Fang Jinglei exhaled a puff of cigarette, "I went, but it was useless.

Sister, I don't know what you think about Ping An, and I don't want to ask.

The problem with Mom is that she only knows how to cry.

But what problem can crying solve?

She cried for a long time. In addition to losing the shares of Yuncheng Fang Group, she got such a yard and a living allowance of 200,000 yuan per month.

Although she can't use so much now, it is obvious that the Zhao family is bullying.

Dad and her relationship is so tense now, there is no place to complain.

The Zhao family is too bullying..."

Fang Jinglei's tone was very flat, and her voice did not fluctuate much.

But Fang Qingyan obviously felt angry.

She didn't know what happened. She had been in Yuncheng during that time, and then she quit her job as the president and hid with Bai Bai for a while.

Now she has just started working, and it should be said that she has not made any progress yet.

She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "No matter what, I should go to see her when I come to Beijing."

Fang Jinglei grinned, "Well, go ahead. By the way, ask her what she wants to eat in the evening."

After that, she turned around and continued to work on the computer.

Fang Qingyan opened the door and walked out, closing the door casually.

Going down the steps and walking to the middle patio, she looked at the ground that was not cleaned and shook her head slightly.

Zhao Wei came in slippers and opened the door not long after she knocked on the door.

The moment she saw Fang Qingyan, she immediately reached out and hugged Fang Qingyan.

"Yanyan, are you here to see your mother?"

Fang Qingyan was not used to this kind of hug. Even if it was her own mother, she felt a little embarrassed.

"Mom, I just arrived. Let's go in and talk."

After Zhao Wei let go of her hand, she took her hand and walked inside. As soon as she entered the room, Fang Qingyan felt that the air in the room was really not very good.

It was obviously caused by not opening the windows for a long time.

After she entered the room, she walked over and opened all the windows.

Let the air circulate.

As soon as she opened the window, she felt much more comfortable.

"Mom, you still need to open the windows in your room frequently and ventilate more, otherwise the air quality in the room is too poor, which is not good for your health."

Zhao Wei said nothing, just watched her walk around the room and open all the windows.

When Fang Qingyan sat down, Zhao Wei followed and sat down and held her hand.

"Yan Yan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Mom, why do you look much older?

Is it because you haven't had beauty treatments recently or for some other reason?"

Zhao Wei's eyes turned red and tears came down.

Fang Qingyan's head was as big as a bucket.

The second sister is right.

Mom cries all the time now, but she should know that no matter what the problem is, crying won't solve it at her age.

"Mom, don't cry, crying too much hurts your body."

She could only comfort him with one sentence, but she didn't know how to comfort him.

"Your brother's leg is broken. Fang Hongjun, that bastard, hired someone to drive a car and hit him.

Ping An told Lei Lei in person..."

Although Fang Qingyan didn't know the details, she knew that if this kind of thing was true, her father must know it.

But she had never heard of this news, and Fang Jinglei didn't even mention it just now.

"Mom, I know. I know, don't cry, let's talk about it slowly and discuss it, okay?"

"Woo... Yan Yan, Ping An refused to see me...

I went to their school and found his leader, but..." She stopped talking at this point.

Fang Qingyan waited patiently for a while before she continued crying and said, "But I... I was in a bad mood at the time, and the counselor's attitude was not good, so I complained.

If Lei Lei hadn't reminded me and then ran to apologize to him, I don't know if he is bullying Ping An in school now.

Ping An refused to see me, can you help me go to school to see him, Yan Yan, Mom begs you.

Please help me go to see him."

Fang Qingyan smiled bitterly and nodded, "Yeah, Mom, don't worry, I will go to school to find him tomorrow.

See how he is now, and then I will tell you everything I know when I come back, okay?

Don't cry..."

Fang Qingyan was relieved when Zhao Wei stopped crying.

It is obvious that her mother's current state is indeed problematic.

It seems that there is only Fang Ping An in her consciousness, and the others are no longer in her mind


The more she thought about it, the more horrible it became.

A woman over fifty, staying in her room every day, doing nothing, thinking about her son.

From the time she came to Beijing until now, unless she took the initiative to come, she had not made a phone call.

It can be seen that Fang Ping'an has become her obsession now.

If this problem is not solved, her mother will be in trouble sooner or later.

"Then when are you going? When you go, can you take me with you? I will stay in the car and not get off, so that Ping'an will not see me.

He must not want to see me, right?


Fang Qingyan could only nod and agree.

"Don't worry, mom, I will drive Leilei's car tomorrow and take you to see Ping'an.

Don't cry, really, crying like this all the time is very bad for your health.

I think if Ping'an wants to see you, he doesn't want to see a sick mother, right?"

Zhao Wei was stunned, looking at her with tears on her face.

"Mom, what do you want to eat tonight?

My second sister and I will go out to buy some food later.

We just arrived in Beijing today, let's have a family dinner together."

She did not comment on Zhao Wei's makeup.

Even her mother's home clothes were wrinkled, and she looked completely different from when she was in Yuncheng, but she didn't say anything.

Speaking of eating, Zhao Wei shook her head slightly and said, "Yan Yan, you can eat whatever you want. Mom is not very interested in eating anything now.

It's okay as long as you can fill your stomach."

Fang Qingyan sighed and looked at the things in the room.

There were some cakes on the coffee table, which looked fresh. Lei Lei should have bought them this morning.

In addition, there were some imported fruits.

In any case, this level was not high-end, and even in Yuncheng, it was only the level of a middle-class family.

"Okay, Mom, I'll tell Lei Lei right now. We'll go out to buy groceries later. You stay home and don't go out again."

Seeing Zhao Wei nod in agreement, she turned around and left the room and walked towards Fang Jinglei's room.

When she pushed the door open and walked in, her mind was still confused.

"Lei Lei, why did Mom become like this?"

Fang Jinglei sneered, "That's right, she's like this now.

You'll get used to it.

At first I was also very annoyed, but now, I don't have that much time to take care of her.

Only when she doesn't go out can I have enough time to work.

Why, did you promise her something?"

Fang Qingyan smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Let me borrow your car tomorrow. I'll take her to Beijing University to find Ping An."

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