The real estate project is not what I want you to learn. "I don't want you to learn how real estate projects are done." Chen Shaohua sat behind the table with a cigarette. This is his room. Chen Pingan sat on the sofa and listened carefully. "What you need to pay attention to is the relationships between all parties involved in the design of this project, and how to balance these relationships and resources after the project is finally formed. Your third uncle and the head of the Huo family took the finance to talk to the government this morning. Do you know what the most critical thing is?" Chen Pingan shook his head sincerely. "Dad, I have a guess, but I dare not say anything..."

Chen Shaohua smiled, "It's okay, you can tell me. After all, you didn't grow up in this environment, and I am learning like you."

Knowing that this was his humble statement, Chen Pingan pondered for a moment and said:

"The existence of my uncle makes it possible for this project to be taken over by both of our families.

Although I am not sure whether my uncle has a great influence on the leaders of Yun Province, it is definitely there.

So my guesses are all from this perspective.

Combined with what Uncle Huo said before about the division of political achievements reflected in the project, I guess that the project will be signed by the current leaders and become an important achievement of several departments One of the achievements, some people may be promoted later.

If the uncle will come to Yun Province to work in the future, then this matter is easy to understand.

So today, the third uncle and the head of the Huo family went to the government to discuss cooperation, which will definitely succeed and go smoothly.

The government must have done background checks on the Chen family and the Huo family, and there will be no obstacles. "

Chen Shaohua looked at him for a few seconds before nodding slightly, "You are right, that's what you mean.

No matter how we talk, things will definitely succeed.

At most, there will be some minor friction in the future subcontracting.

The Huo family still has a trump card that has not been brought out. Fundamentally speaking, we really can't compare. "

Chen Pingan nodded.

If the strength is strong, it would not be Huo Zhinian who explained it before, but the people of the Chen family.

That itself is a display of strength, and the meaning is also very clear, that is, how to do the project, according to our plan.

He can understand this invisible means of showing status.

It is the same whether the plan is completed independently by the Huo family or not.

"Dad, I remember saying before that the Huo family would not participate in the real estate part..."

"That was before. The port terminal has not been finalized. Although they are invited by your uncle, they can't waste their time and money.

When they came, you should know that they are not here to do charity.

Since they are here, how can they leave without eating a bite of meat?"

Chen Pingan can understand this approach, "How to divide it?"

Chen Shaohua shook his head, "Your uncle didn't say this, so I don't know it very well. Chu.

In any case, cooperate to get the project first.

If you want to set up a new company, then it will be divided according to the proportion of shares.

By the way, how have you been getting along with Xiaolong during this period? "

"Compared with him, I do have some gaps..." Chen Pingan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "He said he is a versatile person with no obvious shortcomings. Although there is no evidence to prove this, at least he is much better than me in terms of knowledge."

He dared not say that his knowledge was actually not worse than Chen Xiaolong's. The difference was that what he saw in his previous life was not within the scope of this field.

In his previous life, Fang Hongjun did not spend much energy on real estate after taking charge of Fangjia Yuncheng's company.

And this kind of operation method has become a widely used routine operation.

Such a detailed operation process would not be mentioned in the documents that Fang Hongjun had read.

The main reason is that Fang Hongjun also studied finance in college, and he especially likes to make money through financial means.

Easy, and quick money.

"Especially the affairs within the family, they know much more than I do.

Even before this, I didn't know there was a fifth uncle in the family.

There is no information about this in the materials in your study.

Dad, you have a fifth brother, who is in Europe, right?

Chen Xiaolong said that he was just a figurehead in the company. Although it may not be entirely true, at least the things of the European company were not entirely done by him alone.

Otherwise, his ability really makes me have no desire to compete.

It's too scary."

Chen Shaohua pondered.

After a long time, he spoke: "Your fifth uncle... Shaoliang is different from others.

He... He has the best relationship with your third uncle.

He is the youngest and the smartest in the family.

It's just that for some reasons, he was sent away early.

After your mother and I came to Yuncheng, we basically didn't have much contact with our family.

Some things, you can go and see, listen, and judge for yourself when you have the chance.

It's not convenient for me to tell you too much about your fifth uncle."

Seeing that his expression was slightly embarrassed, Chen Pingan wisely changed the subject.

"Dad, why didn't the Huo family have any young people to participate in this project this time?

Isn't this a good learning process?"

Chen Shaohua smiled and said, "I can't answer this question for you.

Don't you know someone in their family? Don't come to me for questions you can ask yourself.

Each family has its own specific situation, and I, as an outsider, don't know.

Let's not talk about these.

I asked you to come here to see what your judgment is.

At least I am quite satisfied.

The whole project started because of you, and it also hit the Fang family, but it actually serves your uncle.

Your aunt is a member of the Huo family, and there is another person in the Huo family working in the military here, which is why the Huo family will definitely join in.

So, you have to understand that business has never been independent.

It will never be independent.

Although political economy and market economy are two nouns, they are actually the same thing.

Only those unimportant businesses, or businesses that are not worth mentioning at all, are related to the market economy. As long as they are large enough, they are related to the market economy. All businesses of a certain scale are related to politics.

You must remember this sentence.

In less than a year, you will see the results of this investment in addition to economic benefits.

Why do you think the Huo family should vent their anger for you, an outsider?

Haha, you are too insignificant, and your importance is far from enough.

Unless you have become a completely indispensable person to the Chen family or the Huo family, then they will go all out for you.

It is definitely not like this now, understand? "

Chen Pingan suddenly realized, "There are still people in their family working in the army here? What's the benefit of this matter to that person? Isn't it too early for the port terminal?"

"So the first step is to take this opportunity to gain a foothold first, and then the port.

It can be said that the renovation of the neighborhood is to strengthen the Chen family, and participating in the port project is to truly serve the strength of the Huo family.

At that time, our Chen family will also contribute.

Otherwise, do you think the Huo family is so loyal to contribute money, effort and people to help your uncle?"

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