This is a serious discussion that Huo Shijun and Dong Wanwan have never had before. Although it started as a casual chat, as the topic changed, both of them realized that it was no longer a casual chat. It seemed to be a cognitive analysis. After Dong Wanwan finished speaking, there was a brief silence between the two. After a while, Huo Shijun shook his head slightly and said, "I haven't heard such a thing. Besides, I don't think the relationship between my aunt and my uncle is bad. But this doesn't mean anything. The marriage between the wealthy families has never considered the feelings of their children. Everything is based on interests, there is no doubt about this." Dong Wanwan smiled, and she didn't say anything, just looked at Huo Shijun. "Although I think pure love does exist, it is indeed not suitable for a family like ours.

Let's not talk about my aunt. At least, the example we talked about is not only my aunt, but also Chen Ping'an's adoptive father.

The reason why he left the capital was also because of the marriage, but what we talked about just now was not the topic of marriage, but the change in Chen Shaohua's identity after he came back."

She glared at Dong Wanwan, "It's all your fault. You diverted the topic."

Dong Wanwan shrugged, but still said nothing.

Huo Shiyun continued, "As far as I know, Chen Shaohua is now the person in charge of the Chen family in Beijing. Although this news has not been announced publicly, he is now speaking on behalf of the Chen family in many matters.

Also, the original person in charge of the Chen family was Chen Shaojie, the third master of the Chen family.

I just don't know if this change is due to the health problems of the third master of the Chen family."

Dong Wanwan waited until she finished speaking before saying, "I can give you another example.

My father and mother are also married.

But what I know is that my mother and father have a very good relationship.

My mother is from the Ma family in Northeast China, and her temper is a bit more so.

My father's family started with coal. To put it bluntly, my grandfather is not well educated, but my father went to college.

Let's not talk about anything else, just say that my parents' relationship is really good.

My father spoils my mother like a little girl."

She had a smile on her face and her eyes sparkled.

Huo Shijun nodded helplessly, "Wanwan, can we not talk about this?"

Dong Wanwan laughed and said, "Sure, I just want to tell you.

Whether it is an arranged marriage or not, you can always fight for the love you yearn for.

Wasn't it like this in the past?

There are many people who are very happy even though men and women have never met before getting married.

Of course, let me add that I don't support arranged marriages.

After all, there are still many people who are not so happy."

Huo Shijun sighed, "You, you are really..."

She stood up, "Go to bed, it's very late."

Dong Wanwan followed and got up, picked up the water cup and walked towards her bedroom.

Before closing the door, she didn't forget to say good night.

Huo Shijun lay on the bed, thinking about the conversation between her and Dong Wanwan before.

After thinking about it, she always felt that her future should be in her own hands.

Although her father really loved her, she knew very well.

What does the head of the family do?

I really can't give up the family's interests for her.

She fell asleep slowly while thinking about it.


Fang Jinglei finally met the director chosen by the investor.

For the meeting, she deliberately put on a relatively delicate light makeup.

However, in order to show her identity as an author, she dressed more casually.

The meeting place was a coffee shop chosen by the investor.

She also understood this meaning. This was not a formal meeting. It was just the first meeting between the two parties to get familiar with each other.

Besides, this meeting was not necessary.

The money was paid, and the choice of actors had nothing to do with her. It was just to show respect or to better understand the script!

The director's name was Ma Long. He looked to be in his early thirties and less than forty years old. He was very neat.

She felt that this director was a serious person and knew his limits.

What surprised her was that when the investor introduced himself, she found out that the investor was actually a cultural media company under the Fang family in Beijing.

The person who came was not the general manager of the company, but a vice president.

Although the vice president was relatively gentle and not aggressive,

, but when introducing the company's background and strength, the meaning that was inadvertently revealed was very telling.

Fang Jinglei is not a pure little girl.

I have also met many people from the upper class when I was in Yuncheng.

I have seen so many people who deliberately pretend to be low-key, so I didn't take the other party to heart.

I am also a member of the Fang family, and I am the third generation of the Fang family.

In terms of the status in the Fang family, it is simply not comparable to the vice president of a subsidiary company.

With this psychological advantage, she couldn't help but raise her attitude a little.

Director Ma Long's performance made her look at him differently.

Most young directors reveal a sense of literary youth.

Ma Long doesn't have these.

He just discussed several main characters with Fang Jinglei very seriously.

The script is not like a novel, which can have a lot of text foreshadowing and introduction.

In addition to the description of expression, action, clothing and environment, there are only dialogues, which are not enough for the director to understand the script more deeply.

The topics were what kind of person is more suitable for a certain role, the background and personality of the role, and some information that did not appear in the script.

The conversation between the two was quite smooth.

Ma Long did not show any other intentions about Fang Jinglei's appearance. He was just amazed for a moment when he first saw her, and then he talked about work naturally.

Fang Jinglei was very satisfied with Ma Long's professionalism and the fact that he did not look at her chest.

Of course, this was just her own feeling.

In fact, the investors did not need to consider the feelings of the original author.

The purpose of meeting her was to make the director more clear about the author's intentions and make the short play more popular.

That's it.

The last thing they talked about was the time to submit the subsequent scripts, and to make an agreement with each other.

After Fang Jinglei returned home, she did not see her mother Zhao Wei or her elder sister Fang Qingyan.

I don't know where the two went.

Sitting in front of her computer, she did not call the editor.

Instead, she read the script from beginning to end again.

This took her most of the day.

The prototypes of the characters in the script were actually her own family.

Except for Fang Pingan, she was familiar with everyone.

But after she changed the gender of the character to a woman, everything changed.

Not only did the heroine become the little punching bag, but several male characters and the fake daughter were also the main characters she focused on to pull emotions.

No matter what kind of actors director Ma Long chose, it made no difference to her.

She not only received royalties, but also a share of the profits, which was enough.

As for the fact that the investor was the Fang family company in Beijing, it had no effect on her.

Business cooperation is business.

The vice president obviously didn't know her identity, not to mention that the name they used when they met was still her pen name.

She turned on the computer to check the situation of the company, and then went to Weibo to check the company's reputation.

Time passed slowly in this process.

When her mother and elder sister came back, she was just planning to cook.

"Mom, big sister, are you eating at home or are you going out again soon?"

Fang Jinglei didn't plan to ask them where they were going, nor did she plan to tell them that her script was about to start filming.

Anyway, they never asked about any of her works.

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