After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 726: Mo Xicheng, I like you! (4)

Chapter 726 Mo Xicheng, I like you! (4)

In fact, the temperature of the soup in the small hot pot is not high at the moment, and it will not be harmful even if it splashes on Shi Nianyao.

Besides, when the waiter’s high heels swayed, he immediately took them back and stabilized his body.

The small hotpot approached Shi Nianyao, but it didn't pour on her.

 But at that moment, it still made people feel scared.

Qiao Lian couldn't help but exclaimed: "Be careful!"

Shi Nianyao also widened his eyes in shock and wanted to hide aside.

 But she didn't know what she was thinking. At that moment, Mo Xichen's move of moving the chair suddenly came into her mind.

She couldn't help but wonder, if she threw herself into his arms, would he think she did it on purpose?

As soon as the idea came to her mind, she held back.

At this moment, there was a tension on his shoulders and someone pulled him, and his body fell to the side uncontrollably, directly into Mo Xicheng's arms.

His two arms protected her and he looked at the waiter warily.

After the waiter stood firm, he immediately showed a guilty look: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

 Then he placed the small hot pot in front of Shi Nianyao and asked her with concern: "Miss, are you okay?"

Shi Nianyao's entire brain was confused at this moment.


At this moment, her nostrils were filled with the smell of Mo Xicheng.

That familiar yet unfamiliar masculine aura made her feel dizzy and her whole body felt a little dazed.

Moxichen saved her?

 Her boyfriend saved her!

 This idea kept fermenting in her mind, and finally, she looked at Mo Xicheng with bright eyes.

Did her boyfriend not have that intention towards her?

Thinking of this, the disillusionment I had just felt suddenly started to burn again.

At this moment, after hearing the waiter's words, Shi Nianyao realized that he was still lying in the arms of the male god.

She sat up quickly, coughed, and turned red. She looked at Mo Xicheng and said, "Well, thank you."

Mo Xicheng stared at his hand, thinking of the heartbeat that had stopped for half a beat when he just supported her, and looked at the food on the table in front of him with a calm expression.

Suddenly flashed through her mind was the day when the producer came into the group and her intimate behavior with him.

Mo Xicheng spoke distantly again, "You're welcome."

 After a meal, it became awkward again.

After finally finishing their meal, the four of them stood up and walked out.

 Qiao Lian looked at Shi Nianyao and hurriedly supported Shen Liangchuan, "Let's walk back slowly and take a look at the night. The sky in Hengdian is so beautiful!"

Shen Liangchuan looked up at the hazy sky. It was so gloomy that no stars could be seen. It was no different from BJ.

However, he didn't expose Qiao Lian's words. He nodded and said goodbye to Mo Xicheng.

 Qiao Lian also looked at Shi Nianyao, "Mo Xicheng, Nianyao also lives in the hotel next to the crew. I ask you to send her back."

 After saying that, he even winked at Shi Nianyao.

Shi Nianyao took a deep breath and quietly made an OK gesture to her.

 When Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan left, Shi Nianyao followed Mo Xicheng and walked slowly back to the set.

Shi Nianyao’s nervous hands became wet as he thought about what he was going to say later.

She swallowed several times and saw that the crew was about to arrive, so she suddenly shouted, "Mo, Mo Xicheng."

Mo Xicheng stopped and turned around.

Shi Nianyao lowered his head and looked at the toes of his shoes, "Well, you, do you need a girlfriend?"

 (End of this chapter)

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