The face of Zhao Wei suddenly appeared in Fang Pingan's mind.

"You mean Ms. Zhao Wei is sick? Yeah, I know."

He thought for a second before answering.

"Does this have anything to do with me?"

Fang Jinglei seemed to be choked, and also paused for a while before saying: "Are you really unwilling to forgive us?

Mom is sick, why don't you come to see her?"

Fang Pingan smiled, "No. I have severed ties with your Fang family.

I think the life and death of a stranger is not as important as the barbecue I eat.

If there is nothing else, see you.

Hang up."

After hanging up the phone, he forced a smile to Chen Shuhui, then turned and walked towards the door of the barbecue restaurant.

In the room of Kempinski Hotel on the other side, Fang Qingyan looked at Fang Jinglei with a dazed expression nervously.

"What? He won't come?"

Fang Zhidie sneered and said, "I told you not to call that ungrateful person.

He has been eating and drinking for free in our house for four years, and now he refuses to come even when his own mother is sick.

What a ungrateful person!

I really shouldn't have taken him back in the first place. It would have been right to let him struggle in the world of inferior people."

Fang Jinglei put down her phone, "Mom won't go home, what should I do now?

It's already this late, what should I do if Dad comes home and sees that there's no one at home?"

Fang Qingyan looked at Fang Zhidie in distress and said, "Say less.

Fang Ping'an is your only way out, brother.

If you continue like this, I'll see how you'll regret it later."

Fang Zhidie's face changed, and she closed her mouth and said nothing.

Fang Qingyan continued, "Go and see what Mom wants to eat, and ask her if she wants to go home.

It's not a good idea to stay in a hotel.

She has always been indecisive. If she keeps going like this, there will be trouble."

Fang Zhidie got up and went to the bedroom without saying a word.

In the bedroom, Zhao Wei leaned against the head of the bed, closing her eyes and not knowing what she was thinking in Beijing.

There was food on the table in front of her, but she didn't move at all.

Fang Zhidie walked over and sat on the bedside and whispered, "Mom, no matter what happens, your health is the most important thing.

It's happened, and now all you have to do is take care of your body.

No matter what you decide, we are your backers and will not hold you back.

We all support you."

Zhao Wei said nothing and refused to open her eyes.

At this time, Fang Zhidie was completely free of her usual sarcasm. She just sighed, sat next to Zhao Wei, and reached out to hold her hand.

In the room outside, Fang Jinglei's tears were already flowing.

"He said that mom and we all said strangers.

The life and death of strangers has nothing to do with him. It's not as important as the barbecue he eats... woo woo woo..."

"Did he really say that?"

She gritted her teeth, looking a little hideous and scary.

Fang Qingyan really hoped that Fang Ping'an was in front of her right now.

She wanted to slap him hard a hundred times.

Fang Jinglei lowered her head and hummed.

Fang Qingyan raised her head and sighed, "Forget it, we asked for it.

Do you go home or do I go home?

Or should I call Dad and Hongjun and tell them that I won't go back today, just find an excuse."

Fang Jinglei shook her head and said, "I won't call, I'm afraid I can't help but curse..."

She blew her nose loudly, and Fang Qingyan frowned as she blew her nose and threw the tissue into the trash can.

"Forget it, I'll call, just say...

Just say I went to Shanghai with my mom.

Just say I went to pick out gifts and clothes for Hongjun's coming-of-age party.

I'll be back in two days.

What do you think?"

Fang Jinglei looked up with a pair of red eyes, "Whatever you want, I don't want to talk to Dad, and I don't want to see or hear the name Hongjun.

I won't go home in the near future, I'll just live here.

When he leaves, I'll go back."

"Then, don't you have to work?"

"It's okay, the manuscript will be submitted at the end of next month, just bring me my computer tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Fang Qingyan could only agree.

Fang Zhidie, can't be relied on at all.

That guy, he can't keep things in his heart, I don't know why he chose to study law and want to be a lawyer?

It's really speechless.

She walked back and sat next to Fang Jinglei, whispering:

"What are you going to do with Ping An?

It's different now.

Mom used to dote on Hong Jun, but now

It will definitely not continue like that.

Without Hongjun and Pingan, I am worried that Mom will not be able to hold on. "

Fang Jinglei shook her head, "I can't help it.

I once asked him to forgive me, and he said...

He said it was unnecessary.

He said that the past is the past, and we should just be strangers to each other.

As long as we don't bother him, anything is fine. "

Fang Qingyan saw her sad and indifferent look, and reached out and patted her shoulder gently.

"Don't be sad, since it's already like this, you have to hold on no matter what.

Regardless of whether Fang Pingan is willing to come back, let's see Mom's attitude first and find a way to deal with Fang Hongjun. "

After saying that, she stood up, picked up her phone, walked to the window and called her father Fang Junhong.

The call ended quickly, and Fang Junhong did not express any surprise.

In the past, the women in their family would go shopping together, and they would be gone for a day or two.

After Fang Qingyan hung up the phone, she immediately made another call.

"Hey, I want you to keep an eye on Fang Junhong and Fang Hongjun.

See where they went tonight and who they met with. You need photos.

You must have photos.

... Money? Didn't I give it to you?

Yeah, yeah, okay, I'll transfer it to you later.

Just for a few days, if there is no result, it's over.

If necessary, contact for a new order.

You won't refuse this way, right? "


Yeah, yeah, okay, bye."

After the second call, she did not stop.

Instead, she continued to make the third call.

"Hey, Baibai, how is your investigation going for me?"

Gu Baibai seemed to be talking for a long time.

After two or three minutes, Fang Qingyan hung up the phone and sat down with a gloomy face.

Fang Jinglei had been sitting there quietly listening.

The eldest sister did not avoid her, which meant that she could listen to the content.

"Sister, do you think Dad and Hongjun will take this opportunity to meet Qin Bailian?"

"I don't know," Fang Qingyan shook her head, "The information I hope to get now is that Fang Hongjun knows his life experience.

He knows that his mother exists and where she lives.

With this evidence, I have a way to make him leave the house."

Fang Jinglei nodded, "Sister, do you know that when Ping An passed away, he tore off his piece of the only family photo.

When I saw that photo, I felt very sad...

I was thinking, how desperate he must be to do this.

No one in our family can say that he is worthy of him.

Give birth to him, and then lose him.

After finally finding him back, his treatment at home is not even as good as that of a servant..."

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