When everyone heard this, their eyes widened in surprise!

Five-star dragon general! Huaxia God of War!

This identity, that is really big to the sky!

"This is the real big guy! Don't talk about this river city, just look at the entire Huaxia, it is a premier existence!

"Five-Star Dragon General! Still so young, I really can't believe it!

"I don't think this is a person at all, this is a naked immortal!"

Everyone thought about it, and suddenly they couldn't help but tremble, and the previous arrogance suddenly disappeared!

At this time, Tian Feng, looking at Ye Qing not far away, his hands and feet were trembling, and the secret road in his heart was not good!

If you provoke this person, the consequences will be unimaginable!

The more Tian Feng thought about it at this time, the more afraid he became, stumbled into the incoming car, stepped on the accelerator, and left here immediately!

What light show? What town yard? If this really causes trouble, it is really finished!

And the other demons are young, seeing that Tian Feng, who is the leader, has left in a hurry, and he also left here in embarrassment!

The young ladies of Jiangcheng on the side, looking at this picture at this time, raised their eyebrows in their hearts, and suddenly felt much more relaxed!

These guys who look down on people with dog eyes have finally been punished as they should!

Although Jiang Cheng does not have top young ladies like Shu Fan and Liu Zheng, there are still big guys like Ye Qing!

Just such a young person, in front of Ye Qing, he can't turn over any waves!

At this time, they were all excited to look at Ye Qing's heroic and proud appearance, and the worship in their hearts suddenly did not know how much it deepened!

"Do you want us to go and say hello to Mr. Ye?"

One of them looked at Ye Qing's figure with a look of reverence in his eyes and proposed to everyone.

And Hu Tian listened to his words, but shook his head and said with a serious face.

"Forget about this, let's not disturb Mr. Ye's Yaxing, he came with his family today!"

When Jiang Cheng's young ladies heard this, they all nodded in agreement.

Today, Ye Qing appeared, it was already a big help to them, or it was better not to disturb them.

Thinking about it, these young ladies no longer said anything, but leisurely waited for the start of the light show.

Watching those guys leave in disguise just now has made everyone feel extremely happy in their hearts!

At this time, holding their luxury car and blowing the evening breeze, everyone felt happy.

This night is a wonderful night....

At the same time, on Ye Qing's side, several little girls in Su Yicheng were also excited to see the crowd of people here.

Several people found a better place to watch the light show and stopped, waiting for the light show to begin.

While the light show had not yet begun, a few little girls couldn't wait to take out the prepared snacks, taking advantage of the cool evening breeze on the edge of this river beach, and stuffed them into their mouths!

Ye Qing and Avril made snacks, this must be needless to say, a few little girls only felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction bursting out of their mouths, and their lips and teeth suddenly became fragrant!

Looking at the wolfing appearance of several girls, the corners of Ye Qing's mouth twitched slightly, and said helplessly.

"What are you girls doing? Can you eat more elegantly, and no one will rob you!

Lin Xuan blinked her eyes, finally swallowed the cookies in her mouth, and stuck out her tongue towards Ye Qing.

"Uncle, who said no, last time we went to the concert, and Sister Sun Shuyao robbed it with us!"

When Avril heard this, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and snicker, but Ye Qing sighed helplessly.

Several girls saw Ye Qing's appearance, and laughed while eating.

"Uncle, it's not that you haven't done enough, we all have a lot of food!"

"We're all trying it for you, professional food tasters!"

"Yes, and we are excellent physique that binge eating and not fat!"

Su Yicheng was eating while showing off his figure.

Lin Xuan smiled and poked Su Yicheng's little belly.

"Sister Yingcheng, who pulled me to accompany her to exercise a few days ago?"

Su Yicheng looked at everyone's gaze, embarrassed for a while, and glanced at Lin Xuan resentfully.

"Hmph, my name is self-discipline, and, I haven't heard others say, slightly fat is the best!"

As soon as several girls said this, they were all energetic, and they couldn't help but ask Su Yicheng's current weight.

"Sister Yingcheng, to be honest, how much do you weigh now?"

"Isn't it heavier than all of us combined?"

"This... Sister Yingcheng, your little belly, won't already be wrinkled, right?

Su Yicheng looked at the eyes of several maids and thieves and gave them a blank look.

"You know what, I just grew my meat where it should be!"

Avril smiled and pushed Ye Qing beside her.

"Look, it's all you, the cooking is so delicious, let them eat what it looks like!"

When Su Yicheng heard what Avril said, he couldn't help but nod madly in agreement!

"Yes, yes, yes! Just blame my brother-in-law, otherwise my original figure, there is no problem at all, and now there are flaws!

Lin Xuan and several people also looked at Ye Qing, and they all cast accusatory eyes.

Ye Qing looked at a few girls with a bitter smile, and spread his hands helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I'll be the bad guys, and you'll cook your own food in the future!"

When they heard Ye Qing's words, several girls were unwilling, and they all looked at Ye Qing pitifully.

"Brother-in-law, don't, although it's a little fatter, but we're also happy!"

"yes! What's wrong with being fatter, I like my brother-in-law's food! "

My brother-in-law's cooking skills are the first in the world!!"

Ye Qing waved his hand and looked at a few girls with disdain.

"Don't carry me, you guys, you should let Lin Yao take you to practice, so that you can eat and don't worry about gaining weight!"

Lin Yao stuffed half a chocolate chip cookie in her mouth at this time and nodded.

"My brother-in-law is right, I can take you to exercise together, just start with five hundred push-ups a day!"

Several people in Su Yicheng suddenly turned pale, shaking their heads like rattles.

"Let's forget it, we really can't stand this!"

"Hard work doesn't necessarily get a good figure, but not working hard is really happy!"

"Just let Sister Xiaowei take us to practice yoga together!"

Ye Qing looked at the deflated appearance of several girls, and immediately became happy, and laughed.

"Haha, I'm worried that if you practice yoga with Avril, you little lazy insects won't be able to stick to it!"

"Uncle, you are such a bad person!"

Several people were eating snacks and laughing while giggling, and the atmosphere at this time was warm and comfortable.

And at this moment, on the stage, the final arrangement of the light show has been completed, and with a deafening music, lights of various colors are lit up.

"Look, the light show has begun!"

Lin Yi pointed to the opposite building excitedly, and the eyes of the remaining girls all looked over there.

These lights form a variety of patterns in the exclamation of people, constantly changing to the beat of the music!

At the beginning, these lights converged together and gathered into the two magnificent and atmospheric characters of "Jiang Cheng", and the atmosphere of the scene was instantly elevated to a climax!

"This is also too pretty!"

"Oh my God! It's spectacular!

"Dad, look! Over there and over there! At

this time, this crowd of people suddenly exploded like a tide, enjoying this extraordinary night with music and lights.

Then, this light changed into countless wonderful patterns, first an angry golden bull, and then exploded, turning into scattered stars, and forming a huge concentric circle!

And several girls in Su Yicheng were so excited at this time that they forgot to continue eating snacks, took out their mobile phones, and recorded this wonderful moment!

"Brother-in-law! Sister Xiaowei! Come on, let's take a picture together! Several

girls excitedly pulled Ye Qing and Avril to take a group photo with this shocking light show as the background.

Everyone in the photo is smiling brightly at this time, and this night is destined to be a night worth remembering.

After that, several girls watched the light show that constantly changed shape with the music, and recorded this colorful picture with their mobile phones.

At this time, everyone's eyes are shining with bursts, which is happiness from the heart!

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