After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1749: He is actually quite handsome (26)

 Chapter 1749 He is actually quite handsome (26)

Qiao Yi's pupils shrank and he cursed himself secretly!

 Why are you so stupid!

 The wound on her shoulder was so severe that she was unable to support the weight of her entire body with one arm.

At this moment, she could only put herself in a safe period by loosening the bracelet and holding the rope with her other hand.


That bracelet is the only way to contact my mother.

 Just such a tangled time, her body has been sliding down quickly!

 “No trace!”

Qiao Yiyi frowned. Just when she was about to give up the bracelet, she suddenly heard this voice. Immediately, she looked up and saw Lu Nanze jumping down without hesitation!

One hand directly tightened her waist, and the other hand grabbed the rope just when her hand was about to let go!

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…!

Qiao Yi cursed inwardly, "Oh!"

Before he could speak, sure enough, the rope couldn't bear the weight of the two people and collapsed!



From the edge of the cliff, the screams of Lu Nanze's bodyguards came.

But Lu Nanze followed Wuhen and fell directly from the cliff!

  Qiao Yiyi was speechless!

That rope can’t bear the weight of two people at all, okay?

This man suddenly jumped down, why!

  It was really a disaster for her!

 She cursed in her mind while looking at the situation below.

 The cliff was simply not too deep, and there were trees blocking it below. They were blocked by a few trees all the way down, so they didn't fall that fast.

 But even so, both of them felt as if their internal organs were about to be vomited out!

Qiao Yiyi was knocked unconscious, but at this moment, he still saw with sharp eyes a sharp branch protruding from below. If two people collided, they might be penetrated by the branch if they were not careful. !

 Qiao Yi's pupils narrowed, thinking about how to use his strength to avoid it.

 But now both of them are in mid-air, where can they use their strength? !

As soon as I thought about it, I felt my body being pushed suddenly!

 Her eyes widened in shock and she looked at Lu Nanze in disbelief!

 I saw him push him away, and soon he hit the branch!

There was a sound of "Screech!" because he pushed himself away, so he was no longer at the top of the branch, but moved sideways!

That branch was deeply inserted into his thigh!

Almost instantly, blood started to flow from his thigh.



 Qiao Yiyi and Lu Nanze both fell to the ground hard!

 Qiao Yiyi rolled on the spot, rolled a few times, relieved his momentum, and then immediately jumped up and ran straight to Lu Nanze not far away!

After she rushed over, she found Lu Nanze lying flat on the ground, holding his thigh tightly with both hands.

Qiao Yiyi immediately asked: "How is it?"

Lu Nanze said: "The artery was scratched."

Qiao Yiyi’s heart skipped a beat!

 If the artery is scratched, excessive blood loss may result in death in half an hour!

She hurriedly lowered her head and saw blood gushing out of his thigh.

Without saying a word, Qiao Yiyi looked around and found nothing. He tore his clothes apart and tied his legs tightly to prevent more bleeding.

 But even so, if he cannot get treatment as soon as possible, his leg will be useless.

She clenched her fists, and when she was nervous, her hand was suddenly covered by a warm hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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