Chapter 1662 A new beginning (8)

Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes!

This Wuhen's skills were extremely fast and dazzling. Just now, before Wuhen jumped down, she had the leisure to turn around and tease him... And her whole body was shrouded in the moonlight, allowing Lu Nanze to see the smile on Wuhen's lips. A wicked and arrogant smile.

 She seemed to be laughing at him!

With this thought, Lu Nanze hurriedly took a step forward and looked down!

This is the third floor. Even if you jump from here, no matter how skilled you are, you will not be injured. So how did Wuhen get down?

 Are you already injured now?

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze immediately picked up his cell phone and called the doorman: "There is a thief in the house, and I have guarded all the exits! You must find Wuhen for me!"


The place where he lived was the most central location in the entire manor. Even if Wuhen had wings, he would not be able to run to the gatekeeper and escape in such a short period of time.

 So, this Wuhen will definitely not be able to escape from his grasp tonight!

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze showed a rare hint of interest. For many years, no one had been able to interest him so much.

And...why did Wuhen steal that bracelet from him?

You know, because that bracelet was given to Qiao Lian when he was a child, it is worthless at all. It has no meaning except for a little memory of himself...

So who is bored and hires Wuhen to steal?

Thinking about this, he suddenly thought of Shen Liangchuan.

 It must be him!

 Because he was at the wedding and paid too much attention to Qiao Lian, did Shen Liangchuan become jealous?

When I was in the hospital, I acted so generously, but I didn’t expect that in private, I would be so petty!

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze felt depressed for a while. He went downstairs directly, preparing to catch Wuhen himself, **** the bracelet back, and give Shen Liangchuan a blow!

 Thinking of someone coming to his house to steal things is simply a dream!

Lu Nanze thought of this, his eyes darkened, and when he went downstairs, he saw that the housekeeper had received the news and had already brought people over.

Lu Nanze asked while unbuttoning his shirt, "How is it?"

 The steward said: "No one has been found yet."

Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes, "Keep looking! She will always leave, and she can't get out anywhere else. Find all the surveillance cameras in various places!"


“Also, send a few people to search the places in the house where it is easier to hide.”


After giving the order, Lu Nanze sat on the sofa in the living room, crossing his legs like a king who rules the world, waiting for the butler's reply.

 Ten minutes later, the housekeeper came back.

Lu Nanze asked: "Where is the person?"

 The housekeeper looked a little strange.

Lu Nanze glanced at him, "What?"

The housekeeper replied: "Sir, we checked all the surveillance cameras and did not see... this person appear."

Lu Nanze frowned, "What?"

The housekeeper swallowed his saliva and said, "There really isn't anything. Could you... have you seen it wrong? We didn't hear any sounds or notice anything strange."

Lu Nanze was not angry at the butler for saying that.

It’s no wonder that the butler couldn’t find any evidence. Wuhen was really awesome. It was just like the legend says, coming and going without a trace.

 However, he is very confident about the security facilities at home. How could this be?

 (End of this chapter)

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