The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Hearing that the voice was not right, Chen Shaohua quickly comforted her: "Being able to marry you is the happiest thing in this life.

Compared with being able to marry you, this little bit of suffering is nothing at all.

Besides, you gave birth to Huihui for me.

Don't think too much.

Without them, haven't you lived well these years?"

Liu Qing didn't say anything else, just leaned on his chest.

After taking a shower, Chen Shuhui changed into pajamas, holding a tablet and a mobile phone, and started playing.

In the other room, Fang Ping'an just received a text message from Fang Jinglei.

"Ping'an, how many points did you get in the college entrance examination?"

He took a look and threw the phone aside, not intending to reply at all.

This second sister was the first to show him kindness.

Those past few years have passed.

He didn't want those bad days to affect his future life.

Even if his whole family regretted it, he didn't plan to go back.

After seeing the college entrance examination results tonight, he had decided to call Chen Shaohua and his wife mom and dad.

From now on, each of them will live their own lives.

No matter what happens in the Fang family, he will no longer care.

Although he really wants to know if it will be interesting once the Fang family finds out about Fang Hongjun's true blood relationship, just now, he decided not to care anymore.

Work hard to make money, go to Beijing, and go to college.

In his previous life, he didn't even go to college, and he definitely died young.

In this life, he wants to make himself live more wantonly.

The days passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the 27th, and he could already check his college entrance examination results.

Chen Shaohua and his wife didn't open the store at all that day.

Chen Shuhui went to school, and the family of three sat on the sofa waiting for the time to come.

"Ping An, have you decided which school to go to?"

Liu Qing couldn't help asking.

Chen Shaohua sighed, "Don't interfere with the child's decision.

Ping An, no matter which school or major you choose, we won't interfere.

Your future, you decide for yourself.

I believe in you."

Liu Qing followed and said, "I just want to know, and I don't want to give you any advice.

According to your grades, you should be able to go to any school you want!"

Fang Ping An couldn't help laughing.

"Mom and Dad, I've already made up my mind. I'll go to Beijing University, majoring in finance.

Others, we'll talk about it when we get to Beijing.

I guess I'll buy a house in Beijing soon, so you two won't have to stay in a hotel when you visit me there!"

Chen Shaohua was stunned for a moment and said, "That's not necessary.

I have a house in Beijing, but I just didn't take it back."

Fang Ping'an was surprised, "You still have a house in Beijing?

Except for the past four years, I haven't seen you go to Beijing since I was a child?"

Liu Qing hesitated and said, "Shaohua, have you made up your mind?"

Chen Shaohua shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about this for now, check the score and see how many points I got!"

Fang Ping'an lowered his head and started refreshing.

Soon, the score displayed on the screen came out.


Fang Pingan showed the scores to the couple, and then said, "With this score, it should be no problem to get into the top three in the province.

Last year's provincial champion only scored 727 points, and I scored 5 points higher than him.

But this year's college entrance examination questions should not be as difficult as last year, so there may be people who scored better than me."

Liu Qing and Chen Shaohua were already very excited.

If this is the provincial champion, it would be amazing.

But then, Liu Qing asked again: "Ping An, if you make this result public, will the Fang family come looking for you again..."

Fang Ping An comforted: "Don't worry, Mom, I won't go anywhere.

Although I am their child by blood, the grace of raising is worse than the grace of giving birth. I remember everything they did to me.

I will not leave this family. Of course, I will go to college when school starts.

By the way, the results are out, and someone should call or come to the door soon.

What are you two going to do?"

Chen Shaohua shook his head and said: "Anyway, it's your college business, we won't say a word.

At worst, just turn off the phone."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and turned it off directly.

Liu Qing turned it off after seeing it.

Fang Ping An stood up and said: "It's okay, I have decided to choose the Finance Department of Peking University, and I won't choose any other.

If I really can't avoid it, I will just tell the other party my choice directly.


A banner reading “Warm congratulations to our student Fang Ping’an for winning the title of the provincial champion in science in this year’s college entrance examination” was hung on the railing of the school.

This is the first time since the establishment of No. 38 Middle School that a student has won the title of provincial champion.

The school leaders were so excited that they naturally came to visit the family, bringing reporters with them.

Fang Ping’an had already turned off his phone and ran away, leaving the smiling Chen Shaohua and his wife to deal with it.

But it was useless for him to hide, as he still needed to come to school in person to fill in his application.

When the news broke, other schools were also shocked.

When did a garbage school like No. 38 Middle School produce a provincial champion?

And he was better than No. 1 Middle School in science. One got 7 points higher.

This is simply trampling on the face of No. 1 Middle School and rubbing it.

The principal, dean of studies and class teacher of No. 38 Middle School came to visit together and brought a bonus of 50,000 yuan.

Fang Ping'an's grades in school have always been good, which they all know.

But no one expected that this child would suddenly explode and get the provincial champion!

These are not a big deal, Fang Ping'an said to himself.

What I care about is whether I can avoid speaking on stage and whether I can avoid doing these things!

Of course not.

No. 38 Middle School has never been so glorious.

This is all because of the good education of the school, good management and good class teacher.

The credit is great, all It's ours.

The principal smiled brightly!

There are 803 students in 17 classes in the senior year of No. 38 Middle School, and no more than 50 of them know Fang Ping'an, that is, 47 people in their class, well, not counting himself.

During the three years of high school, no more than 10 people interacted with him.

Well, the interactions with class cadres on weekdays are not counted.

The two closest to him are his neighbors.

On the left is Zhao Huaian.

On the right across the aisle is a girl, he can't remember her name.

For three years, he went to school and left school on time every day, and went to the classroom to sleep after getting lunch and washing the lunch box at noon.

Whether it was physical education class or sports Yes, basically, it's OK to pass, not fall behind or stand out.

Who knew that this guy would make a big fuss for No. 38 Middle School!

Who knew that Fang Ping'an was a changed man!

He had already done this year's college entrance examination questions several times, and even the questions that he didn't know before, he worked hard for a few days to get them done.

In his previous life, he only scored 648 points.

This was already the best result in No. 38 Middle School.

He still remembered Fang Hongjun's results, which were normal.

Comparing the two, he improved his score by nearly 100 points.

Having lived two lives and having a photographic memory, he was really awesome.

He didn't go home until 11 o'clock in the evening, and his mobile phone was still not turned on.

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