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Chen Shuhui also reached out and hugged her and said, "Oh, mom, my brother is in the top 30 in the province. If he scores more than 730 points, he might even be the top scorer in the province.

This is a good thing. Why are you crying?"

Liu Qing hugged She said, "Silly girl, your brother has suffered so much in the past four years..." Fang Pingan quickly said, "Godmother, let's not talk about this. I did so well in the exam because you raised me since I was a child. Very good study habits, this is all thanks to you. "

Chen Shaohua let out a long breath, stood up and said: "Today is a good day.

Ping An will definitely be able to go to Tsinghua or Peking University!

This is the happiest day of my life. Such a good child is not valued by the Fang family. They are blind!

Ping An, let's go and have a drink with godfather!

Wife, go fry some peanuts for me and make two snacks. I want to Drink to your heart's content!"

Liu Qing glared at him and said, "Don't swear."


Time went back to 8 o'clock.

Fang Hongjun also checked his grades accompanied by his whole family.

When he estimated his scores, he estimated his scores to be around 650.

It must be said that Fang Hongjun's grades have always been very good.

This score is only It was an upper-middle grade, not an outstanding result.

But he had always been at this level.

After so many simulations, his scores had always been between 620 and 670.

When the screen showed 653 points, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then He handed the phone to Zhao Wei.

"I wonder how many points Ping An got."

He was very careful and didn't say a word of nonsense or show any emotion.

Zhao Wei's smile faded after she saw the results. Solidified.

She turned to look at Fang Qingyan, "Qingyan, why don't you call and ask Ping An how many points he got?"

"Why ask him?" Fang Junhong's face had fallen, "How many points he got has nothing to do with us What does it matter?

Hasn't he already cut off ties with me?

If you don't study hard every day, I don't think you will get many points in the exam.

In the future, you can only struggle in the world of inferior people. "

Fang Qingyan silently took out her mobile phone.

She I also wanted to know Fang Ping'an's score, but Fang Jinglei held my hand before I could type it out.

Fang Jinglei smiled and said, "Hongjun did so well in the exam, do you plan to go abroad or continue to stay in China to attend university?"

Fang Zhidie also smiled, "Hongjun will definitely go abroad, but I can't bear to let you go.

This is studying abroad , you'll be gone for years, mom will miss you.

As for Fang Pingan, he's definitely not as good as Hongjun.

Sister, think about it, our dad will definitely not give him money to study abroad.

High school is the best for him. The most important thing.

But what about him?

He hangs out with a bunch of hooligans every day and steals things from home. How could such a person do well in the exam?

If you ask me, Fang Pingan is lucky to be admitted to a second-tier university. He might only be able to go to a junior college. ”

Fang Qingyan looked up at Fang Hongjun and asked: Yes, Hongjun, what do you think? "

Zhao Wei put down her phone and looked at Fang Junhong, "Or, let's not go abroad. If Hongjun also goes abroad, I will go with him."

Fang Junhong laughed and said: "Hongjun goes abroad to study The arrangements have been made, but the donation has not been finalized yet. ”

He looked at Fang Hongjun, his face full of relief.

"Hongjun, which school do you want to go to?"

Fang Hongjun lowered his eyes and said, "I am also reluctant to leave my mother and go abroad alone.

With my grades in China, I should be able to go to Beijing University.

If I stay in China, I think I want to go to Shanghai to study, I don't want to go to Beijing."

Zhao Wei was very happy, "Then don't go to Beijing, Shanghai is close to home. Your uncle is in Shanghai, he will take care of you there, so there will be no problem. . "

Fang Hongjun said nothing and looked up at his father.

Zhao Wei continued: "Hongjun likes Shanghai, so let's go to Shanghai. Mom will go with you then..."

Fang Junhong shook his head, "Forget it, let's go abroad Go out and study hard for a few years, and then come back and learn how to manage the company from your elder sister.

Everything in the Fang family will still be controlled by you in the future. ”

Fang Hongjun: “Then, what about Brother Ping An? Really don’t care "

After that, he lowered his head and kept silent.

Fang Zhidie sneered and said, "Hongjun, are you stupid?

He was the one who proposed to sever ties with the Fang family. We didn't force him to leave the Fang family.

He brought all this upon himself.

Why should we care about him?

Just let him roll around in the slums. "

Fang Jinglei didn't say anything after she asked that question.

She stared at the expressions of Fang Hongjun and his father, not wanting to miss even a single detail.

She had started to observe since Fang Hongjun said that.

Things that she had never noticed before, things that she had thought were normal before, had become somewhat different in her eyes since Fang Ping'an told her about Fang Hongjun's life experience.

If it was before, she would have spoken like her third sister Fang Zhidie, belittling the silent Fang Ping'an at home.

But now she found that her third sister Fang Zhidie was the one who had no brains at home.

Fang Hongjun said two sentences in total, and although it seemed to sound pitiful for Fang Ping'an, if you look at it from another angle, then It was to instigate her father and the third sister to make them more determined to break off contact with Fang Pingan.

Of course, she still didn't know that her mother and the third sister had gone to Fang Pingan early in the morning the day after Fang Pingan left the Fang family.

Why did the third sister show great disgust towards Fang Pingan, even without any concealment.

She also couldn't understand why her mother was reluctant to let Fang Pingan go, but seemed to be indifferent.

Could it be that Fang Hongjun had given her some kind of magic potion during this period?

She didn't say anything, but sat quietly on the sofa and watched.

Fang Qingyan raised her hand and slapped Fang Zhidie on the shoulder, "Anyway, Fang Pingan is your brother, so if you don't like him, forget it, there's no need to belittle him like this.

Dad, ask about Pingan's grades in a few days.

Since Hongjun wants to know, I'll tell you after I've found out.

Pingan is from No. 38 Middle School, and Hongjun is from No. 1 Middle School.

The teaching staff and learning atmosphere of the two schools are completely at different levels.

Pingan's grades are definitely not as good as Hongjun's.

But this is not an important matter. If Hongjun wants to go abroad, he should choose a good school.

If you don't go abroad, go to Shanghai, Hongjun, you must choose finance.

Shanghai's finance is very strong. There is no place in China that can compare with Shanghai. "

Fang Jinglei looked at her elder sister staring at Fang Hongjun with bright eyes, and then looked at Fang Hongjun's head down thinking.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard Fang Hongjun say: "I'd better go abroad.

Living and studying alone abroad should help me develop independent abilities faster.

In the past few years, you have spoiled me at home, and I feel that I can't leave you. "

Fang Hongjun looked at Zhao Wei and said softly: "If you really can't bear to let me leave, then...why don't you go abroad with me. "

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