After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 251: Why are you giving me birth control pills? (2)

Chapter 251 Why are you giving me birth control pills? (2)

Qiao Lian didn't know the reaction of everyone in the conference room at this moment, so she dragged Shen Liangchuan to her office, turned around hurriedly, and locked the door with a snap.

 She breathed a sigh of relief, looking as if she was still frightened.

Shen Liangchuan’s eyes darkened.

 Is she so afraid of others finding out about her relationship with him?

The corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up in a sarcastic arc, and he shuddered in his heart.

 Then he saw her looking up at him warily: "Mr. Shen, what are you doing here?"

Mr. Shen…

 A term of alienation, a defensive posture.

Her resistance was like another wave of violent daggers, piercing his heart.

He stared at her, thinking that when he just walked in, she was smiling and didn't know what to say. It looked like she was divorcing him, which had no impact on her!


 How could she feel sad when she had no feelings for him?

Shen Liangchuan clenched his fists, and the anger that had just calmed down was angered again because of her words and eyes.

He suppressed the violent emotions in his body and said, "What? Now that you have money, are you going to burn the bridge?"

 burning bridges across rivers?

 Qiao Lian tensed her jaw and ignored his sarcasm.

 Some words don’t need to be said so clearly.

 She took a deep breath, "So, are you here to talk about divorce?"

 One word made his pupils shrink.

He suddenly stood up straight and approached her step by step. His tall body seemed to block all the light. His imposing aura made Qiao Lian tense up, as if facing a formidable enemy.

With each step he took, Qiao Lian was forced to retreat until her back touched the cold wall, and she finally stopped.

 He rested his hands on both sides of her and lowered his head.

 Exquisite facial features, viewed up close, are more impactful and perfect.

Slanted phoenix eyes, straight bridge of nose, and those...thin lips.

  It is said that people with such thin lips are the most indifferent, but once they identify someone, they will be in love for the rest of their lives.

As soon as the thought came out, she felt her heart contract and she felt a dull pain.

  Yes, his devotion was given to his first love, but his ruthlessness was given to her.

This thought made her look cold, and she became even more timid. The person who was afraid just now straightened her back and looked at him firmly.

 Then, I heard him squinting his eyes and saying, "What qualifications do you have to talk to me about divorce?"

 What qualifications do you have?

 Qiao Lian clenched her fists.

Yes, her status is low and she has no money, so he can abuse her body like this?

 Is it true that in his eyes, only his first love is a human being and she is nothing? !

When she thought of this, she lowered her eyes and spoke with a cold tone: "Mr. Shen, let me also remind you that couples can unilaterally file for divorce in the court after they have been separated for two years."

With one word, Shen Liangchuan’s suppressed anger could no longer be suppressed!

 He was so kind to her, but how could this woman be so heartless?

 Two years of separation...automatic divorce...

How did she say these words?

He gritted his teeth and looked at her, seeing that her expression was resolute, as if there was no room for turning around.

 He suddenly sneered, "Qiao Lian, I will make you cry and beg me!"

 Eight years ago, he let her go, and after so many years, he did not pay for her mistakes.

This time, even if he turns into a demon, he will drag her to **** with him!

 (End of this chapter)

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