"Just drive in." Ye Qing's tone was unquestionable.

Liu Qing gritted his teeth, and finally forced himself to start the car again and drove towards the gate of King Ming's Mansion.

And Su Yicheng, who was enjoying the scenery outside the window, also came back to his senses, seeing this scene, they couldn't help but think of the background of this Ming King Mansion, they were all frightened, originally it was good to look outside, but my brother-in-law is now going to drive the car in? And don't you say hello? The guards of this royal palace are not vegetarians?

"Uncle, stop the car quickly, drive inside again."

"Yes, those guards are staring at us, that expression is not quite right!" Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan both said nervously.

Avril also saw that the guard's expression was serious, thinking that Liu Tiannan had been talking about how the power of the people behind the palace was monstrous before, for a while, she was also a little worried, although Ye Qing did this to be happy, but she didn't want Ye Qing to really contradict some hidden superiors in Huaxia.

"Ye Qing, forget it, let's just walk around outside, in fact, I don't particularly want to go in inside." Avril pulled Ye Qing's sleeve and begged in a low voice.

Ye Qing patted Avril's little hand, and said with gentle eyes: "It's okay, I can go in..."

Everyone was helpless, but they didn't know how to convince Ye Qing.

And just as they were entangled, the red flag that was slowly moving forward was getting closer and closer to the gate of the Ming King Mansion.

At the same time, Liu Tiannan and they also hurried over, and when they arrived at a position that was still some distance away from the palace, they stopped the car and walked down from the car.

Liu Tiannan and Shu Ying looked at the surrounding scenery, and they couldn't help but marvel.

Even if he has been here a few times outside this Ming King Mansion, every time he comes, he feels that there will be a new experience, and the surrounding scenes are even more all-encompassing, and he can inadvertently find some scenery that he did not notice before.

But it's a pity that every time they can only stop and watch, they don't know anything about the scenery inside.

But just when everyone sighed, Shu Ying waved his hand, and said angrily

: "Don't look, quickly find where Mr. Ye is, let's accompany him to stroll, so that at least those guards who don't have long eyes can be leveled

..." Shu Ying's words did not fall, but a boss next to him suddenly pointed to the right side, and shouted with an excited expression: "Quick, you guys look over there, Mr. Ye, he..."

They all looked in the direction pointed by the boss, and this look, the heartbeat and blood pressure rose sharply.

At this time, there was a red flag parked in front of the gate of the Ming King Mansion, who else could Ye Qing be in the car?

Originally thought that Ye Qing would stop the car first like them, even if you want to go inside and take a look, then at least get out of the car first and ask about the situation, right? As a result, who would have thought that Ye Qing wanted to bring someone in with him!

This, this is simply outrageous!

But they are still some distance away from Ye Qing, how can the speed of people be as fast as cars, they simply can't stop all this from happening now.

Looking at this scene in front of them, everyone subconsciously held their breath for a moment. The whole heart hangs.

What is Mr. Ye going to do? Is this going in? This is the balabala that cannot be entered.

"Something is wrong! Mr. Ye, what is this going to do? Drive the car straight in? Originally, the Ming Royal Mansion stipulated that people were not allowed to enter, but now I want to drive in, isn't this a bit provocative? A boss said with an anxious look.

"Oh my God, isn't Mr. Ye going to break into people's territory? What if there was a conflict with the guards? Everyone stared at the Hongqi car where Ye Qing was with a worried face.

Shu Ying also patted his thigh, "This is the end of the calf, originally at most I couldn't get in, let's lose face and be embarrassed, but now it has evolved into a rhythm that Liang Zixiu wants to leave."

"So what to do, we can't do anything now, it's too late to rush over." Oops, bad!

Liu Tiannan listened to the discussion of the bosses next to him, and also began to worry.

He frowned for a while and didn't know how to be good, but he knew that he must follow the past now, he looked at everyone and said: "Since Mr. Ye is going in, then let's follow first!" Saying

that, he took the lead and walked towards Ye Qing and them.

And the bosses behind them can only bite the bullet and keep up.

One of the bosses said hesitantly: "Mr. Liu, if there is really some conflict in the past, what should we do?"

Liu Tiannan even glared at the other party, and said angrily: "Of course, we want to help Mr. Ye, the most important thing is a righteous word, how did Mr. Ye help us in the past, using his influence, how many business and status benefits did we get, now Mr. Ye is in trouble, can we be a shrunken turtle?" If you want to be a wallhead, leave now, I wish him good health and it will be over. Listening

to Liu Tiannan's words, thinking of the benefits that Mr. Ye brought to them, as well as the experience of eating, drinking and having fun together during this time, Mr. Ye gave enough face, so what face did they face to escape, the few bosses who originally cowered were straightened their waist, and everyone's eyes were extremely firm, all walking towards Ye Qing's side.

But at this moment, they didn't go far before they saw that Ye Qing's red flag had arrived in front of the closed gate.

Immediately afterwards, the gate suddenly opened, and I saw a group of bear-like guards in suits rushing out of the palace quickly, and then quickly lined up in two rows, their formation was even more neat like two straight lines, and their expressions and movements were extremely cautious and upright.

For a while, everyone looked at this situation, and their hearts shouted:

"It's over, this wave!"

A group of bosses looked at it, and their hearts were even more raised to their throats.

Liu Tiannan, Shu Ying and the others even quickened their pace, exerted their strength to eat, and ran desperately towards Ye Qing.


At the next moment, a miracle happened, and what everyone didn't expect was that the fierce guards who had just stood next to Ye Qingche and looked sacred and solemn all bowed directly to Ye Qing, and the captain of the guard still had a smile on his face, and said in a rather excited tone:

"Mr. Ye, you are back, please come in!"

Ye Qing glanced at the captain of the bodyguard, nodded, and let Liu Qing drive the car inside.

And Liu Tiannan, they naturally saw this scene, and saw Ye Qing's red flag car driving inside, but those guards had no intention of blocking it at all, but trotted on both sides to open the way for Ye Qing.

In an instant, everyone felt that their hearts were bruised, for Mao, they had been swept away from afar before, and Ye Qing came directly to welcome him into the door?

Now it seems that Mr. Ye has a good heart, and there is indeed a reason.

It's just that they are not white, what kind of friendship does Mr. Ye have with King Ming's Mansion that can make these guards treat him with courtesy?

For this point, they were puzzled for a while.

"What the hell is going on here? Could it be that Mr. Ye knew the owner of King Ming's Mansion?

"It's not just acquaintance, but in my opinion, friendship!"

"It makes sense, this has always been the case here before, for hundreds of years, down to the common people, up to the official representatives, no one has been an exception, and only Mr. Ye succeeded, this... Mr. Ye really has great powers! Everyone

unconsciously reached a whole new height of understanding of Ye Qing at this time.

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