Fang Pingan was leaning on a cane, and the people around him unconsciously kept at least one step away from him. This made him stand out. "Yes, the Department of Finance..." He took out the admission letter from the backpack hanging on his chest and handed it over. "Wow, so handsome... This year, our Department of Finance also has a handsome guy who is as handsome as the school grass." "He is even more handsome than the previous ones..." The voices of the two seniors next to him were not loud, but the distance was too close. Fang Pingan looked over after hearing it. A sophomore, at least. She was dressed very coolly. But in Yuncheng, there are many girls who dress cooler than them. The streets were full of white legs and half white breasts, but Fang Pingan was not surprised by this.

Besides, when the spirit followed Fang Hongjun, what had he not seen?

He really had seen everything.

He smiled at the two girls and continued to look down at the senior who registered him.

"Fang Pingan?" The senior looked up at him, a little surprised.

"Are you the provincial champion?"

As soon as he said this, the two seniors and another boy looked over.

They looked up and down at the guy with a cane.

Fang Pingan felt a little embarrassed.

Although Chen Shaohua had no expression on his face, he was very proud in his heart.

He knew very well that Fang Pingan's achievement had nothing to do with others.

In the Chen family, he and Liu Qing didn't have much time to care; in the Fang family, no one cared at all.

However, this child's study habits were indeed taught by him and Liu Qing since childhood.


The senior was still mumbling, "I've heard that there is a provincial champion in our major this year..."

The two seniors were already shocked.

"Wow, he's so handsome and so good at studying.

Junior, can you add a green bubble?"

Fang Ping'an was a little overwhelmed by this direct request.

Chen Shaohua watched happily on the side, without saying anything.

Fang Ping'an quickly waved his hand and said, "Later, later.

I haven't assigned a dormitory yet!"

He looked at the senior and asked, "Which dormitory am I in? When can I get the key?"

The senior shook his head and said, "You choose your dormitory yourself.

With such a high score, of course you have the right to choose first.

Other freshmen come in order, but you should be in Building 27, which has the best conditions among the male dormitories."

He opened a folder under the registration book and turned it around and placed it on the table.

"You can choose the floor and room number yourself, but the bed depends on whether the dormitory you choose is occupied."

Chen Shaohua only spoke up at this time and asked: "Classmate, please help our Ping An choose a lower floor, not on the edge.

You see, his legs are not convenient..."

He said this because he didn't know which building it was.

Fang Ping An naturally had no opinion.

He was even more confused.

Fortunately, the senior knew.

"The first floor will be dirtier, choose the second floor." He looked through the details of the dormitory registration.

"If possible, I suggest room 217.

No one has moved into this room yet.

The conditions in this building are the best, not just for students in the Department of Finance.

The school has allocated only 3 rooms to the department, and several people have moved in now.

If you move in, that room 217 will automatically become our room in the Department of Finance."

After he said this, Fang Ping An really understood the principle of dormitory allocation.

High scores are naturally entitled to certain special treatment.

A simple sentence can explain it clearly.

Watching the senior student operate the laptop for a while, he took out a card and operated it on a card reader before handing it to him.

"You are the first student to move into the 217 dormitory of Building 27.

There are 4 people in each room, go and choose for yourself."

Fang Pingan took the two admission instructions very tactfully and stepped aside with his crutches.

There was a queue behind!

The other senior student didn't pay attention to it the whole time, after all, he was really busy.

Besides, Fang Pingan was not a pretty girl.

Chen Shaohua took him to Building 27, found the dormitory, opened the door and looked around.

The four beds were upstairs, and the desk was downstairs.

The bathroom was on the right side of the door, that is, behind the door.

"Hey, why are you going up there to sleep?

"Chen Shaohua was a little worried.

"It's okay, book a bed by the window first.

It will take at least two months for me to climb up and sleep.

If it doesn't work for the time being, I can stay in a hotel."

Fang Ping'an meant that it would be too ostentatious to take the Chen family's car to school every day.

Chen Shaohua understood it as soon as he heard it.

"I will bring your mother and your sister to Beijing soon, and you can live at home then.

But this bed is pretty good, I'll go to the school gate to buy some bedding and other things.

You take a rest for a while. "

Fang Pingan wanted to ask why he moved to Beijing, but he didn't open his mouth after thinking about it.

Chen Shaohua turned and walked out. Fang Pingan stood at the window and watched him walk away. He turned around and threw his backpack on the bed, and sat down on the chair below.

When Chen Shaohua was gone for about ten minutes, Fang Pingan saw a short fat man through the open door.

He stared at the house number on the door and walked in.

The fat man was sweating, carrying a big bag and pushing a huge suitcase.

"Hello, are you from the Finance Department?"

The little eyes on the fat man's face can be described as sparkling.

At first glance, he is the kind of honest and simple man with black sesame filling.

"Well, my name is Fang Pingan. What about you?"

Fang Pingan pointed to his foot that was still in plaster, "Sorry, I'm still lame, so I won't stand up to say hello to you. "

The fat man laughed and waved his fat hands.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm also from the Department of Finance. My name is Li Hongzhong.

Did you choose the bed above your head?"

Fang Ping'an smiled and nodded without saying anything.

The fat man quickly brought in all his boxes and bedding, and then threw the bedding on the bed opposite Fang Ping'an.

"I'll make the bed first, and then talk to you later."

The fat man climbed up with his butt sticking up.

Fang Ping'an watched quietly.

The fat man was very quick and quickly made the bed, and then began to put on the quilt cover for himself.

Not long after the fat man took the clothes out of the box and hung them up, Chen Shaohua came back.

Fang Ping'an introduced: "This is my dad. Dad, this is my roommate Li Hongzhong."

The fat man called out obediently: "Hello, uncle. "

Chen Shaohua smiled, took out the things he was carrying and started to make the bed.

The fat man rushed over and said, "Uncle, how can you do this?

Fang Ping'an's legs are inconvenient, but I am his roommate!

This kind of thing should be done by me!"

Fang Ping'an opened his eyes wide.

This fat man knows how to do things!

Chen Shaohua waved his hand and said, "No, no. I just help make the bed, I don't have any other luggage."

Fang Ping'an followed with an explanation.

"I can't climb up, so I can only go home for the time being.

I will come back and live in the dormitory with you when my legs are better."

Seeing that Chen Shaohua didn't intend to let him do it, the fat man got up a little embarrassedly and turned on the water dispenser, preparing to make a cup of hot tea for Fang's father.

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