Chapter 286 She is Xiao Qiao (2)

  When she heard about Team King, Qiao Lian was already a little confused.

If she remembers correctly, eight years ago, the professional players from Country H, the team that caught them off guard, was Team King!

 So, the opponent's team is called king, and she feels uncomfortable.

 Then there is the Purple Fairy.

 As a female e-sports anchor, she has actually heard of this most popular person.

 But today, this guy came to her very white and shouted to catch the thief, and her impression of the Purple Fairy was directly reduced to the lowest.

 And now…

What did the smiling tiger say?

Purple Fairy is Xiao Qiao?

 Qiao Lian's eyes widened in astonishment, "Who told you she is Xiao Qiao's?"

The Smiling Tiger scratched his head, feeling that Qiao Lian's habit of asking for answers was really bad, but he still explained to her based on the past few days of contact: "She said it herself. And it's only Xiao Qiao, She can explain the game so well, and she also plays the game herself. The operations are indeed the same as Xiao Qiao's back then, but she is older, so her hand speed cannot keep up. "

 As I get older, my hand speed can’t keep up...


 This is really an excuse!

 Qiao Lian frowned and looked at him, "If I say, she is not..."

Before he could finish speaking, his arm was grabbed by someone.

She was stunned for a moment, turned around, and saw Shen Liangchuan walking up to her.

Shen Liangchuan came with her tonight, but he was parking the car just now, so she couldn't wait to rush in first.

At this moment, seeing Shen Liangchuan grabbing her, she raised her eyebrows in confusion, and saw Shen Liangchuan shake his head slightly.

 Qiao Lian was stunned for a moment before hearing him say: "There is no need to pay liquidated damages. You can leave."

 The straightforward refusal made both Qiao Lian and Xiaomian Hu slightly stunned.

 The fact that the big boss behind the club is Shen Liangchuan is known to several people, so they are not surprised when he appears here.

 The Smiling Tiger nodded, looked at the others again, dragged his suitcase, and strode away.

 When the smiling tiger's figure disappeared into the room, Shen Liangchuan looked at the people around him: "Does anyone else want to leave?"

Su Penghao was holding a lollipop in his mouth and playing games with both hands on the keyboard, as if he had not heard this.

 The rest of the people looked at me and I looked at you, and finally they all shook their heads.

Shen Liangchuan continued, "Well, then you continue to train. This quarter's domestic e-sports competition will start soon."

 After saying this, he took Qiao Lian and left the villa.

 The car started and the two people were driving on the road.

 Qiao Lian's eyes fell on his arm. He drove the car steadily as if he was not injured at all.

BJ is very charming at night, with dim lights and bright neon lights.

 But her mood was very low.

Her eyes fell on her right hand again, and she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

 Fortunately, Shen Liangchuan stopped her, otherwise, she would probably have made a fool of herself.

Even if she told Smiling Tiger that she was Xiao Qiao, what would she use to prove it?

While thinking about it, I heard the man say: "It's okay not to choose to leave the team just because of a name."

Qiao Lian was slightly startled and turned to look at him.

 So, was he comforting her just now?

 (End of this chapter)

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