The house looks very old.

"This house looks very old." Chen Xiaolong did not help, but just sat on the sofa and watched after Chen Pingan removed the sheets.

Chen Pingan did not expect him to help.

He opened the window for ventilation, and then went to get some tap water to boil water.

"People in Yunnan Province like to drink tea. Do you want to try my craftsmanship?"

He began to search through boxes and cabinets for tea leaves.

It's a pity that when Chen Shaohua's family moved, he was already in Beijing University, and he didn't know where the things were.

After Chen Xiaolong saw that he was not right, he smiled and said, "Forget it, I don't like drinking tea very much."

Chen Pingan explained awkwardly and the two of them calmed down.

Just when he didn't know what to say, Chen Xiaolong suddenly asked:

"I'm not familiar with Yuncheng. You've lived here for many years. Do you think this community will also be included in the scope of this project?"

Chen Ping'an's photographic memory was immediately revealed.

He took out his computer and quickly opened the map and put it on the coffee table in front of him.

"If I remember correctly, according to Uncle San, this time our Chen family mainly wants to start two areas at the same time, right..."

He pointed to the map and said, "My home is here, belonging to the North District of Zhongdao.

My home is definitely not within the scope of demolition.

The demolition area of ​​the project is here, the old community in Linhai District.

In Yuncheng, this place is considered the oldest community.

It used to be a place where only rich people with connections could live. Later, after other places slowly developed, only some people with poor family conditions would move here.

But now the housing prices in Yuncheng are not low. Of course, it can't be compared with Beijing..."

It was not until now that he realized that the memory of his previous life had changed to a certain extent because of him.

In his memory, in the fifteen years, the Linhai District began to be renovated only after about four or five years.

The first area to be renovated was the area where the houses he had chosen for Huihui were located, because the subway would soon be planned, probably around next year or the year after.

As soon as the plan came out, housing prices along the planned line began to soar.

Then huge investments such as demolition and reconstruction appeared one after another.

But now because he was reborn, and because of the disputes between him, the Fang family and the Chen family, the Chen family wanted to start renovating the old and dilapidated houses in Linhai District under the slogan of venting his anger for him...

When Chen Xiaolong was looking at the computer screen, Chen Ping'an's mind had already gone elsewhere.

"I heard that the money you used to buy more than a dozen houses for Huihui was won from the lottery?"

When he was thinking about it, Chen Xiaolong suddenly asked.

Chen Pingan came back to his senses and nodded, "Well, I'm lucky. It's a pity that I bought too little."

Chen Xiaolong smiled and said nothing. After a while, he asked again:

"You have lived in this house since you were a child. You returned to the Fang family in the third year of junior high school? And then you were kicked out before the college entrance examination. What is the reason? Can you tell me?"

He took out the ashtray under the coffee table and placed it in front of him on the coffee table.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and gestured to Chen Pingan, "Want one?"

Chen Pingan shook his head, "I don't smoke."

"Third uncle should have told you everything about me, why did you ask me in person?"

He was a little curious and asked casually.

After Chen Xiaolong lit the cigarette, he said: "It is always not as true to hear others say it as to hear you say it.

My father likes to exaggerate when he speaks. Generally, I have to squeeze out a lot of water from what he says, otherwise I will always be deceived."

Chen Pingan became more curious.

"Your father...what did your third uncle lie to you about?"

Chen Xiaolong waved his hand, "Nothing, nothing.

Let's talk about your story. I'm actually quite curious. You said that your biological parents took you back, and then your whole family didn't like you. So what was the purpose of taking you back?"

Chen Ping'an now certainly doesn't treat his past as a scar.

He doesn't mind others mentioning this topic in person.

"It's actually nothing, but if you say that they took me back that year, it was probably because I looked too much like him.

Basically, he knew I was his son when he saw my face.

Whether he was willing or not, he couldn't let me stay outside for the sake of face.

So, in the end it became like this."

There's no need to talk about the details of the process, and it's useless.

He doesn't need to gain sympathy by playing the victim, let alone

Although the boy in front of him was the same age as him, he actually thought he was not as mature as him.

"Your brother's name is Fang Hongjun, right?"

Chen Xiaolong asked casually, "After I heard about you, I started to inquire about your parents' family.

As for your father's illegitimate son, he was killed in the M country because he hired someone to drive to kill you, and his mother, Qin Bailian, was also killed."

Without waiting for Chen Ping'an's expression to solidify, he smiled and continued, "You see, I said I don't have obvious shortcomings, this is one of them."

Chen Ping'an opened his mouth, and after a long while he nodded and said, "I am indeed not as good as you!"

Chen Xiaolong shook his head and refused to admit it.

"Maybe you still have some misunderstandings.

I started asking about this after I knew it because it was my habit, not because I had any interest or thoughts about you.

I will not take advantage of this opportunity to get involved in the south like my father did and also drag the Huo family into it.

As for whether he really wants to deal with other people later, it all has to do with you.

So your role in this whole thing is very important.

From this perspective, I am not as good as you."

Chen Pingan closed his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Anyway, any family puts profit first.

For example, in this case, you are a completely exploited character, but can you say that your family is doing something wrong?

Even if it is a normal business investment or opening up a market in the south, you can't say anything, right?

Besides, your existence has made my father and second uncle, and possibly the eldest uncle, discuss a rival together.

To invest in Yun Province, one or two birds with one's head have to be eliminated.

With you, the bird with one's head is the Fang family."

Chen Ping'an was not angry. He thought about it and asked, "Huo family, what is the meaning of the Huo family coming here?"

Chen Xiaolong flicked the ash and said, "Aunt is a member of the Huo family."

Chen Ping'an nodded, "So, is your marriage with Huo Shiyun also for this reason?

When I was in the Fang family for four years, I am a nobody in the room, I know nothing, and I have never participated in anything in the Fang family.

So I will not expect these things..."

Chen Xiaolong took a puff of cigarette and said with some hatred: "That old woman Huo Shiyun wants to marry me? Dream on!

You should understand one thing, my passport is never away from me.

I can run away at any time if I want!"

"I am afraid that my third uncle and uncle will agree. With the status and position of the uncle, what if he speaks? From the perspective of the family's interests, you should not refuse!"

Chen Pingan said slowly: "I heard from my father that you went to Europe for other reasons. Of course, I am not very clear about the details. It should be because your ideas are too different from those of the third uncle.

I just want to say that no matter how awesome your ideas are, at least you still lack one thing..."

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