After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1690: Where did you touch me? ! (7)

Chapter 1690 Where did you touch me? ! (7)

 Ah, no! What on earth are you thinking about? !

Qiao Yi suddenly came to his senses and immediately became angry. He glared directly at Lu Nanze, "Get out!"

Lu Nanze turned around and left without saying a word, without any feeling of nostalgia.

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

 She is a woman after all. Why does Lu Nanze not look at her as a woman at all?

But now that Lu Nanze is out, she can escape.

So, Qiao looked outside one by one. This was the second floor, and there was no one watching outside. It was very easy to escape.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yiyi stood up immediately, and when he was about to escape, he found out! !

His night clothes have been torn and there is no way to put them on!

 And there was only one bathrobe in the whole room!

If she ran out in a bathrobe... This is a villa in the middle of nowhere, where would she buy clothes to wear? !

Thinking of this, Qiao Yi suddenly understood why he just asked Lu Nanze to go out, and he went out without worrying about her running away. It turned out to be like this...

This Lu Nanze has absolutely no omissions!

 Qiao Yiyi sat in the bathroom convinced and thought for a while.

While thinking about it, he heard Lu Nanze say: "If the wound is not treated, I'm afraid it will become infected."

With one word, Qiao turned his head and looked over his shoulder.

 At this moment, there is already some numbness there.

It turns out that just now, Lu Nanze was cleaning her wound again, but he should have used running water to clean it. If he threw it into the bathtub, it would be more susceptible to infection, right?

Qiao Yiyi vomited in her heart, turned on the shower head, and focused on cleaning the wound.

Waiting until the washing was almost done, I walked out.

 Pick up the bathrobe, put it on yourself, and then look out the door again.

From what happened today, Lu Nanze must have known that she was in the trunk, but still took her out, which meant that Lu Nanze probably would not have sent her to the police station.

 Just...why would Lu Nanze help her?

 Does he already know his identity?


If she knew her identity, there would be no need for her to wear a mask, and the look in her eyes just now wouldn't be so calm, it should be one of shock.

So Lu Nanze must have other reasons for saving her!

After thinking about this, Qiao Yiyi calmed down.

She took a deep breath, then looked in the mirror to calm herself down.

No matter what Lu Nanze says to her, she should stay calm before she can negotiate!

Thinking of this, Qiao Yi opened the bathroom door and walked out.

As soon as he went out, he saw Lu Nanze sitting on the sofa, staring at her. When he saw her going out, he pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit."

Qiao walked over one by one.

Lu Nanze took out a medical kit and said, "Bai'an Safe City is under martial law. Now I'm sending you to the hospital. It's clear that the sheep is in the tiger's mouth, so now only I can help you take out the bullet, but I have never taken out bullets for anyone. I don’t know much about this area, so now, do you dare to let me try?”

After finishing the sentence, Qiao Yi frowned, "She really thinks highly of me!"

Lu Nanze was stunned. He didn't expect that she would still be so proud and not at all embarrassed.

 He stared at Wuhen, feeling admiration for the first time.

 He looked at her and said slowly, "Come here."

 Qiao Yiyi sat down on the sofa. The next moment, the bathrobe on his shoulders was pulled by the man, so... his whole body was suddenly exposed in front of him.

 PS: See you tomorrow…

 (End of this chapter)

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