After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1827: Honey, that’s not love (14)

Chapter 1827 Dear, that’s not love (14)

After saying this, Qiao Yiyi immediately paused.

She turned around and looked at Bai Anan's righteous expression, and suddenly felt that it was ridiculous.

This Bai An'an is like a clown at this moment, with a disgusting feeling.

A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of her lips, and she saw Liang Liang sitting up. "Did you tell me that I am critically ill?"

Bai An'an's eyes flickered for a few times with a guilty conscience, and then she said, "Isn't it that I thought that if she comes to see you, I can arrest her?"

"Then you can just casually spread the news that I am critically ill? Do you know how my parents will feel when they see this report?"

After finishing the sentence, Bai Anan was immediately stunned: "Well, I, I will call my uncle and aunt now to explain."

 At this point, she picked up her mobile phone and dialed a number.

The bell of "Ring, ring, ring!" rang outside the ward. As soon as Qiao Yi looked up, he saw a middle-aged couple walking anxiously this way.

And the cell phone ringtone comes from the man’s cell phone.

But he was obviously not in the mood to answer the phone. Instead, he followed the middle-aged woman and took two steps forward, came to the door of the ward, and opened the door directly!

“Liang Liang, Liang Liang, my son, how are you?!”

 The middle-aged woman cried loudly.

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

 Suddenly, Qiao Yiyi didn't want to leave. He stood there and looked at everything in the ward.

Liang Liang's fever seemed to have subsided and he was now energetic. Hearing this, he immediately sat up and looked at the door in shock, "Mom?"

The middle-aged woman ran over, hugged Liang Liang, and cried loudly, "How did you get injured? After I saw the news report, your father and I rushed back immediately! I was worried all the way, what are you doing now?" How are you doing?”

Liang Liang frowned, raised his head, glared at Bai Anan, and then said: "Mom, I'm fine now, don't worry."

After saying these words, the middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second, she closed her eyes and fell to the ground!

Fortunately, Liang Liang helped her in time, but Liang Liang was also anxious, "Mom, mom, wake up, mom!"


 The doctor came over and pushed Mother Liang into the emergency room.

Liang’s father, Liang Liang, Bai Anan, and Qiao Yiyi were waiting outside the operating room.

Liang Liang turned to look at Liang's father, "Dad, what's going on with my mother?"

Dad Liang immediately sighed, "After we got the news, your mother was so frightened that she fainted. I took her to the hospital immediately and said it was a convulsion and some heart problems. Then the doctor asked her to be hospitalized. Observation, but your mother was worried about you, so we bought air tickets overnight and flew back quickly..."

 Liang’s father and Liang’s mother were abroad before, not in China.

Hearing what Liang's father said, Liang Liang's eyes darkened, he turned around and glanced at Bai An'an.

Bai An'an's face turned pale. She took a step forward, looked at Liang's father, and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry, Liang Liang's body is fine. All this is just a cover we made..."

Daddy Liang’s eyes immediately widened and he said in disbelief: “A pretense? Then everything about life and death is fake?! Is it all a show you made?”

 (End of this chapter)

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