Their faces were solemn at this time, and everyone's faces were full of tension and worry, and from time to time they looked blankly at the others around them, and from time to time they fell into deep thought.

At this time, beside the four-star dragon general Lei Zhan, there was an old man with the same title, who was also sitting and looking at everyone, and his eyes shot a burst of essence from time to time!

The old man's name is Zhang Zhenyu, in the Tianlong Army, but he is a famous figure, compared to Lei Zhan, he is even worse!

And the others, at this time, also looked at him with respect.


Zhang Zhenyu coughed at this time, shook a memory card in his hand, and said seriously.

"This is a video sent by the headquarters, collected in Antarctica, everyone take a good look!"

After speaking, Zhang Zhenyu stuffed the memory card into the projector, and soon, a picture with snow-white as the keynote suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

At first, everyone's reaction was good, but when they saw it, they became more and more calm, and the expression on their faces was slightly shocked!

At the end of the video, the faces of the dragon generals present were more or less pale.

Zhang Zhenyu sighed and turned off the video.

"Alas, this is a video from Antarctica, after you watch it, you don't know what you think?"

"Call everyone here today, that is, to discuss, whether our Tianlong Military Department is going to march towards the South Pole?"

"Now, I want to hear everyone's opinions."

But after Zhang Zhenyu finished speaking, everyone present was silent except for the shock on their faces.

This matter is really a matter of great importance, and they have to make them hesitate, and no one dares to speak at this time!

Zhang Zhenyu sighed, which was also the reason why he knew what everyone looked like.

The content of this video, in the end, is still too shocking, in this moment, has not eased up, no one can make up their minds!

"In that case, let's raise our hands and vote!"

At the moment, Zhang Zhenyu continued, now like this, he can only decide the next plan by raising his hand!

The implications of this matter are too great, and none of them are completely sure, and no one dares to jump to conclusions!

Lei Zhan looked at Zhang Zhenyu, paused slightly, and then said.

"Lao Zhang, it's useless for us to raise our hands to vote now, you came back from the headquarters just now, you may not know, Ye Long will be in this river city at this time!"

"I think I should invite him to come and take a look, and after deliberating, it is safer to make a decision!"

When the other dragon generals heard this, they all agreed with Lei Zhan's opinion.

"I think it's better to wait until Ye Long is in the future, this matter is very important, we need to listen to what he means!"

"That's right, since Ye Long will be in this river city, we might as well wait, after all, this matter is not in a hurry!"

"The thunder dragon will be right, or wait until Yelong is in the future, let's make plans!"

All the dragon generals nodded slightly at this time, agreeing with Lei Zhan's meaning.

And Zhang Zhenyu was shocked in his heart when he heard that Ye Longjiang was in Jiangcheng at this time!

Ye Qing's deeds, he is clear, this matter, let Ye Qing come, it must be much better than the current hasty decision!

"Okay, since Ye Long will be in Jiangcheng, let's wait until he comes, and we'll talk about this matter!"

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhenyu also agreed with everyone's meaning, if this matter, even Ye Qing does not know how to be good, then there is really no way!

But he knew Ye Qing, he would definitely have his own methods, and he would also be able to coordinate the team to complete these plans!

At that moment, Lei Zhan took out the phone and prepared to call Ye Qing and ask him to come over and discuss this matter....

Zhang Zhenyu looked at this and took the mobile phone, this matter, or he is better.

At the same time, Ye Qingzheng drove the beetle and prepared to take everyone to set off.

Now, they planned to go to the East Lake Scenic Area first, so they went all the way to the elevated road.

"Are you all wearing your seat belts?"

Ye Qing looked at a few girls beside him.

"Uncle, don't scare us, don't you want to drive fast again!"

After that painful lesson, Lin Xuan immediately became wary and stared straight at Ye Qing.

"Yes, brother-in-law, we are not in a hurry, anyway, we are going to see the scenery, don't mess around!"

Su Yicheng exclaimed even more exaggeratedly, and tightened the armrest on the side with one hand, afraid that something would happen later!

Even Avril who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat at this time was somewhat nervous, and quickly pushed Ye Qing gently.

"Ye Qing, you don't want this, let's drive well!"

Looking at these people's palpitations, Ye Qing couldn't help but be happy, and looked at a few people without anger.

"Alas, I said what are you afraid of, not to mention that I don't plan to drive fast, even if I really want to race, you don't have a big problem!"

For his own car skills, Ye Qing still has enough confidence, but a few girls can't accept it.

