The two of them were in a mess.

"Ahem... Second brother," Chen Shaohua smiled awkwardly, "Xiaolong is only 18 years old and still in school.

What big things can he do alone in Europe?

You think too much!"

Chen Shaohua shook his head, "Okay, I'll arrange someone to check it myself.

If there is nothing to do, I don't believe that he can stay there peacefully for two years without causing trouble.


He hesitated a little, "Forget it, let's not talk about this.

I'll talk about it after I check it out."

Chen Shaojie became more and more embarrassed.

"Second brother, Xiaolong is indeed not suitable to be the head of the family.

Even Dad has made a mistake."

Chen Shaohua frowned and asked, "Why are you repeating this to me?

I remember you said it before.

I asked him to come back because I wanted to see this child with my own eyes.

Isn't it suitable to be the head of the family? Isn't the rule of our Chen family determined by the previous head of the family?

Even if he is not suitable, what if I insist on him being the head of the family?"

Chen Shaojie was silent for a moment, and then said, "... He is too radical.

Although this cannot be said to be a bad thing, in China, radicalism means danger.

Although most of the aristocratic families are things that have been passed down for hundreds of years, there are also families that have been passed down for hundreds of years.

Compared with them, even the Huo family is nothing.

Not to mention our Chen family."

Chen Shaohua looked at him silently without saying a word.

Chen Shaojie sighed and said, "What I envy most are those ancient families.

I really don't know what their elders think.

They can make such a decision so early.

Second brother, do you know what I want to do now?

When I was here, I didn't want the Chen family to leave the north because I was afraid of losing manpower and reputation.

Money and face, I don't really care much.

But why do you have to be the head of the family? Part of the reason is that you have lived in the south for so many years.

Even if you run a small restaurant, I know that second brother You are definitely more than just a small boss, right? "

Chen Shaohua waved his hand, "You think too much.

I just run a small restaurant.

I have never left Yuncheng for so many years, you know that. "

Chen Shaojie smiled, "It doesn't matter, there is still time.

When I really can't do it, I hope to see the Chen family broken into pieces.

At least, there must be a beginning.

When you, the second brother, can't do it, the Chen family should become what I want most.

No matter what happens, the Chen family will not be destroyed. "

Chen Shaohua's face changed.

"If you have this idea, why don't you do it yourself!

With such a mess, you still want to branch out and break it up?

Do you want to see how many newborns the Chen family has had in the past 20 years?

Also, you are too soft-hearted in the financial statements of the past few years!"

Chen Shaojie scratched his head, "No, you can't blame me, okay.

Many of these are problems left by my father, how can I solve them?

Doesn't my father have any face?

Besides, if I take action, those bastards will go and mess with the old man, and I will be scolded?"

"So you let me be scolded, right? No?"

"Well, second brother, that's not the case.

Aren't there still people of Xiaolong and Ping'an's generation!"

"Ping'an... is not good enough now. He has personality problems. I have been encouraging him.

Damn, he really changed a lot in the four years in the Fang family.

I raised him like my own son for 14 years, but in four years, the Fang family made him like that.

Your sister-in-law cried to me many times.

I am so angry when I think about it now...

By the way, you just said that something happened in the Fang family?"

Chen Shaojie nodded speechlessly.

Chen Shaohua slapped the table, "Get him!"

Chen Shaojie chuckled, "How?"

Chen Shaohua pondered, "Take your time, don't rush.

If you make it too big at once, it might cause trouble for the family.

Slowly kill them!"

"Second brother, this is what you said. I will start to lay the groundwork for you now. When you officially become the head of the family, you can do whatever you want."


Who hasn't grown up from a young man to an old fox?

The passion and impulse that young people should have, the ideal of wanting to change the world, aren't they all slowly polished by reality?

Chen Xiaolong lay on the bed and recalled what his second uncle said.

Every word.

Although he knew that his biological father must have meant this, he still felt a little unhappy.

Never mind, let these old people think whatever they want.

He came back just to deal with it, and then went back after a casual fool.

There are still many things to do over there.

As for the obvious opponent mentioned by the second uncle, he knew without thinking that it must be Chen Pingan.

He had read the information a long time ago, and his biological father Chen Shaojie had read Chen Pingan's information to him a long time ago.

It must be said that he now looks down on the guy he hasn't met yet.

From the information, his personality is a bit cowardly, and it seems that there is nothing special about him except that he can study.

Even if he has been in the Fang family for four years, but in those four years, that guy should not have been exposed to any affairs related to the aristocratic family.


What qualifications does that guy have to be compared with me?

Because he is more handsome than me?

Cut! ! !


It was the fourth day of vacation when Chen Pingan was called home.

During these four days, except for the first day when he was harassed by Li Hongzhong for a while, he went to the library instead of going back to the dormitory after lunch in the cafeteria.

Li Hongzhong went home.

He didn't know if it was because he was upset by what he said or something, but he didn't take it to heart.

For a moment, he thought that Li Hongzhong might have his own difficulties, perhaps he had to contact people with various backgrounds in school, but he quickly put it behind his mind.

He didn't have time to worry about others.

After receiving Liu Qing's call, he quickly agreed to go back in the evening.

Then, Chen Shuhui called and said she wanted to drink milk tea. No matter how her mother made milk tea, it was not as good as the ones outside...

She couldn't drink it when she made it herself.

Chen Pingan looked at his notes and stuffed all the borrowed books into his schoolbag.

When he got home, it was already past five in the afternoon.

In more than an hour, he would go to his uncle's villa for dinner.

Liu Qing was sitting on the big balcony reading a book. Seeing him come back, she just smiled and asked him to rest for a while, take a bath and change clothes.

"Mom, can the plaster on my leg be removed? I always feel that I smell bad." He complained.

Liu Qing smiled and said, "We have to listen to the doctor. We can't remove it if we want to.

If it doesn't grow well, it will be a big problem in the future.

You don't want to break your leg and let it grow again in the future!"

Chen Ping'an frowned, "I'll go to the hospital for a follow-up tomorrow. It's really inconvenient."

"It's up to you. Do you want me to accompany you tomorrow?"

Hearing that she had to go to the hospital for a follow-up, Liu Qing said she could go with him.

"It's okay, it's just a checkup. If it's okay, the plaster can be removed on the spot. I can handle this kind of thing myself.

Mom, I brought you some milk tea, do you want some?"

Liu Qing shook her head, "Hui Hui asked you to buy it, right?

You should drink less of that kind of stuff in the future."

"Yeah, I know, I'll try to buy less, but it seems unlikely that I won't drink it at all.

She always has the opportunity to buy it herself when she goes to school or comes home from school."

Chen Shuhui walked out of the room and cheered when she saw the milk tea on the coffee table.

"Mom just said, drink less milk tea in the future..." Chen Pingan walked towards his room with his schoolbag on his back.

"Yeah, I know, I know.

I also know there are a lot of additives in it, but the milk tea made by mom is not as delicious as Zehuo Ge!"

Chen Shuhui opened the package quickly, took out the straw, and poked it in hard.

Then she looked intoxicated.

Liu Qing was not angry when she saw her like that.

As a child, I like to drink milk tea. It’s okay as long as I don’t drink it too often.

“Okay, you should also take a shower and change into clean clothes. We are going to your uncle’s house for dinner later.”

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