Chapter 472 She is Mrs. Shen! (3)

That miserable scream made Shen Liangchuan feel as if his heart was suddenly grabbed by something.

His eyes narrowed and his whole body softened. The look of disgust just now became complicated due to the word "brother". He paused and then said: "What's wrong?"

 “I miss my brother...”

 The girl’s cry was filled with despair, “Can you come and see me?”

 There were many nights when he would watch the stars with her because of her crying.

 If it had been before, he would have left without saying a word.

 But now...thinking of what she did to Qiao Lian, and how Qiao Lian almost couldn't get pregnant again, he really couldn't forgive her.

Shen Liangchuan lowered his eyes and said, "My mother has already passed and will be there in a moment."

 “But I want a brother!”

Shen Liangchuan raised his eyes and stared sharply ahead, "Yuan Xi, you understand."

 One word made her lose her voice.

 After a while, she started crying again, "Brother Liangchuan, why did you do this to me? Tell me, did I do something wrong?"

 Did you do something wrong?

Shen Liangchuan turned his head and looked at the girl sitting on the bed in the bedroom.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and was looking at her phone carefully with her head lowered. She was tapping on the screen quickly with both hands. She was probably editing a document on her phone.

 The light in the room shone on her body, adding a bit of softness to her.

 Make the whole room bright and warm.

He then withdrew his gaze and spoke to the person on the phone: "You're right."

"It is my fault."

Shen Liangchuan turned his head and looked at the distant starry sky, the blurry stars.

“But, I am willing to continue to be wrong like this.”

"Yuan Xi, I know you hate me. I can't kill you all, but if you have any problem, come to me."

Song Yuanxi seemed to be shocked by his words.

 After being silent for several seconds, he suddenly burst out: "Brother Liangchuan! What does this have to do with you! She is her, and you are you!"

 “She is my wife now.” Shen Liangchuan said slowly.

Song Yuanxi was stunned.

 Both of them were holding their mobile phones, and for a long time, no one spoke.

 Time passes slowly.

Song Yuanxi smiled sarcastically.

Her voice became so calm that it was scary, "Shen Liangchuan, no matter what, tomorrow is a special day... Do you still remember?"

Shen Liangchuan tightened his jaw: "Remember."

Song Yuanxi sneered and said, "Just remember."

 Then she hung up the phone without hesitation.

Shen Liangchuan then turned around and looked at Qiao Lian again.

 She seemed to be working hard as she didn't want to stop.

 There was always a veil between him and her, even if they tried hard to maintain the relationship these days.

  Two people are in the same room, but they have their own thoughts.

 This night is destined to be a sleepless night.


 The next day, Qiao Lian went to work with a pair of panda eyes, yawning all the time.

Shi Nianyao couldn't help but shook his head, "Editor-in-chief Lianlian, you haven't slept in several days~"

 Qiao Lian waved to her and threw the phone to Shi Nianyao, "Let's see if the report I wrote overnight is okay."

 Then I took Fengyoujing and touched it on my temples. The feeling... was so sour!

 She patted her face and said, "Qiao Lian, come on!"

After doing this, he rushed to the editor-in-chief's office with great vigor.

 After getting yesterday’s news, I must get my press card today!

 (End of this chapter)

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