Hearing Ye Qing's promise not to go to drag racing, several people were relieved and gave Ye Qing a blank look.

"Uncle, don't scare us, we can't stand it!"

Ye Qing looked at the appearance of several girls, and couldn't help laughing.

"I said you guys are funny, I just told you to fasten your seat belts, otherwise I'm going to get points deducted, that's called a violation!"

"Uncle, you are such a big villain!"

Lin Xuan blinked her eyes and stuck out her tongue towards Ye Qing.

Last time, it left a shadow in her heart, saying that she would never dare to let Ye Qing race again!

"Okay, okay, don't talk to you girls anymore, besides, speeding is not allowed here!"

A few girls glanced at their mouths, and did not go to Li Ye Qing again, but looked forward to this trip!

Avril can be said to be very excited, she has heard before that this East Lake is a good place in Jiangcheng!

"It's really exciting, East Lake must be a beautiful scenery!"

Avril blew a gentle breeze coming from the car window, and her thoughts seemed to have been pulled to the edge of the East Lake.

Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan smiled and said to Avril Lavigne.

"Sister Xiaowei, don't worry, East Lake will definitely exceed your imagination! I promise!

Su Yicheng straightened his head, looking confident.

Avril saw Su Yicheng's appearance, and she was even more sure that this trip must be a lingering journey!

"After all, you girls are making a fuss about coming to East Lake to play, and you haven't planned a route?"

Ye Qing looked at the appearance of several girls, and said funny while holding the steering wheel.

As soon as I heard Ye Qing's question, several girls looked at me and I looked at you, all of them were silent.

Su Yicheng smiled awkwardly, after all, this East Lake was recommended by her to Avril to go, but she didn't seem to have prepared anything.

"Well, don't worry, brother-in-law, I have been to East Lake many times, so let me be the tour guide!"

Su Yicheng patted his chest and assured Ye Qing.

"Really? Yingcheng, do you know this East Lake well?

Avril looked at Su Yicheng and continued to ask excitedly.

"Then can you introduce me to what is fun in this East Lake?"

At this time, I have been driving, which is also boring, and Avril is also impatient, and simply asked Su Yicheng in advance about the attractions of this East Lake.

Su Yicheng nodded and said with a smile.

"Hehe, of course!"

"This East Lake is said to be a lake, but it makes sense, this is the second largest city lake in China!"

Speaking of East Lake, Su Yicheng has been to it many times, and at this time, listening to Avril asked, he introduced it triumphantly.

"There are so many fun places in East Lake! The most important thing is that the scenery inside is really not said!

"There are eight scenic spots inside, and the scenery of each scenic area has its own characteristics!"

"Not only the beautiful landscape, but also the strong historical atmosphere, especially the East Lake Greenway, surrounded by green mountains and green water, we can ride a bicycle to walk in it and feel the embrace of nature!"

"And there are cherry blossom forests, Happy Valley playgrounds, lotus gardens, sea world, and all kinds of scenery are beautiful!"

"And this season, but the best time for lotus flowers to bloom, when the time comes, we can take a few beautiful photos here!"

"..." Listening

to Su Yicheng's description of the hanging river and witty words, Avril suddenly opened her eyes, and her heart was more and more looking forward to the scenery of East Lake!

Even Lin Xuan on the side was also mesmerized at this time, and even opened his mouth wide!

"Really? East Lake is also so beautiful! Perhaps

because what Su Yicheng said was really lifelike, Avril seemed to feel like she was already in it at this time, surrounded by beautiful scenery and fresh breeze!

Ye Qing drove the car and listened to Su Yicheng's explanation, and suddenly smiled.

"Yes, it seems that we can go to be a big tour guide after we fall into the city, which is very good!"

Su Yicheng heard Ye Qing's praise at this time, and there was a triumphant smile on his face.

"Hehe, of course, my eloquence is not there!"

Ye Qing nodded, this is true, Su Yicheng often broadcast live during this time, plus he has also participated in variety shows, and he has indeed made more and more progress in terms of eloquence.

Several people drove like this, while imagining the scenery of East Lake, and unconsciously, they drove far away.

But cold, Ye Qing looked ahead, and the secret road in his heart was not good, and slowly slowed down the speed of the car.

Avril felt that the speed of the car was slowly slowing down, and thought that it had arrived, and looked at Ye Qing with an excited face.

"Is this almost there?"

Looking at Avril's excited eyes, Ye Qing shook her head helplessly.

"It's not almost here, it's not there for the time being!"


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