After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1758: I can’t express my suffering (5)

 Chapter 1758 I can’t express my suffering (5)

Qiao Yiyi's words made Liang Liang choke, but he really couldn't say anything.

In the ward, Lu Qingtian stared outside, frowning as she watched Liang Liang and Qiao Yi talking in low voices. She asked the housekeeper, "Are they familiar with each other?"

The housekeeper said pointedly: "Mr. Liang Liang seems to have a special feeling for his wife. He drank too much that day, so he dragged his wife and insisted on chatting with him."

Lu Qingtian had a dark look on his face, "Nanze doesn't care about it either?!"

 The housekeeper smiled bitterly, "Mr. Lu also acquiesced."

"It's just nonsense!" Lu Qingtian actually has a very upright view. "No matter what, if she marries Nanze, she will be from Nanze for the rest of her life, and she will be the wife of the Lu family. If word spreads like this, it will be like What are you talking about! I know Nanze doesn’t like her, but the woman Nanze likes is already married to someone else, how can he still be obsessed with her? "

The housekeeper sighed, "Yes, but I don't dare to say this to my husband. He seems to be very dissatisfied with my wife."

Lu Qingtian frowned, "In a family like ours, if you get divorced, it will have a bad reputation. And I think this Qiao Yiyi is nothing but a little stupid. If you train him, there may be no problem."

 The housekeeper was startled, "Don't you hate her very much?"

Lu Qingtian was stunned, "When did I hate her?"

 The housekeeper said nothing.

Lu Qingtian understood instantly, and she immediately said: "I'm just talking about the matter! Tell me, whose family members escaped and didn't call home? If she had called, then Nanze wouldn't have Something happened? But look at her dull look!"

 At this point, he became angry again.

But after getting angry, he stared at the door again, "Let me take a closer look at this Qiao Yiyi. In fact, she is not bad looking. Now that Nanze is injured, you asked her to take care of Nanze... Isn't this sentiment true?" Are you there? Besides, who lives in a relationship? Even if there is no relationship, the couple will get along with each other for a long time, and they will have family affection! "

 At this point, she coughed and walked to the door.


 Qiao Yiyi was thinking about how to get away from Liang Liang and escape from here, when the door of the ward suddenly opened.

She turned around suddenly and saw Lu Qingtian walking out and running straight towards her.

 Qiao Yiyi stood up immediately and stared at her warily.

She was slapped just now because she was undefended. Now, she will not continue to be slaughtered!

If Lu Qingtian wants to hit her, then she must hide away!

Thinking like this, he suddenly heard Lu Qingtian say in a strange voice: "Nan Ze is so ill, and you are still here flirting with other men. I said Qiao Yiyi, what on earth are you doing?" Do you have a heart?"

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

Didn’t she not let her in?

 And flirting?

 Which eye did she see her flirting with? !

 Qiao Yiyi was speechless, but she couldn't refute a word. She lowered her head and just stood there.

Lu Qingtian made a few sarcastic remarks to her, but the man didn't say a word, which made her feel quite boring.

When Liang Liang heard this, he finally realized that something was wrong with him, so he took a step back and explained: "Aunt Lu, things are not what you see. She and I..."

 (End of this chapter)

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