After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 879: The truth eight years ago! (29)

 Chapter 879 The truth eight years ago! (29)

 She came to him with this idea in mind.

Thinking of this, she took out a card from her bag and said, "Here is one hundred thousand yuan. I don't have the ability now, so this is the only thing I can give you."

"That's enough!" Qiao Yi smiled handsomely, "I originally thought you would only give me a ticket!"

  Qiao Lian stood up immediately, "Am I so stingy?"

After saying this, Qiao Yi asked, "Then when will I leave?"

Qiao Lian looked at him, "When do you want to leave?"

  Qiao Yixiao, “Actually, I have already booked a flight for tomorrow.”

Qiao Lian couldn't laugh at all this time.

 Her brother has grown up.

  He is no longer the boy who needs her protection.

What she didn't expect was that even though she had been acting so normal outside for the past two days, her brother still noticed her feelings.

Qiao Lian's eyes gradually became moist as she thought of this.

 She patted Qiao Yi on the shoulder, "Come on! Sister, I'm waiting for the day when you come to support me!"

Qiao Yi twitched the corner of his mouth: "Sister, that's not how the word "support" is used. You are still a reporter, so why are you using the word so inappropriately?

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 Leaving Qiao Yi's room, Qiao Lian had a sentimental smile on her face.

 Then, she entered her master bedroom. Looking at the room, she entered the bathroom. After washing, she went downstairs to eat.

 Sister-in-law Li took out the hot food for her.

 Qiao Lian was chattering while eating: "Sister-in-law Li, mom has high blood pressure. From now on, when cooking at home, use less salt and make it lighter."

 “Okay, I get it!”

"Well, also, in the master bedroom, although Shen Liangchuan said he wouldn't let you go in to clean it, in fact, he himself is not free. You can secretly help mop the floor while he is away. He won't notice. "


“Also, when Shen Liangchuan is unhappy, he likes to live in a beachside villa in QHD. I will write down the address for you later.”

Sister-in-law Li looked at her and said nothing for a long time.

Qiao Lian touched her face and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sister-in-law Li said: "Madam, why are you nagging so much? It's as if you are explaining the funeral affairs. It makes me feel bad."

 Qiao Lian was slightly startled.

After a while, she smiled and said, "That's right. I'm not old yet, and I'm already verbose."

Sister-in-law Li smiled and walked to the kitchen, "There is some soup for you to drink."

Qiao Lian looked at her, "Sister-in-law Li!"

 Sister-in-law Li turned around.

 Qiao Lianxiao: "I have never told you, thank you."

Sister-in-law Li was stunned, "What are you thanking me for?"

 “Thank you for taking care of me!”

 Ever since she married Shen Liangchuan, the only one among the nannies who has not looked down on her is Sister-in-law Li.

Sister-in-law Li shook her head and continued walking to the kitchen.

 Walked in, picked up the soup bowl, took out a bowl of soup and put it on the table.

Qiao Lian lowered her head and took a sip, "Sister-in-law Li, the food you cook is so delicious!"

“By the way, Sister-in-law Li, mom’s antihypertensive medicines are in the drawer beside her bed. The white bottle comes in a white bottle. Take three pills at a time. Don’t forget it.”

Sister-in-law Li nodded, "Madam, you'd better eat quickly!"

Qiao Lian then closed her mouth.

 Finished the meal.

 She went upstairs.

 Looking at everything familiar in the room, she felt a surge of sourness in her heart.

 Finally, she was lying on the big bed in the master bedroom, smelling the familiar smell of Shenliangchuan on the quilt, and suddenly burst into tears.

 (End of this chapter)

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