The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

Blue Star.

Yun Province, Yuncheng.

"Fang Ping'an, you still remember to come back? Do you know what time it is now?"

There was a hint of anger in the voice of the eldest sister Fang Qingyan.

"That's right, Hongjun has been back for a long time.

You didn't even call back to tell them, and let the whole family wait for you to eat alone, you are really shameless!"

The voice of the third sister Fang Zhidie was full of disgust as always.

Fang Ping'an, who had just walked into the gate of the villa, looked up.

The eldest sister Fang Qingyan, the second sister Fang Jinglei, and the third sister Fang Zhidie, all stood at the gate of the villa and looked at him.

Fang Hongjun, who was half a head taller than them, stood behind them with a calm look.

Fang Pingan stood there, looking at the four people in front of him.

There are only three older sisters here, and a fourth sister Fang Miaoxuan, who is his sister from the same mother.

The handsome and thin boy standing behind them is Fang Hongjun.

He is his half-brother, and his birthday is only ten days younger than his.

Originally, he didn't know these, but because he fell at the school gate, he knew everything after getting up.

He stood there, looking at them and Fang Hongjun with complicated eyes.


Time went back to two hours ago.

At the gate of No. 1 Middle School, Fang Pingan sat on the steps by the roadside in a daze.

He just fell, and after getting up, he found that there was a lot of information in his mind.

Some of it was what he already knew, and a considerable part of it was things he had never experienced before.

He only knew that he had returned to more than a month before his death, or perhaps he could say that he was reborn.

The boy looked up at the sky and sighed silently.

It turned out that he had died once!

He looked at his scratched palm and wiped it on his pants.

Fang Hongjun, you are also my father's son!

Although he is an illegitimate child, he is still a member of the Fang family.

No wonder you have always targeted me in the past four years!

After sifting through the newly acquired information in his mind, he soon understood the reasons for his experiences in the past few years and even in the future.

Originally, he could have lived well in his adoptive parents' home.

During the summer vacation of the second year of junior high school, a man and a woman suddenly came to his home, claiming to be his biological parents.

The man's surname was Fang and the woman's surname was Zhao.

They were the boss and wife of the Fang Group, which ranked in the top ten in Yuncheng.

It was not until that day that he knew his life experience, but he was just a child of a rich family who was lost in the hospital.

After doing a paternity test, he was taken back.

I still remember the little sister in my adoptive parents' home crying.

Although his adoptive parents were reluctant, they had to let the Fang family take him away.

I just don't know why his household registration was not transferred at that time.

His household registration is still in his adoptive parents' home.

He just changed his last name.

When he returned home, he found that he had four sisters and a younger brother.

After a while, he learned that after he was lost, his father Fang Junhong brought back a baby boy from outside and said he was adopted.

Since then, he has been inexplicably targeted by Fang Hongjun.

Among the four sisters, the one who was indifferent to this was the fourth sister Fang Miaoxuan, who was still in high school at the time.

She believed that nothing was more important than her studies and future.

As for the younger brother, there was no difference between having one and two.

The eldest sister Fang Qingyan worked in Fang Group and became the president only after he went to high school.

She had a cold personality and ignored him, but she also rarely cared about him.

Mainly because she was busy with work.

The second sister Fang Jinglei was a freelance writer. She was a writer and screenwriter by profession and was well-known in the industry.

She didn't talk much and was also busy with her own things.

The third sister, Fang Zhidie, was a college student at the time, but now works in a law firm.

This third sister was the most demanding on herself. Although they were both younger brothers, she almost unwittingly favored Fang Hongjun.

Father Fang Junhong had a stern face every day.

He was neither good nor bad to him, but he was very strict.

Fang Pingan once thought that the requirements of wealthy families for their children were equally strict, so he was always very obedient.

For example, eating on time, not allowed to stay outside after school, and must go home as soon as possible.

Not allowed to disclose family information outside, even to the outside world, not allowed to tell the names of parents.

He obeyed these strange requirements and did as required.

But after a few days, he found that his parents did not seem to care about Fang Hongjun.

There is no such request.

What he couldn't understand the most was his biological mother, Zhao Wei.

Not only was she weak in character, she was also a person without a strong opinion and was easily influenced by others.

Fang Hongjun was so fake, but she never thought there was anything wrong with him.

The eldest and second sisters had also explained that it was because of Fang Hongjun's existence that their mother did not go crazy after losing her child.

Excessive pampering did not destroy Fang Hongjun, but it really destroyed the mother's love for her biological son.

Although he was not treated badly in life, he could only get very little attention and family affection.

Four years!

The two birthdays were more than ten days apart, but every time they celebrated their birthdays together based on Fang Hongjun's birthday.

Thinking about himself, he was really too naive.

And the three women in front of him were even more stupid than he could know.

Especially Fang Zhidie, this idiot, who kept saying that he had no education and no quality...

That's fine, no one would quickly accept a sudden addition to the family.

Except for the mother-son bond, I'm afraid anyone would hesitate.

Even if the paternity test was done, reason is reason and emotion is emotion.

It's not that he can't understand being treated differently, but...


No one thought about compensating him for the fourteen years of father-son, mother-son, and sister-brother emotions he had lost, but worried that his arrival would make the illegitimate child sad...

Fang Ping'an sat on the curb and thought for a long time.

After knowing what was going to happen in the future, he hesitated a little.

Should he clarify Fang Hongjun's identity directly or wait and see? ?

Should he kill Fang Hongjun directly or kill him in return?

How can the women in the family find out about Fang Hongjun and his scumbag father?

He didn't know.

He walked on the street for a long time and didn't take a taxi. He walked back by himself.

The school is nearly 4 kilometers away from the Fang family's villa area.

In order not to expose Fang Hongjun as his illegitimate son, Fang Junhong is very strict with Fang Hongjun.

It can even be said that in addition to life, Fang Hongjun faces more and higher requirements in academics.

He and Fang Hongjun are in the same middle school, but no one cares about his grades, while Fang Hongjun is...

He feels like he is being trained as an heir!

It took more than an hour to walk back, and he has made a decision.

In view of the fact that they don't know Fang Hongjun's illegitimate identity, he decided to give himself and his family a chance.

No matter what the result is, he is ready.

At worst, this family is gone.

These family members are gone.

As long as they can treat him like his adoptive parents, he can continue to stay.

First of all, he needs to know the attitude and choice of his family.

Secondly, he already knows why Fang Hongjun is targeting him.

If Fang Hongjun wanted to kill him and monopolize the position of heir to the Fang family like he did in his previous life, then don't blame him for being rude.

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