The two of them were in a mess, but the two were in a mess.

Qiao Bo just asked her to contact Fang Pingan herself. He was in the college's management regulations and could not directly tell her where Fang Pingan was.

What's more, he knew very well that although Fang Pingan shared a dormitory with the handsome Ding Junzhe, he did not live in the dormitory.

As for where he lived outside, he didn't know and didn't want to know.

One wanted to know, and the other didn't want to say.

But Qiao Bo was not without background, otherwise he wouldn't have been so easy to be a counselor in this college of Beijing University.

Zhao Wei believed that Fang Pingan was the child she gave birth to after ten months of pregnancy.

As a mother, it was natural to come to the school to inquire about the child's situation.

As a counselor, Qiao Bo also has the responsibility and obligation to inform students' parents about all matters concerning the students.

After the unpleasant parting, Zhao Wei went directly to the department office to complain about Qiao Bo.

After finishing this matter, Zhao Wei left Beijing University angrily and returned to her own courtyard.

Fang Jinglei didn't care when she saw Zhao Wei.

Since she was scolded by Fang Pingan last time, she didn't want to see Zhao Wei's soft appearance every day, so she moved to another wing to live.

Busy writing every day, life is leisurely.

The work of screenwriters is not stressful, and she is a veteran, so life is relatively easy.

Zhao Wei walked into her room, watched her work for a while, and then couldn't help interrupting her.

"I went to Pingan's school today..."

Fang Jinglei stopped the work in her hands and looked at her quietly.

"Ping An probably doesn't live in the school.

Their counselor, Qiao Bo, almost pissed me off today.

So I complained to him.

Let him piss me off."

Fang Jinglei silently gave her mother a thumbs up.

How come you never get to the point, my mom?

Then she listened to the whole process.

Until Zhao Wei finished, she asked faintly.

"Mom, you had a conflict with Ping An's counselor, and you complained.

I wonder if Ping An will let that counselor make things difficult for him in the next four years?"

"Or, have you gotten over the pain of losing Ping An?

Do you think you can do it again?"

At first, Fang Jinglei's tone was still very flat.

She didn't know why, but it seemed that she wanted to explode the more she talked.

That kind of emotion, mixed with resentment towards her mother and the other party's... weird concern for Ping An?

"Ping An was just born, because of you, he was stolen away.

When he came back at the age of fourteen, I remember you were not very happy. It seemed that Fang Hongjun's existence affected your judgment of everything, including yourself.

Are you trying to let people around him continue to bully him because Ping An refused to forgive you?

Or are you just giving up now?"

Zhao Wei was stunned by these words.

Fang Jinglei had never treated her with such a tone and attitude.

She also didn't understand what the source of the obvious anger in her daughter's tone was.

Did I do something wrong again?

But my starting point was good!

Fang Jinglei didn't finish.

"Could it be that, mom, you have lost your judgment of everything again because of Fang Ping An?

Don't you know such a simple truth?

I really pity Fang Ping An now, and I pity myself even more.

Why do we have a mother like you..."

Zhao Wei's eyes quickly turned red, and tears flowed out even before they turned red.

"No, no, that's not what I thought.

I just wanted to see Ping An.

I know his legs are not convenient, so he can't participate in military training...

I think he should have time, so I..."

Her panic expression is enough to prove that she really thinks so.

All this is the fault of that counselor!

"I'm right!

I'm Ping An's mother. I'm going to see my child. Why didn't he tell me?"

Fang Jinglei nodded, "Yes, what you said is right.

You are qualified to go to school to see Ping An.

But Ping An obviously doesn't live in school!"

In school dormitories now, the beds are on the upper floors, and the lower floors are for studying.

Fang Ping An's legs are not convenient for him to go to bed.

Just such a simple reason is enough to show that Fang Ping An must live outside.

Even if

If you want to go find him, at least wait until he is fully recovered, okay?

Ping An has waited for you for eighteen years, can't you wait even a few months?

"Mom, Ping An is not living on campus!"

Fang Jinglei said coldly, "He should be living in a hotel.

Otherwise, he would have to cook and wash his own clothes.

This only requires a little brainpower to figure it out..."

Zhao Wei stammered, "Mom, Mom didn't think of this... Leilei, what should I do now?

Or, should I go to Qiao Bo's leader to explain it now?"

Fang Jinglei said nothing, turned her head and glanced at the script she had just written.

In fact, this is based on the changes that have happened in the Fang family during this period, and wrote a family emotional script, but the protagonist is a woman.

There is no way, her surname is Fang, not Zhao.

She has always been making money to support herself.

Most of her mother's money was given to Fang Hongjun.

Living here now is also a resource given by the Zhao family, and it has nothing to do with her.

It can be said that she herself is also living in her mother's yard.

"Go, go quickly.

It's best to explain to the counselor's leader first, and it would be best if you can withdraw your complaint.

Then go to the counselor to explain.

If their school really punishes him, you can think about how to compensate them.

I still have work to do, you go now."

Zhao Wei wanted to take her with her, after all, she was not very willing to apologize.

How long has it been?

Less than an hour.

Just after the complaint, go and explain immediately?

This is too embarrassing.

No, I have to tell my brother that no matter what, Ping An's future university life cannot be affected by this incident.

Fang Jinglei has shifted her attention to work.

She didn't notice when Zhao Wei left.

Beijing University.

As soon as Zhao Wei left, Qiao Bo knew that he had been complained.

Because he was not the only one who talked about this matter with Zhao Wei, he had enough evidence.

Besides, he was not without any background.

The department leader just called, as for the punishment, haha...

Is it so easy to punish a school like Beijing University?

That student's parent thought too simply!

Qiao Bo explained with a smile, then took out a box of tea from his drawer and went to the leader's office.

As for his colleague, he threw a box of cigarettes, and the matter was settled.

Such a trivial matter is worth complaining about?

How ridiculous!

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