The two sides of the two sides have been separated.

Chen Pingan thought about it all night, and the next morning, he submitted an application for leave of absence after arriving at school.

Time: one year.

Reason: health reasons.

His request was to keep his student status, and he had no other requirements.

He didn't go to class at all in the morning, nor did he ask for leave. He went directly to Qiao Bo's office and put his handwritten application on the table.

Qiao Bo picked up the document and quickly browsed it, then looked up at Chen Pingan standing in front of him.

"Are you... serious?"

His tone of voice, expression and body movements all clearly expressed his shock and surprise.

"I said, didn't you say your family has arranged a bodyguard for you?

Such a big school, you are not the only one with a bodyguard.


You have no confidence in our school?

Or do you really think that attending classes is a waste of your precious time?"

The teacher opposite also looked up at the student.

"Teacher Qiao, what's wrong?"

Qiao Bo suppressed his emotions and said lightly: "Students in our department applied for a year of leave of absence..."

"You were the one who was kidnapped last time, right, classmate?" The teacher smiled.

Chen Pingan forced a smile to him, and then looked at Qiao Bo.

"Teacher Qiao..."

"Stop!" Qiao Bo raised his hand and said: "You, come out with me!"

The application document was thrown on the table by him, and then he stood up and walked out.

Chen Pingan followed obediently.

Arriving at the balcony, Qiao Bo lit a cigarette sullenly, "Tell me, what's the reason?

I'm not saying that your application for leave of absence has any impact on me, no.

I just don't understand, it's a top school in the country...

Are you not used to the school's teaching methods or do you really think the teaching quality doesn't meet your requirements?

I didn't say anything to you when you came last time.

I really didn't expect you to take a leave of absence directly!"

Chen Ping'an bowed his head and said, "Teacher Qiao, thank you for your trouble."

Qiao Bo has seen many students, and as a counselor, it is his job responsibility to save this stubborn champion.

"You have a good foundation and learn quickly, I understand.

But you have to know that college is not the end.

Only by following the steps can you ensure that the knowledge you learn is more solid, and you will be smoother after you go to graduate school.


Besides, in this situation in China, if you are independent, you will be isolated by everyone, Chen Pingan!"

Chen Pingan lowered his head, "Teacher Qiao, thank you for your trouble!"

"You are giving up the help of so many well-known professors, do you understand?

I know very well that you must take a leave of absence first. Once you find that taking a leave of absence is more suitable for your learning style, will you drop out next time?

I tell you, Chen Pingan, you are really destroying your future!

Even if you don't need to study for a master's degree or find a job, knowledge is the only thing you can rely on in the future!"

So many things happened to this classmate Chen Pingan, and Qiao Bo participated in every time, and he was very impressed by this student.

And he really thought that Chen Pingan came here to drop out in the future.

He just felt it was a pity.

All students who can take the top scorer are talented.

Because it is absolutely impossible to get the top score by just working hard.

The score line for getting into Beijing University is already very good.

Whether it is Tsinghua University or Beijing University, schools like them want students with high IQ and extremely smart.

But if Chen Pingan insists on taking a leave of absence, he has no way to deal with it.

And he is more worried that if the leader does not agree, this guy will definitely drop out of school directly.

"Does your family know about this?" Seeing that Chen Pingan was unmoved, he could only try again.

Chen Pingan raised his head, "Teacher Qiao, my family will not interfere with my decision.

I can take responsibility for my own affairs."

Qiao Bo looked into his eyes and was sure that this guy was not acting on a whim, but had really considered the consequences.

He reluctantly pressed the cigarette butt into the can.

"Well, since you've said that, it would be inappropriate for me to advise you again.

Go back, I'll submit the application.

As for the result, you can wait for the school's notification."

Chen Ping'an bowed to the young teacher seriously, "Thank you, Teacher Qiao, I'll go back first."

Chen Ping'an did not return to the classroom, but returned to the dormitory to continue reading.

That's it.

Looking ahead and behind is also a waste of time.

Since the application has been submitted

, which is equivalent to strengthening his determination.

During the break, Ding Junzhe and the others shouted directly in the group.

"Old Second, what's wrong with you?"

"Ping An, why don't you come to class?"

"Have you finally started your plan to skip classes?"

Chen Ping An replied: "I'm in the dormitory. I went to the counselor to apply for a leave of absence in the morning."

These words appeared in the group and it was quiet.

It's obvious that the three of them must have discussed this topic in the classroom.

When the four hours in the morning were over, he was reading with his feet on the table. The door of the dormitory was opened with a "bang", and three figures rushed in.

"Fuck, Ping An, are you really going to take a leave of absence?" Li Hongzhong shouted.

Ding Junzhe and Chi Yonghao followed him in and looked at him in shock.

The schoolbags were thrown directly on their respective tables, and then they surrounded him.

Chen Pingan put down the book and smiled, "Yeah, I just went to Qiao Bo's office this morning."

"What did he say?" Li Hongzhong asked quickly.

"He did persuade me, but I still plan to drop out of school." Chen Pingan answered naturally.

Chi Yonghao pulled a chair over and sat down, still asking with some uncertainty.

"Why? Is it really because you think that attending classes is a waste of time?"

Ding Junzhe shook his head, "I think it may not be just this reason.

It shouldn't be that serious.

We talked about it before. In fact, the time wasted is not much, and it is not unacceptable.

As long as you don't get angry, the teacher will basically not bother you.

You can do whatever you want in class. It's your business whether you study or not. The teacher just teaches.

So not taking a leave of absence is not a must..."

Chen Ping'an nodded and said, "Yes, there are some things at home. I feel that if I continue to stay in school, I may suffer greater losses, so I must make a choice.

Taking a leave of absence is the best option I can think of at the moment, so..."

He shrugged his shoulders, "I wrote a handwritten application and sent it to Qiao Bo early in the morning."

"Ping'an, do your parents know about this?" Chi Yonghao asked.

"Yes, do your family know?" Li Hongzhong followed up and asked.

Chen Pingan shook his head and said, "I haven't told my family about the formal application.

But they already knew that I wanted to take a leave of absence, and no one objected.

I make my own decisions and bear the consequences myself.

Isn't that right?"

The other three people in the dormitory looked at each other.

Ding Junzhe gave a thumbs up, "Awesome! I wouldn't dare.

I'm afraid my mother would come and kill me!"

Chi Yonghao followed with a thumbs up and said, "The word suspending school has never occurred to me.

All I can do is choose more subjects I like and get the credits.

I really don't dare to think about anything else, and I haven't thought about it."

Chen Pingan smiled bitterly and said, "You don't know how much pressure I'm under!

I'm also forced to do it, brothers!

If I don't do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything..."

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