After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1770: Think she is a sick cat? (7)

Chapter 1770: Think she is a sick cat? (7)

But Lu Nanze saw that she clearly put the lion's head into her bowl and ate it with relish!

While eating, he raised his head and looked into the bathroom. His usually dull eyes were shining with a cunning light at this moment.

Then, the corners of her lips raised a smile that was familiar but could never be imagined, where she had seen it before.

That look looks very much like a little fox!

Lu Nanze’s pupils shrank and he was shocked.

He stared at Qiao Yiyi and suddenly realized that he really didn't understand this wife at all.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at her. He originally planned to get up, but stopped and looked over there curiously. At the same time, he narrowed his eyes so that no one could notice that he was awake.

 Qiao Yiyi never expected that Lu Nanze would pretend to be asleep!

 Because at least an hour has passed since just now.

How bored must this man be to pretend to sleep for an hour?

At this moment, she was eating the delicacies on the table, looking up towards the bathroom while eating.

After a while, Li Tingting walked out of the bathroom. Qiao Yiyi saw her and immediately waved, "You're out~"

Li Tingting:…

Li Tingting came over and sat down. When he saw that Qiao Yi had almost eaten all the food on the table, he frowned and asked, "How can you still eat it?"

 Qiao Yi raised his head in confusion, with that cowardly but innocent look in his eyes again, "Why can't you eat it?"

Li Tingting:…

Li Tingting said: "The report just now..."

“Ah, are you talking about the report that there may be human flesh inside the lion’s head? I just took a bite of the lion’s head and it felt so tender and delicious...”

Before she finished speaking, Li Tingting felt a wave of nausea coming over her again. She immediately stood up and rushed into the bathroom again.

Qiao looked at her one by one and sneered.

 The meal is over.

While Qiao Yiyi was eating, Lu Nanze was stunned by his high-spirited and nonchalant expression!

 This man... really looks like a little fox!

He couldn't help but think of how today in the ward, when he was wiping his body, his hands couldn't reach behind him, but Qiao Yiyi stood there, pretending not to see anything...

At that time, he also doubted whether the flash of playfulness in Qiao Yiyi's eyes was true. Thinking about it now... he felt that he was almost blind!


  This person Qiao Yiyi... is really thoughtful. She just wanted to find a well-behaved and obedient wife, but she acted so fake... Why did she marry this person?

 What is her purpose?

Lu Nanze suddenly felt wary, and his eyes staring at Qiao Yiyi also brought a kind of scrutiny and attention that he had never seen before.

 It seems that he needs to ask the housekeeper to investigate the origin of Qiao Yiyi!

 What happened to her?

While Lu Nanze was thinking, Li Tingting finally gave up eating. After the two of them put away the food, Li Tingting sat on the sofa feeling exhausted.

She pointed at Qiao Yi and said, "You, please give me a glass of water."

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

At this moment, Lu Nanze suddenly became interested in Qiao Yiyi.

 He stared at Qiao Yiyi, wanting to know what she would do.

 Qiao Yiyi curled his lips long ago. Damn it, do you really think of yourself as a servant? !

 (End of this chapter)

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