After Ding Junzhe put down the phone, Chi Yonghao looked at him expectantly.

"Do you want to go?" He looked at Chi Yonghao with a smile.

"Is it okay?" Chi Yonghao was not afraid at all.

Ding Junzhe shook his head, "No, they know this place and will come up soon."

Soon, they saw Huo Shijun and Dong Wanwan walking side by side into the restaurant on the second floor.

Huo Shijun changed into a short-sleeved T-shirt, jeans and a pair of high heels.

Dong Wanwan wore a pair of denim shorts, a loose round-neck short-sleeved shirt, and swung her straight and slender long legs, and walked over with Huo Shijun.

Each of them carried a small handbag, and there was also a paper bag, and I don’t know what was in it.

Chen Pingan pulled Chen Shuhui to stand up.

Ding Junzhe naturally stood up as well. He didn't want to joke with his cousin in a western restaurant.

Li Hongzhong quickly pulled Chi Yonghao.

"Stand up to greet them!"

Chi Yonghao stood up reluctantly.

The two women came over and sat down on the other side.

There were eight people in total, and three tables were put together, just enough for everyone to sit down.

The waiter saw that everyone had arrived, came over with a tablet, took the order, and left.

Huo Shijun opened the bag she brought, took out a gift box and put it in front of Chen Shuhui, saying, "I didn't know you were coming this morning, so I didn't prepare it.

Now let's just treat it as our official meeting.

This is for you."

Dong Wanwan then pushed over a smaller gift box, "And me, little sister, this is our first meeting, a small gift, I hope you like it."

Everyone looked at Chen Shuhui.

She was surprised.

And a little embarrassed.

She didn't prepare a gift, so she could only look at Chen Pingan for help.

Huo Shijun smiled and said, "It's okay, just accept it. Don't feel embarrassed.

You are still young, don't worry about these things."

Chen Pingan was a little surprised by Huo Shijun's attitude, but since it was a matter between girls, he didn't intend to interfere.

"Accept it."

He nodded.

Chen Shuhui hurriedly said thank you, and then reached out to open the gift box.

Huo Shijun gave a necklace.

Dark blue.

"You have fair skin, this color suits you very beautifully."

Huo Shijun explained with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, sister. I like it very much."

Chen Shuhui took it in her hand and looked at it for a long time, then put it down.

Dong Wanwan gave a lipstick.

Simple and not extravagant, the kind that little girls can use.

Chen Shuhui liked both gifts very much.

Chen Pingan also expressed his gratitude.

This was the first time Chen Shuhui met Huo Shijun, and because of this gift, she remembered it firmly.

The meal was nothing special, but it cost a lot.

However, Chen Pingan was not able to pay the bill, but was rushed by Ding Junzhe.

According to Ding Junzhe's explanation, he didn't want to leave any handle for his cousin Dong Wanwan.

They all said they could understand this.

After returning home, Chen Pingan went back to his room and started reading.

His plan for himself was also quite simple.

He couldn't tell anyone that he had a photographic memory, not even his adoptive parents.

He only knew that he had a good memory, that's all.

What he wanted to do was to read all the textbooks step by step as theoretical basic knowledge, and then find a more suitable book from the library.

Liu Qing would not enter his room, and Chen Shaohua would only come back at dinner time.

The rest of the time he was with Chen Shaojie.

He brought the book back from school.

He could vaguely hear what Liu Qing and Chen Shuhui were saying outside, but he couldn't hear what they were saying specifically.

The books in his hand are the most basic entry-level textbooks such as "Principles of Economics" and "Basic Accounting Theory".

It is not difficult to finish reading.

It is not difficult to remember.

The reason why he wants to read it several times is that he wants to truly understand and apply it.

During this period, he has carefully read the textbooks that were distributed.

Now he plans to start doing a lot of questions after reading them carefully.

Once he starts to invest, all his energy will be focused on one thing.

Time passed quickly. When Chen Shaohua came back, he was still reading in the room. During this period, he did not come out except to go to the bathroom.

After Liu Qing and Chen Shuhui finished chatting, he also urged Chen Shuhui to go to study.

Coming to Beijing to study

Now the first monthly exam of their school has not started yet. Not only Liu Qing is worried, but she herself is not very clear about her position in the grade and is not very confident.

Liu Qing does not plan to find a tutor for her.

If necessary, Ping An can do it, but the girl herself asked to consider this issue after the first monthly exam.

And she doesn't want to disturb Chen Ping An's normal college life.

Of course, if he is asked to come back every weekend to tutor her, I think her brother will not refuse.

Chen Ping An studied until 11 o'clock before he was ready to rest.

The environment at home is very quiet. After sleeping until dawn, he planned to go back to school.

There are not many books to read at home, and he plans to learn something in the strangely named society of the Financial Technology Association.

Quantitative model, it sounds very powerful.

He wants to have his own quantitative model, and he has plenty of time to verify it until he loses the advantage of being a prophet in certain markets or the market of a certain type of product.

This time span is 15 years!

After breakfast, Chen Shaohua went to the villa to stay with Chen Shaojie as usual. He had no days off now and was even busier than when he opened a restaurant.

When he opened a restaurant, he could find any excuse to take a day off, but now he had no days off at all.

After breakfast, Chen Pingan said that he was going back to school to read books in the library.

He had to read the textbooks, but he hadn't read some basic books on economics yet.

Since the club was related to these things, if he wanted to get guidance from the senior members of the club smoothly, he must have the ability to talk to them.

And this ability came from the reserve of theory and basic knowledge.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he wouldn't even be able to ask questions at that time.

Until the National Day really came.

Chi Yonghao took Ding Junzhe to Shudu.

This was what they had discussed long ago.

One was to see beautiful women, and the other was to avoid his cousin.

The fat man Li Hongzhong didn't participate.

He stayed in school like Pingan.

But these two were also different.

Chen Pingan wanted to read more books, and Li Hongzhong wanted to get closer to Chen Pingan.

This was not just his own decision, but also his father's advice.

Ever since he heard Chen Pingan introduce their relationship to Chen Shuhui when he met Huo Shiyun that day, he decided to follow Chen Pingan closely.

Although Li Hongzhong's father worked in the government, his position was neither high nor low, and he did not have much real power, which was why he always told Fatty to keep a low profile.

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