Fang Qingyan's face became uglier.

"I'll go ask him. If it doesn't work, I'll give him money to get the necklace back."

Fang Junhong suddenly shouted, "Old Tang, Old Tang..."

Butler Tang Bo came out of the room, stood behind him and whispered, "Master, do you have any instructions?"

Fang Junhong said, "Go and clean up all the things in the room of that rebellious son and throw them into the trash can!

Since he has already returned to his adoptive parents' home, he might as well not come back.

Please take all the things out, so that I won't be upset when I see them!"

"Yes, Master, I'll arrange it in a while, and the room will be cleaned before noon."

Fang Junhong waved his hand, and Tang Bo turned around and prepared to go back to the room.

Fang Qingyan asked, "Uncle Tang, which school does Ping An go to?"

Uncle Tang turned around and replied respectfully, "Miss, Master Ping An goes to No. 38 Middle School."

Fang Junhong got angry again and said angrily, "Don't call that rebellious young master anymore, he doesn't deserve it.

No, don't mention him in front of me anymore.

It's hard to go from luxury to frugality.

I don't believe that after four years of luxurious life in the Fang family, he can still continue to live in that slum.

Since he's not coming back, don't wait for him, just do what you need to do!"

Fang Jinglei looked up at her father and saw his face full of anger, so she immediately gave up the idea of ​​speaking.

She wanted to say that in the past four years, Fang Ping An lived in the servants' room, while Fang Hongjun lived alone in a huge bedroom.

Fang Ping An took a bath in the servants' public bathroom, while Fang Hongjun's bedroom was not only a suite, but also had a special cloakroom and game room, not to mention the bathroom.

That guy's bathtub is bigger than his own!

What about Fang Ping An? There were only a few clothes in the closet, and there were less than four pairs of shoes in total.

She really wanted to ask what Fang Ping'an meant by what he said yesterday.

But seeing her father's face, she gave up.

She decided to take some time to ask Fang Ping'an in person what he wanted to tell them.

While thinking, she saw Fang Qingyan standing up with her bag, "Then I'm going to the company. There is another meeting at 10:30, and I will meet with the Zhao family in the afternoon.

Dad, you have to attend these two too, don't forget."

Fang Junhong hummed and got up to go upstairs.

Fang Zhidie also stood up and said, "I should go too. Lawyer Gu is very strict, and I can't be late.

Second sister, you are the only one who is more leisurely. You should stay at home and accompany your mother. She cried when she came back..."

Fang Jinglei waved her hand to indicate that she understood.


During the break, the fat man saw the bread Fang Ping'an bought from the school store, and actually ran to buy two chicken legs...

Fang Ping'an grabbed one as compensation for the fried dough sticks in the morning without hesitation.

Even so, they were at the age of growing up, and they were both very hungry at noon.

Not only them, but all the children who ate at school were like hungry wolves.

When Fang Pingan left the Fang family, he did not have much pocket money except for the money that the Fang family recharged on the card.

Even the money he saved was only more than 40,000 yuan.

But this was all his assets.

If it was not for the fact that the money on the school recharge card could not be withdrawn, he would definitely withdraw all the money.

Isn't it just going home for lunch at noon?

No. 38 Middle School is only four stops away from his adoptive father's home, but he is reluctant to waste time now.

After lunch at noon, he returned to the classroom and was lying on his seat reading a book, while the fat man was lying on the side and sleeping.

When it was almost one o'clock, with the sound of high heels, a figure appeared in front of him.

Looking up from behind the tall books, he saw Fang Jinglei.

"Come out, I have something to tell you."

Fang Jinglei's expression was very calm, and Fang Pingan could not see anything.

He just felt a little irritated.

Didn't you tell me not to disturb me?

He looked at the classmates who were either reading or sleeping in the classroom and nodded.

Seeing him nod, Fang Jinglei turned and left.

Fang Pingan followed her down the teaching building.

"I've kept the things you left at home. They're in my car. Do you want them?"

As they walked through the open space in front of the teaching building, Fang Jinglei asked as they walked.

Fang Pingan said nothing.

Fang Jinglei stopped, walked to a big tree on the side and turned to look at him.

Fang Pingan also stopped, "You came here just for this?"

He was a little puzzled.

The four sisters in the Fang family, except Fang Miao

Xuan rarely spoke to him, but never said bad things to him.

Others never had a good face for him.

Fang Jinglei said nothing, just looked at him.

Fang Pingan shook her head and said, "No more. Just throw it away."

Fang Jinglei said, "It's in the car. If you want it, come with me later.

My coming to see you is another matter.

What did you mean by that last sentence when you left yesterday?"

Fang Pingan glanced at her and said, "Nothing.

Nothing else, I'm going back to the classroom.

In the future, no matter if there is something or not, please let me go and don't come to see me.

I'm no longer a member of your Fang family."

Fang Jinglei didn't like Fang Pingan, she knew this very well.

Although she didn't like him, she didn't dislike him at first.

It was just one more person to eat, and this person rarely appeared in front of her.

What she despised most was Fang Pingan stealing things, which was what she hated the most.

He provided you with good food and clothes, and let you enter the Fang family.

Is this how you repay us?

You stole so many things, and you still don't admit it!

When Fang Ping'an stole something for the first time, she followed the advice of her third sister and asked this guy to get out of the Fang family.

If it weren't for her parents' disapproval, he would have been driven out and returned to the Chen family long ago.

"You said Hongjun was just an adopted son, but that sentence was said to mom, what does this sentence mean?"

Fang Jinglei is very beautiful, it should be said that all the children in the Fang family are very beautiful.

Among them, the second sister Fang Jinglei is the most beautiful.

Not only that, but her figure is also quite good.

She and Fang Ping'an stood under the tree and talked, not only attracting the attention of the security guards at the door, but also many students leaning on the windows to look at this side.

Fang Ping'an continued to shake his head, "There is no special meaning.

Just telling you that he is an adopted son.

If there is nothing else, I will go back. You go, and don't come to me in the future."

He turned and left, Fang Jinglei stood there, watching him quickly run across the open space exposed to the sun and disappear from sight.

Does he really have no other intentions?

But why did he repeat it at that time?

"... That person is your adopted son, but only your adopted son."

What does this mean?

It is impossible to just say that Hongjun is an adopted son and he is the young master of the Fang family's bloodline.

Otherwise, he would not have to say that.

He doesn't want the things anymore. Is he worried about something or does he really want to completely sever ties with the Fang family?

If so, does it mean that the jewelry lost by the eldest sister and the third sister was not stolen by him?

Then she shook her head again.

Those things are worth nearly 10 million yuan in total. Even if this guy sells them at a low price, they can at least sell for more than 1 million yuan.

With more than 1 million yuan as a base, it is normal to look down on those things.

She turned and walked towards the school gate.

She took out a suitcase and put it in the gatehouse, told the security guard to give it to Fang Ping'an from the senior class, and left.

She felt that the truth might not be what she knew.

But there was no evidence to prove it.

The whole family has always trusted Fang Hongjun very much, and the whole family believes what he said.

But every time, Fang Pingan said it wasn't him...

Fang Jinglei didn't know who to believe.

At least, Fang Pingan's eyes were firm just now, and even had a hint of... mockery?

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