After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1916: See you in five years (4)

Chapter 1916: Meeting in five years (4)

 But the car was driving a bit too fast, and he only saw the empty seat on the passenger seat in front of the taxi and nothing else.

Lu Nanze withdrew his gaze and walked forward.

 A hotel attendant came to park the car for him. Lu Nanze got out of the car and strode directly into the lobby.


On the other side, Qiao found the change one by one and gave it to the driver. After getting off the car, he looked at the luxurious restaurant in front of him and felt a little better.

This...the boss of the company invited her to have a meal like this. Is there any secret that cannot be seen?

Qiao Yiyi smiled and shook his head, and then walked inside.

When she just arrived at the elevator, Lu Nanze happened to enter the elevator.

The elevator door slowly closed. The moment it closed, Qiao walked to the elevator one by one.

 Qiao Yiyi didn’t see anything, he just cursed in his heart, why are you so unlucky!

If you had come a second earlier, you would have caught the elevator, right?

She pressed the up button impatiently, and another elevator came down.

Qiao got on the elevator one by one.

The elevator reached the eighth floor, the elevator door opened, and Qiao walked out one by one.

At the same time, Lu Nanze happened to enter the door of room 815, and the door was slammed shut.

 Two people missed each other again.

Qiao lowered his head one by one, holding his mobile phone, and started searching upstairs.

  She walked forward and arrived in front of door 815. She stood there and turned her head to look.

The number plate for 815 was a bit small and hidden in an inconspicuous place, so Qiao Yiyi couldn't find it for a while.

She stood in front of the 815 door, stretched out her hand, and counted the numbers, "811, 812... This should be 816?"

 She walked to the door of 815 and was about to reach out her hand and push open the door. When the door of 815 was suddenly opened.

  In room 815.

When Lu Nanze came in and saw Mr. Zhang and his daughter, he immediately understood what was going on and what it meant.

 He frowned.

 I don’t like this kind of arranged blind date the most.

 But now, there is no way.

 He took a deep breath, and then tried hard to make his expression not look so fierce.

 Zhang's company has cooperation with their company. If it is not necessary, it is better not to break up with each other.

Lu Nanze lowered his eyes, then sat down opposite Mr. Zhang, and then raised his head.

Mr. Zhang immediately smiled and said: "Oh, Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry today. I suddenly have something urgent to do here. I have to go home first. Look at the cooperation case and leave it to my daughter to handle it first. Today you guys Let’s talk first.”

 After saying that, Lu Nanze stood up directly and walked out of the room without giving Lu Nanze a chance to refuse.

Lu Nanze frowned when he saw his appearance.

 He turned back and looked at Miss Zhang.

Miss Zhang spoke steadily, without saying anything else, and went directly to the project: "Mr. Lu, I know that this kind of arrangement by the elders is very helpless, but don't be anxious, I have a boyfriend, so today, we will Just use the instructions to discuss cooperation.”

When Lu Nanze heard this, he nodded.

 At the door.

 Qiao Yiyi was about to knock on the door when the door was opened and Mr. Zhang came out.

When Qiao Yiyi saw Mr. Zhang, he was slightly startled and took a step back: "Isn't this 816?"

 Mr. Zhang immediately said: "No, no, this is 815. You must not disturb the people inside. Let me tell you, there is a blind date happening inside!"

PS: The update is finished...what I said yesterday was a bit harsh, so I would like to apologize in advance. The main reason is that I came back from a busy day and turned on my computer to code. I saw a lot of scolding comments, which made me a little upset~~ And regarding updates, they must be unstable these days, but don't worry, I won't stop updating! Keep updating is my promise to you. See you tomorrow.

 (End of this chapter)

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