After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1887: She is crazy about love (35)

 Chapter 1887 She is crazy about love (35)

 Qiao walked out of the operating room one by one.

After a while, I saw the nurse pushing Qiu Yiyi out, who had been covered with a white cloth, and then walked to the morgue.

 Qiao Yiyi stood there and couldn't help but ask the nurse, "What happened to the child?"

 “Oh, normally, we would send this child to an orphanage.”

Jo nodded one by one.

 Before Qiu Yiyi died, she did not say anything about the child. She must have been a cruel mother.

And Qiao Yiyi herself is definitely not the character of a virgin. No matter what happened to Lu Nanze and Qiu Yiyi before, she can't take the initiative to take the child back now.

 After all, whether he wants this child or not is Lu Nanze’s own business.

Besides, in the final analysis, if you take this child back, you will be the one who is embarrassed in the end.

To her, Qiao Yiyi was just a stranger.

 Qiao Yiyi didn’t think much about her things.

  I just feel a little uncomfortable.

 After walking out of the hospital, Qiao Yiyi raised his head and looked at the sky.

 Gloomy, just like her mood at this moment.

She couldn't help but think about what love was and how it could make people so crazy.

 But then, I felt that I was thinking too much.

She shook her head. At such a young age, why do you think so much?

Just when she was hesitating and not knowing where to go, her phone rang again.

She picked up the phone and answered it, and heard Lu Nanze's voice, "Where are you?"

Qiao was stunned one by one.

 After a while, she said: "Nowhere, what's wrong?"

Lu Nanze was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's okay."

 Then he hung up the phone directly.

Qiao lowered his head one by one, looked at this inexplicable phone call, and couldn't help but shake his head.


When Qiao returned to the hospital one by one, Lu Nanze's ward was busy.

Lu Nanze seems to be in much better health today, so he is explaining some things in the company.

When Qiao walked into the ward one by one, there were several assistants and managers from the company standing in front of him, and he was explaining some things to them.

Seeing Qiao Yiyi, several people paused, and then Lu Nanze continued to explain without stopping.

 Qiao Yiyi didn’t speak at all, and just sat down on the sofa next to him.

 She couldn't help but look at Lu Nanze.

It's not that he doubted Lu Nanze, it was just that Qiu Yiyi had just died. How could this man not react at all?

 She didn't know what to say. Lu Nanze had no feelings for her, so Qiao Yiyi should be happy.

 But at the same time, there was also a trace of panic in my heart.

 He can be so cruel to Qiu Yiyi, whom he grew up with, but what about himself?

How sincere is he towards Wuhen?

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that I was thinking too much.

  It's simply too pretentious.

Qiao Yiyi couldn't help but lower his head and smiled bitterly.

 After Lu Nanze finished explaining some things, the assistants all walked out.

As soon as the assistants left, the housekeeper walked in. Just as he was about to explain something, he turned his head and happened to see Qiao Yiyi, so he immediately paused.

Lu Nanze said directly: "Say it."

The housekeeper then said: "I just received a call that Qiao Yiyi died in childbirth. She gave birth to a daughter before she died. Now the hospital wants to send the child to an orphanage. Sir, what should we do...? Is it better to send the child to an orphanage?" Take it back, or..."

 (End of this chapter)

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