen Liangchuan in the queue to welcome the bride. When she didn't see Qiao Lian, she knew that Qiao Lian might not be able to come because her belly was too big and she seemed to be giving birth in the past few days.

 So it was an unexpected surprise to see her here!

Qiao Lian looked at her with a smile: "If you get married, of course I will come over."

 “But your belly…”

"It's okay, I'll just stay away from the crowd for a while." Qiao Lian looked her up and down, "You are so beautiful today!"

Shi Nianyao stuck out his tongue at her, and then said, "You are beautiful too!"

 Qiao Lian couldn't help laughing, "You're telling lies with your eyes open. I'm thirty pounds fatter than before. How can I be so beautiful?"

“You were too thin before, but now you look just right! Don’t lose weight after giving birth! Look at you now, how nice are you to have breasts?”

As he spoke, he reached out his hand and touched Qiao Lian's chest.

Qiao Lian's eyes widened immediately, "Okay, you've become bolder, and you dare to take advantage of me! I want to touch you back!"

 After saying that, he stretched out his hand to touch Shi Nian Yao.

Shi Nianyao wanted to hide, but Qiao Lian immediately said, "Don't move, otherwise it will be bad if I get fetal gas!"

With just one sentence, Shi Nianyao was so frightened that he stood there, daring not to move.

Qiao Lian laughed out loud when she saw her look, "Okay, okay, my bride, sit down on the sofa quickly!"

Shi Nianyao followed Qiao Lian's instructions and sat on the sofa next to him.

The two of them whispered a few words, and Shi Nianyao picked up his mobile phone and saw that the WeChat group was already exploding!

 Because, just when she entered the door, a fan secretly took a photo of her back and sent it to the group.

 The friends in the group were all shocked.

 “This back view looks so beautiful!”

 “She is a talented woman and looks like a male idol!”

“Ah ah ah, we are outside the lounge door now and want to give her a gift, but will she think we are rude?”

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately echoed: "Go in, go in! Be brave, girl! You must believe in the fiancée of the male god, no, the wife of the male **** will not be a difficult person to get along with!"

 “Yes, go in!”

 “Go in, go in!

“It’s still some time before the wedding, hurry up and get in!”

Shi Nianyao looked at their appearance and laughed.

At this moment, she received a message from Pu Yun, "We are at the door of the male god's fiancée, do you want to come in?"

Before she could reply to this message, the other party sent another message: "Ahhhhhh, I'm so nervous!"

Shi Nianyao looked at the room and subconsciously asked: "Are there ten of you?"

Pu Yun replied: "No, nine. That one did not join us. There are too many people coming today, and we don't know which one is one..."

  PS: The update is complete~~Guess, what is this one? See you all tomorrow~~ It’s the end of the month, please vote! If you don’t vote for me, it will be cleared~Click to read the next page and vote monthly~~

 (End of this chapter)

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