The truth is that the matter was not resolved.

Fang Qingyan also knew the importance of the time when this incident broke out.

The impact of the thunder that broke out at different times is different.

"Jinglei, it's not that I don't want to, but I'm really embarrassed..."

"Sister," Fang Jinglei was a little anxious, "If it's delayed, the impact on the Fang family will be greater.

Facts are always facts, and there is no way to continue to cover them up.

The later it is discovered, the greater the harm to mom.

If you hesitate again, I will do it myself!

I absolutely cannot tolerate him continuing to deceive our mom, and I don't want the Fang family to fall into the hands of outsiders in the future.

This is absolutely not possible."

Fang Qingyan shook her head slightly, "At most, he is an illegitimate child, and he is also a descendant of the Fang family. There is no situation where he falls into the hands of outsiders as you said. "

Fang Jinglei sneered, "Haha, if it's really like what you think, I hope he is a pure adopted son and has no blood relationship with the Fang family.

But if there is, have you ever thought that one day he will bring his biological mother in?

What will mom and our sisters be at that time?

Are we here to help others?

I can't accept such a result.

Sister, give me a word, are you going to do it or not!

If not, I will contact the paparazzi to start investigating now!

I will pay for it myself. "

Fang Qingyan pinched her eyebrows, she had never been so embarrassed.

"I have already informed people, but when to start the investigation, they are still waiting for my news.

Can you stop making trouble for me?"

Fang Jinglei was a little angry.

"Making trouble?

I am calling this to set things right, okay?

This matter can't be dragged on.

I don't care when you start investigating, I will contact my people now. "

She picked up her phone from the table and started to look through the address book.

Fang Qingyan stood up and walked over quickly, snatching the phone.

"No! Jinglei, can you let me think about it again?

This will have a huge impact on Fang Jiahe and Mom!"

Fang Jinglei said coldly: "Sister, I really didn't expect you to be such an indecisive person.

It really disappoints me.

From this point of view, you are really not as good as Ping An!

He knows to cut off the relationship and stop the loss in time, but what about you?

The president of a company worth tens of billions of dollars seems to be so indecisive in such a more deadly matter. So incompetent.

I misjudged you.

Sister, I tell you clearly that no matter whether you will investigate or not, I will do it myself.

What a waste of precious time these days! "

She stood up, reached out to take back the phone and said: "Even if the Fang family is broken up, I have the ability to make money by myself, and I don't need you to support me.

Don't use this excuse to perfunctorily deal with me.

But you, think about what you can do after the Fang family collapses?

Marry someone else to manage a business?

Think about it carefully!

I'm going to sleep, you go back to your room. "

Fang Qingyan opened her mouth, but still said nothing.

She left Fang Jinglei's room dejectedly.

After returning to her room, she called Gu Baibai.

Fang Jinglei opened the drawer, took out a photo from the bottom, and stared at the photo silently.

It was a family photo.

But a piece of the right side was torn off.

That was where Fang Ping'an stood.

Now, there is no real heir of the Fang family in this family photo.

The one who does exist is just an illegitimate child.

She now completely believes what Fang Pingan said.

What she lacks is just some evidence to convince her mother and the third and fourth sisters.

As for this dithering elder sister, she no longer relies on her.

The indecision now will only cause the Fang family to suffer greater losses in the future.

Whether it is reputation or economic.

Fang Pingan asked for leave to receive the award.

He bought a pair of very cheap sunglasses on the street, and wore a hat and a mask.

He refused interviews and donations, and received a total of nearly 24 million bonuses.

Then he took a taxi and went around the city for a long time before returning to school.

The only thing to wait for is the college entrance examination.

He is now spending all his time on questions, and he even remembers most of the questions in this year's college entrance examination.

All he has to do is wait for the college entrance examination scores to come out so that people don't feel abrupt.

His grades were already good, and now this impression of diligence will undoubtedly convince anyone who has doubts about his grades.

Time passed very quickly.

He did not use a penny in his bank card.

He studied hard every day during this period.

Go home on time.

Chen Shaohua and Liu Qing also closed the shop and went home after lunch every day since June because the college entrance examination was coming, and prepared a nutritious dinner for him.

Chen Shuhui also ate a lot every day, without paying attention to her figure.

Fang Pingan did not say anything to thank him. All he could do was to give his godfather and godmother the best results in return.

On the 7th, Chinese in the morning and mathematics in the afternoon.

The test site is the Foreign Language School.

Fang Pingan was called up at six o'clock in the morning.

Chen Shaohua and his wife had posted a notice long ago that they would close the shop during the college entrance examination. On the one hand, it would not affect the children who took the college entrance examination, and on the other hand, they also had children who were going to take the college entrance examination.

The two of them naturally hoped to prepare breakfast for Fang Pingan so that he would not be hungry.

Although it was not necessary to do so, Fang Pingan knew that he could not refuse it at all.

Please fill him with such warmth.

After breakfast, Chen Shaohua began to help him check his admission ticket, ID card and other things.

The name on the ID card was still Fang Pingan, but he changed it after returning to the Fang family. Not only that, but also the name on the household registration booklet.

The only thing that remained was that his household registration was not moved to the Fang family.

"Pingan, don't be nervous, and don't feel pressured.

I know your grades will definitely get you into a good university.

Let's just perform normally, understand?"

Chen Shaohua reminded him while driving.

Liu Qing in the back seat also reminded him earnestly, fearing that he would take the college entrance examination less than half a month after leaving the Fang family.

It is not necessarily possible to maintain a stable mentality in such a short time...

Only Chen Shuhui was like a carefree elf, pointing at the traffic police on duty on the road.

Fang Pingan smiled and comforted his godfather and godmother and their family, saying: "Don't worry, I have a very good mentality.

It can even be said that my mentality is much better now than in any exam in the past four years.

I am in a good mood to be back home with you, so my mentality is naturally good."

Chen Shaohua smiled and nodded continuously.

When entering the examination room, Chen Shuhui said to him, "Brother, I know you are the best, don't feel pressured, we are all waiting for you outside."

Fang Pingan laughed and said, "Okay, when I come out, please prepare a bottle of Coca-Cola for me."

He didn't dare to drink much water in the morning, not because he didn't want to, but because Liu Qing was worried that he would affect his grades if he went to the toilet during the exam...

Chen Shuhui waved her hand, "Don't worry, I promise you will have something to drink when you come out!"

Fang Pingan smiled, turned around and entered the gate, and after checking his ID card and admission ticket, he entered the examination room calmly.

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