The three of them were stunned by the tortuous life story.

Not to mention how tortuous his life story was, the fact that he had to sever ties with his parents and return to his adoptive father's home after what happened to him at his biological parents' home made the three of them dumbfounded.

"Fuck you..."

This was their unanimous sigh.

But it was just a sigh.

No one said a word of evaluation to Chen Ping'an's biological parents.

"You are really miserable!" Ding Junzhe smacked his lips.

Chi Yonghao even reached out and patted his shoulder, but didn't say anything.

Only Li Hongzhong looked Chen Pingan up and down before continuing to ask:

"Your experience is indeed very bad.

However, I heard from Haozi that the people who came in the afternoon were so powerful. Does your adoptive father also have a strong background?

Is he from a big family?

I know some things about several big families in Beijing, but I don't know much..."

Ding Junzhe frowned slightly.

"We have it in the Northeast, but what I know is the same as what I don't know.

Everyone knows it."

Looking at Chen Pingan, he sighed and said, "If your adoptive father's family really has a background, I would lie down if I were you.

There is really no need to worry too much about things outside.

Even the few of us don't need to care at all.


But I heard that some things in big families are also very bad."

Chen Pingan smiled, "You know I'm from Yuncheng.

I have been living in Yuncheng before.

The first time I came to Beijing was after the college entrance examination. I knew that my score should not be low, so I planned to come to Beijing to play.

That was my first time.

I knew nothing about the situation in Beijing before.

Even though I knew that the Fang family was more powerful in Yuncheng, in fact, as I said, I didn't enjoy any convenience of the Fang family at all.

Not to mention that my half-brother went to the best high school, and the high school I went to was a very ordinary high school."

He picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth and chewed it slowly, "I just want to learn more about finance and economics.

I can live well on my own in the future.

My adoptive parents have lived in Yuncheng for so many years and never said anything about the Chen family in Beijing, so I don't know anything about them.

These are all things that happened in a short period of time after my family came to Beijing.

To be honest, although I have learned some things so far, there are still many things I don't know...

All I can say is to try not to affect your normal campus life.

I moved into the dormitory for this purpose.

I also want to be a normal college student like you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Hongzhong said, "I can understand this.

For example, most of the children of several families in Beijing choose to study abroad, but some people are unwilling to go abroad.

Also, from what I heard from my father, the relationship between several families in Beijing is not good.

Anyway, they are on guard against each other.

My father also specifically told me to be low-key and honest in school, and not to cause trouble for him."

Chi Yonghao disagreed.

"It's just going to college. As long as we don't cause trouble, we probably won't have the chance to mess with such a behemoth.

What do you think, Boss?"

Ding Junzhe nodded and said, "In our place, generally, the real aristocratic families have strict discipline at home and don't allow them to do anything wrong outside.

Those who are not ambitious and disobedient are basically thrown abroad to avoid embarrassing their families at home.

Anyway, I haven't had much contact with such people since I was a child.

I haven't heard of anyone from a big family."

"Don't worry, second brother. Since we are lucky enough to live in the same dormitory, your business is my business.

The fourth brother probably has an official family, so he should protect himself. I can understand this and won't say anything.

The third brother is from a minority ethnic group, and his family must be rich.

So, since you have such good conditions, there is no need to act like a grandson every day.

I feel like you always worry about something.

I don't know what you are worried about?"

Chen Ping'an didn't expect Ding Junzhe to be so sensitive.

He was really worried in the past, but after Fang Hongjun died, he had nothing to worry about.

As for Fang Junhong, haha, as long as he didn't leave the capital and was under the protection of the Chen family, he didn't believe that Fang Junhong or the Fang family would do anything to him.

How is it.

Moreover, he has a natural advantage when facing the Fang family.

If he becomes a very good college student after studying in college, then he, who has the blood of the Fang family flowing in his body, will never become the target of the Fang family.

At most, they will use various means to win him over.

Godfather said that the main concern of the family is the continuation of the family.

What if he is better than Fang Junhong?

Isn't it obvious to choose?

As for how to choose in the future, haha, is there any need to say it?

In any case, he knows that the grace of raising is greater than the grace of giving birth.

Not to mention that it was the Chen family who took him out of the orphanage and gave him a complete childhood.

He has lived to this day, two lives, and all the pain comes from the Fang family!

"Brothers, today I have let out all the pressure in my heart."

Chen Pingan said, "I will live in the dormitory from now on, but before my leg is completely healed, it may affect your study in the dormitory. This is my apology.

I will treat you to a meal every week. I still have the money!"

Li Hongzhong smiled and nodded, "I am the worst in our dormitory, but I am thick-skinned. I don't have any psychological burden to rub against you! Hahahaha..."

Chi Yonghao and Ding Junzhe both said they didn't need it.

Their family conditions are not bad.

"The dormitory is for sleeping.

I would rather go to the all-night study room and look at girls while studying!"

Chi Yonghao's goal seems to have never changed.

Ding Junzhe looked even more indifferent.

"For someone like me, it doesn't matter where I study. Anyway, I won't be the first, but I can't be the last.

I still have this confidence!"

Chen Pingan smiled and didn't say anything.


The days passed quickly.

It was a week later that Chen Pingan heard the news from the Fang family again.

Chen Shuhui yelled at him to go home for dinner.

She said that she hadn't seen him for a long time. Not only her, but she also said, "Mom misses you too, but I didn't say it because I was afraid it would affect your studies." He went back on the second Friday night.

After dinner, Chen Shaohua called him into the study and they sat down.

There was no small talk.

"Fang Junhong has left Beijing.

He was detained for 5 days.

The Fang family compensated you one million."

Chen Shaohua handed him a card.

Chen Pingan looked at the card but didn't do anything.

"This money, it's so easy to get!" He smiled and shook his head and said:

"Give it to my mother. If I didn't know how to buy things, I would buy all the things and give them to my mother."

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