The classroom was well heated.

The temperature was a little high.

He sat down next to the two seniors.

"Hey, you're fine." Dong Wanwan said.

Huo Shijun looked him up and down, "Didn't you get beaten?"

Chen Pingan was speechless when he heard this.

"No, I'm lucky. If I hadn't brought up my aunt, I might have gotten beaten."

This made sense.

Huo Shijun and Dong Wanwan didn't say anything, but just continued to look at him.

Chen Pingan felt a little uncomfortable being looked at.

"Why are you always staring at me?"

Huo Shijun shook her head slightly, "No, I'm just curious about how you were kidnapped.

And now you appear in front of us unscathed..."

Dong Wanwan smiled and asked, "If it weren't for our Shijun calling to inform you, you probably wouldn't be rescued until today."

Without giving him time to answer, Huo Shijun asked, "Why did they kidnap you? To blackmail the Chen family?"

"No," Chen Pingan explained, "This matter is related to my original family. But I haven't figured out the specific situation yet.

Maybe they knew that I am a member of the Chen family now, and I have some relatives with the Huo family, so they ran away.

I called my dad myself."

Huo Shijun nodded.

There were more than a dozen people in the classroom at this time.

She asked, "Your actual profit is not the highest, but it is one of the more stable ones.

Is it modeling?"

Chen Pingan was stunned for a moment, the topic changed too quickly.

"No, no, I've always been interested in the pharmaceutical industry.

My interest is not in stocks, but I'm more concerned about the trend of the futures market.

I originally wanted to trade stock indexes, but if I use futures to compete, the risk is too great.

I'm afraid that my psychological quality is not strong enough."

He acted a little shy, but his intention to make friends was also obvious.

Huo Shijun was stunned for a moment and said, "You are only a freshman, and you have already started to get involved in stock index futures?"

Dong Wanwan was also a little surprised.

She doesn't play these, but it doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.

"Futures are the real zero-sum game, can you do it?"

Chen Ping'an said softly, "Stocks and futures are essentially different.

The former is more affected by policies.

Ding Junzhe once wanted to use data to prove this, but it is actually unnecessary."

He and two senior sisters were sitting on the edge of the front row and talking. On the other side, Kong Ziyue's legs were on the table, with a laptop on his legs, typing away.

"He won't trade stocks too!" Dong Wanwan widened her eyes.

"No. He just became interested after seeing me participate in this competition.

He is very interested in functions now.

He is testing the formula he wrote himself."

Huo Shijun laughed when she heard this.

"If you can make money by relying on formulas, do you think there will be so many people losing money?"

Chen Pingan glanced at her and continued, "The formula written by Brother Zhe is not for reference to buying and selling.

We are studying how to use functions and crawlers to build a primary model, and select suitable companies by analyzing the public financial data of the industry and target companies. Only then will we consider analyzing trends and market sentiment..."

He spoke very seriously, and there was no extra nonsense. He just showed the ideas he and Brother Zhe discussed.

Their voices were not loud enough to affect others.

Other people in the room also gathered together to talk.

As if they all knew that these two beauties were basically impossible to be attracted, they did not come to harass them, but gave Chen Pingan an opportunity to understand Huo Shijun's understanding of the secondary market.

"Whether it's stocks or futures, I agree with what you said about market sentiment.

Now the market has entered the era of quantitative trading, and most retail investors will lose money if they enter. Do you know why?"

Dong Wanwan sat on the side, and she listened very carefully.

Huo Shiyun then explained the reason, "Quantitative trading is generally carried out on a number of selected targets.

In other words, before the transaction, people have already thoroughly studied the target company.

The speed and volume of quantitative trading are simply not comparable to retail investors.

Whether buying or selling, the speed can't keep up.

Even if it's just a few milliseconds of delay, it may be closed.

This you

You always know it, right? "

Chen Pingan nodded.

"On the other hand, the more obvious advantage of quantitative trading is that it can create emotions in this way.

That is, the market sentiment you just mentioned.

I believe you should agree with this, right?"

Chen Pingan thought for a few seconds before nodding reluctantly.

"What is market sentiment?

In the simplest terms, it is to follow the trend.

Chasing up and down is also following the trend. Retail investors are too easily influenced by market sentiment, so creating emotions is the killer move of quantitative trading to cut leeks.

I said this, you should understand.

Studying market sentiment is useful for the stock market, but it is not very useful.

Unless you have a lot of funds, enough to account for a quarter of the circulating market of a stock, then you can create emotions to cut leeks. "

Chen Pingan had to agree with Huo Shiyun's point of view.

Dong Wanwan interrupted and said, "What if it is the futures market?

I believe that with the size of the futures market, no one should be able to influence the market sentiment! "

Chen Pingan looked at Huo Shiyun, but the other party was also looking at him.

Neither of them spoke.

At this time, a voice sounded behind Chen Pingan, saying: "The futures market is not about emotions, but about information gaps and following the crowd."

Chen Pingan turned around, and Kong Ziyue had stood behind him without knowing when.

Looking at him with interest.

"Senior Kong, please sit down." Chen Pingan stood up quickly.

"It's okay, I just listened and interrupted." Kong Ziyue pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Chen Pingan, I just counted the data. The end of the game will be announced today."

He looked at Chen Pingan gently and said, "Why don't you let everyone participate in your topic later?

I think although it is an old topic, as a college student who goes to stock trading, it is inevitable to fall into various traps created by large funds.

I am talking about the traps made by only a few million funds on stock trends.

Do you know what problem my model solves? ”

Chen Pingan shook his head honestly, "Senior Kong, I really don't know about this."

Huo Shiyun said, "You have sold your model, can you tell me?"

Kong Ziyue smiled, "It's okay, it's just that the theory has no data, there will be no problem.

My model solves the problem of identifying financial report data.

From this point of view, it has the same purpose as what you just said about screening investment targets.

So I think your path is right, but I don't know how good you are. Can you show it to me?"

Chen Pingan explained awkwardly, "No, Senior Kong, the model was not made by me, but by my roommate, but it should not be completely successful yet.

I can't say specifically, I was just showing off just now..."

Kong Ziyue looked at the time, "Okay, let's talk about it after the end. Otherwise, you can contact your roommate to see if he is free to come and chat together? "

Chen Pingan was overjoyed.

This is a rare opportunity.


Huo Shiyun said with a smile: "Why did Senior Kong suddenly become a good guy?

We have never encountered such an opportunity before."

Kong Ziyue said with a smile: "Let's go together later. This is not a confidential thing. It's just a matter of the depth of research."

Chen Pingan immediately called Ding Junzhe.

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