After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1804: Think she is a sick cat? (41)

Chapter 1804: Think she is a sick cat? (41)

Jiang is still old and spicy. It's because she didn't believe her mother and she misunderstood her mother's meaning... And now, I'm afraid she doesn't have a chance to say sorry to her mother, right?

 She closed her eyes in pain.

 But at this moment, she finally heard the familiar voice, "One by one!"

Her eyes widened suddenly, and she saw her mother rushing over quickly. She almost ran over, fell directly to the ground, and grabbed the other end of the rope forcefully!

She stood on the top floor, pulling the rope hard, with an eager expression on her face. She stared at Qiao Yiyi, "Hurry up!"

  When Qiao Yiyi saw her mother, she was shocked.

 But it would take a long time for her to climb up.

At this moment, Bai An'an's voice came over, "Quick, catch her accomplices!"

 The surrounding police officers rushed towards my mother!

Qiao Yi tried his best to climb up and said, "Mom, let go!"

Let go now and she will die, but according to her mother's hand, there is no problem in escaping!

However, her mother shook her head and stared at her calmly, "Believe me, come up and hurry up."

Qiao bit her lips one by one and tried to climb up.

 She was also pulling **** the rope.

Qiao Yiyi still remembers that when her whole body was suspended in the air, she felt no sense of security, but when she saw her mother, she knew that nothing would happen to her.

 She bit her lip.

While my mother stood on top, watching the police officers slowly approaching, she raised her lips, then picked up the lighter, opened it suddenly, and it was still on the ground.

Immediately, a sea of ​​​​fire suddenly rose from the ground!

It was only then that Qiao Yiyi understood that her mother must not trust her, so she made arrangements here in advance!

 It should be that gasoline was put on the ground.

 The surrounding police officers immediately backed away and shouted, "There's a fire! Quick, get out of the way!"

 For a while, the gasoline fire could not be extinguished, and the police could not get close at all.

  Qiao climbed up quickly one by one.

At this moment, Bai Anan spoke again: "They want to escape! Shoot!"

As he said these words, Qiao Yi saw the opponent's gun coming towards him.

 At this time, mother can escape.

 But as long as she moves, Qiao Yiyi's rope will fall off!

 So, she stood there forcefully and took two shots!

 Qiao Yi's pupils narrowed and he shouted loudly: "Mom!"

 Soon, she rushed to the top floor and hugged her mother.

It was only then that she realized that the guns had hit her mother's chest, and large swaths of blood poured out, leaving her at a loss.

While she was panicking, she heard her mother say: "Run away!"

 Qiao Yiyi was woken up by the shouting, and immediately lowered his head, carried his mother behind him, and then ran away quickly!

Before she ran away, she heard an angry roar from Liang Liang behind her: "Wuhen!"

 She turned around in the sea of ​​​​fire and saw Liang Liang's furious figure, as well as his nervous, a little guilty, and daring eyes.

 She raised her lips, moved them gently, and said only two words: "Goodbye."

  Never see you again.

 Then, she took her mother and left the fire.


Qiao Yiyi felt frightened and extremely sad when he thought of that scene.

PS: The update is finished, it’s daybreak... Good night everyone, I’m going to bed~~See you tomorrow.

 (End of this chapter)

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