The last straw was that the snow was still shining.

He didn't know why Fang Hongjun came so late.

In his previous life, he was sent to the abandoned warehouse alone after being kidnapped.

He saw Fang Hongjun, who was also kidnapped, in the warehouse.

The kidnappers asked for the ransom the next morning.

It was like he and Fang Hongjun were locked up for a night.

Now that I think about it, this silver coin is really cruel, and it's also cruel to him.

I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to pretend to be scared when Fang's family arrived...

Fang Hongjun didn't come alone.

He was accompanied by several young people, both men and women.

You can tell at a glance that they are his classmates.

Equally young, equally confident and proud, as if everything they have is what they have worked hard for.

Fang Pingan watched them go up to the second floor without saying a word, and then disappeared on the stairs. Then he stood up and walked through the crowd to the back door of the bar.

After going out of the back door, there was no other light source in the alley except a light under the eaves of the back door of the bar.

There was no one in the alley.

He found two bricks on the ground, replaced the Coke in his bag with bricks, and then hid in the gap between the trash cans, leaning against the steps of the back door.

No matter who it was, it was impossible to see him in this position.

He took out his mobile phone, turned it to silent mode, and called Fang Hongjun.

After a ring, he heard the deafening sound in the bar.

Of course, even if he hid here, he could still hear some music through the door.

"Fang Hongjun, I'm at the back door of July Flower, where are you?"

He carefully identified the voice on the phone.

Fang Hongjun's voice was very loud, "Oh, you're here quite early, wait, I'll go out right away after I talk to someone."

He hung up after that.

Fang Pingan knew that if he hadn't left the Fang family, the appointment time should have been eleven o'clock.

Because in the previous life, when Fang Hongjun called, it was already past ten o'clock.

Now the time has been advanced, and there is no one at the back door at this time.

All he needs to do is wait.

Only five minutes have passed, and he looked at the time and it was only nine fifty-three, and a GL8 drove over.

Fang Pingan immediately put his mobile phone into his trouser pocket, took off his shoulder bag and wrapped the strap around his hand.

After the car door was opened, two people wearing hats got out of the car and looked around.

Fang Pingan curled himself up and listened to the two people muttering: "Where are the people? Didn't they say they have arrived?"

Another person said: "I don't know, do you want to call and ask?"

"I'm going to pee, you call that young master and ask."

Fang Pingan watched a person holding a cigarette and walking towards him.

His heart was beating very fast, and sweat began to flow from his head.

He originally thought that only one person could cover his mouth with ether and easily kidnap him.

Unexpectedly, it was two people...

This was different from what he imagined!

If it was one person, he could knock the other person unconscious and then use the other person's phone to tell Fang Hongjun that it was done.

Then he would see if Fang Hongjun was with them.

Unexpectedly, there were two people now.

Fang Pingan was a little scared.

He had two choices.

One was to continue hiding and not move, and go home after these people left.

How to retaliate against Fang Hongjun could be discussed later.

The other was to knock down these two, search for ether, and kidnap Fang Hongjun directly after he came!

Although he couldn't drive, it didn't matter, as long as Fang Hongjun was tied up.

Then he would use the kidnapper's phone to send a message to Fang Junhong asking for money, immediately, and then wait for Fang Junhong to bring bodyguards or call the police.

By then, the kidnapper would have nothing to do with him as long as he confessed.

Everything was arranged and directed by Fang Hongjun. Fang Pingan, who had always been hostile to Fang Hongjun, was just a pigeon...

The biggest problem now is that there are not one kidnapper, but two!

The man walked to the middle of the two large trash cans and started to drain the trash.

The other man had already taken out his cell phone and started to make a call.

Fang Pingan's heart was beating wildly and his hands began to tremble.

He was not only nervous, but also had a very dry mouth.

The person who called seemed to have been unable to get through. He cursed a few dirty words and started to dial again.

The person who drained the trash here finally finished. He turned around and pulled up the zipper of his crotch. His body shook suddenly, stagnated for less than a second, and fell to the ground.

In Fang Pingan's bag

, there are two bricks.

He jumped out of the shadows and swung the bag in his hand hard, hitting the man's head heavily.

At this time, Fang Ping'an's eyes were red from the stimulation of adrenaline. He didn't care about the guy lying on the ground, and walked towards another person with his back bent.

The man who made the call was waiting impatiently for the call to be connected, with the phone against his ear, just facing away from him.

Fang Ping'an suddenly rushed over quickly, and the bag hit him hard on the back of his head.

Watching the man fall straight down like a wooden stake.

Fang Ping'an could no longer hear anything except his own heartbeat.

He was too nervous.

But he succeeded.

He quickly picked up the man's phone and hung up, then hit the man's head twice more.

He turned around and hit the guy who let him go with two bricks on his head.

The matter was done.

The string in his heart was slightly relaxed.

But the cold sweat all over his body had completely soaked his clothes and hair.

His mouth was so dry that he couldn't even swallow his saliva.

It seemed that his mouth had lost the function of secreting saliva.

After taking several deep breaths, he picked up the man's mobile phone and looked at the number he had just dialed.

It was indeed Fang Hongjun.

After thinking about it, he wiped off his fingerprints with his clothes, put the phone in the hand of the man under his feet, and then wiped it again.

He felt guilty, but there was no other choice at this time.

After searching the trouser pockets of the two people, he really touched a bottle and a square towel.

He unscrewed the bottle and smelled it.

He just felt a little dizzy in an instant.

It was confirmed that no matter what this thing was, it must be a drug.

Fang Pingan simply picked up the phone and sent a message to Fang Hongjun.

"OK, don't call, come to the back door, and go together."

After wiping off his fingerprints, he held the phone with his clothes and put it directly in the man's hand.

His heart was still beating very fast.

Just now, he made a decision.

If Fang Hongjun really came out from the back door, he only needed to knock Fang Hongjun unconscious and then hit him on the head a few times.

He would definitely not die.

After knocking him unconscious, he would call the police directly!

Fang Junhong, haha, never mind.

Just let the police get involved.

As for himself, he needed to provide proof of his absence.

In his previous life, he knew that the camera was broken, so he was not worried about it at all.

But he had never been so bold before, so he was definitely afraid.

But when he thought of Fang Hongjun's previous life, he had arranged for him to bleed to death, he suddenly had the idea of ​​killing him.

And this evil thought could not be suppressed at all...

He panted for a long time before hiding in the dark gap of the trash can again.

If Fang Hongjun came out, he would definitely take action!

If he didn't come, he would run back home.

His palms were sweaty. If he hadn't wrapped the bag around his hands, he would have thrown it out when he waved it.

It only took one or two minutes to walk from the bar booth to the back door.

If he came down from upstairs and walked to the back door, it would take at most two more minutes.

He waited with his heart pounding.

Until he heard the sound of a door opening overhead.

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