After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1890: She is crazy about love (38)

 Chapter 1890 She is crazy about love (38)

 As she sat there, some memories that had slowly faded appeared clearly in her mind.

She thought of the time when Qiao Lian got married and he went to the wedding venue... She thought of the man who had always been calm and self-possessed when he came back that night, but he drank too much and shed tears.

She thought back to the time when Qiao Lian had a big belly and her foot slipped, and he rushed into the bathroom excitedly and pushed her away, causing her already injured waist to become even more injured.

His concern and thoughtfulness at that time were simply an instinctive reaction from his body.

 She suddenly thought of...

 Actually, Lu Nanze had long wanted her to go to the Xu family to steal ginseng.


 Qiao Lian was pregnant and had a baby. She suffered heavy bleeding during the birth and was weak. She really needed this kind of ginseng supplement...

So, before she met Lu Nanze, he must have already thought about it.

 Later, Lu Nanze rescued her just to let her steal ginseng.

 Why did she suddenly put the cart before the horse?

 So, there is nothing to be sad about.

 This is a favor she owes him as Wuhen.

Even though she comforted herself in this way, she still felt a dull pain, starting from the bottom of her heart and gradually spreading to her limbs, making her feel as if she was suddenly surrounded by a cold air...

There were obviously many people in the garden, including the elderly, children, patients, and nurses, but she felt inexplicably lonely.

 She felt this feeling of loneliness for the first time since leaving her mother.

 At this moment, she suddenly missed her mother.

Want it so so much.

She sat there quietly, with a blank look in her eyes like a newly born child, a little at a loss as to where to go.

 Then, she didn't know what she thought of, and stood up suddenly.

She is alone, what is she thinking about here?

 Wouldn’t it be better if you tell me something clearly in person?

 So, she took direct steps and went straight to the ward.

 However, when she reached the door, she suddenly stopped.

She was going to question Lu Nanze, so in what capacity?

As soon as this thought came to her mind, she took a step back.

“Madam? Why are you here? Is there something wrong? You can go in...”

When Qiao Yi heard this, he didn't say anything. He just turned around and ran out in large strides.

 Her sports car was parked not far away.

 She got into her sports car and changed into seamless clothes.

No matter it was broad daylight, he just wore a mask and went straight to Lu Nanze's ward.

Wearing a black night gown, she walked in the hospital with an inexplicable sense of solemnity. Although the people around her thought she was strange, none of them dared to say anything and just stared at her.

Qiao Yi took a big step and came to the door of Lu Nanze's ward.

 She paused at the door for a while.

She herself didn’t know why she came to see Lu Nanze, why she came to question Lu Nanze, and why she had to use Wuhen’s identity.

 But now she is following her own advice and does not want Lu Nanze to know that Qiao Yiyi is Wuhen.


If they were to break up, then she wouldn't want to let Lu Nanze know that the cowardly Qiao Yiyi who used to live in their house was her Wuhen.

 If she wants to leave, she should leave cleanly without leaving any trace.

 Then, she paused at the door of the ward, took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked in.

 (End of this chapter)

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