One of them said: "Beauty, that's really not true, you should be the first time to come to Panjiayuan, although there are many treasures in Panjiayuan, luck of tens of thousands of pieces to find millions of antiques is also a common thing, but there are many fakes are enough to fake the real thing, you have to be careful."

Lin Yi looked at a few people, who seemed to understand very well, and couldn't help but have some doubts: "Are you?"

Then, the man reported himself to his home and said, "Oh, introduce yourself, I have a few old antique shops in Panjiayuan, absolutely reputable and time-honored, if you buy something in my store, there are fake goods to find me to compensate, this is a contemptible business card, if you are interested, you can go over and take a look." "

It turned out to be the owner of the shop, no wonder it was so enthusiastic.

"Okay, I'll have time to come and take a look."

Lin Yi also accepted the business card politely, and didn't care much about what they said, after all, they were just strangers, so there was no need to believe it too much.

Then, Lin Yi then asked Ye Qing.

"Uncle, then why are you fake, how can you see it at a glance?"

Before Ye Qing spoke, several bosses smiled and said:

"Miss, the things on the stall are originally fake, there must be no real things in our store, and the real jade seal has long been lost, and there has been no trace for hundreds of years, how can it appear on this small stall, not to mention the many flaws in the appearance of this jade seal, it is artificially made at a glance, and it is okay to deceive the grandpa and aunt..."

But Avril and Lin Yi looked at Ye Qing, compared to the uninvited answers of these bosses, they obviously wanted to hear Ye Qing's answers.

Ye Qing looked at several bosses, and his heart was also happy, and said with a smile: "Yes, what you said is indeed right, but I didn't determine it as false in the first place because of these reasons, after all, this is only a subjective judgment, and the objective identification must be analyzed with the help of instruments." Several

bosses were also interested, and they all looked at Ye Qing with a puzzled face.

"Well, what is your opinion about this gentleman?"

"Yes, you talk about it, but it doesn't hurt to talk."

The bosses felt that Ye Qing's mysterious appearance must have a high opinion on the method of identifying the authenticity of this jade seal.

Unexpectedly, this young man is young, but he already has unique insights that are different from ordinary people in terms of treasure connoisseurs?

Therefore, they all couldn't help but hold their breath, ready to listen to them.

In the expectant eyes of the bosses, Ye Qing slowly spoke and said,

"It's not high, it's just because the real jade seal is there for me."


The bosses were all stunned, and their faces showed a look of shock.

But soon, they reacted, all holding back their smiles, obviously not believing that Ye Qingzhen had a jade seal, they all thought that the young man in front of them was joking with them.

They just nodded and didn't say much, after all, rich children like them, like to blow a little bull pen is also a strange thing, they don't have to say it, there is no benefit to offend people.

But in my heart, I can't help but be sarcastic.

Especially the boss who just made a tirade, he was still a little angry at this time.

What was I just expecting? Still thinking that the young man can have any profound talents? What can he understand at his age, and the girls around him are so beautiful, it is estimated that they have long been hollowed out.

Hey, it seems to be another kid with an empty skin bag.

And Lin Yi and Avril are different, after really understanding Ye Qing's financial strength, not to mention that there is a jade seal, or there is a royal palace, they all believe it one hundred percent.

So hearing Ye Qing say this, both of them pulled Ye Qing, saying that they had time to take them to see the jade seal, and Ye Qing also nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, several bosses felt even more disdainful, this young man is probably using fake jade seals to deceive these little girls who are not deeply involved in the world, right? Even they suspected that Ye Qing's outfit might be a high-quality imitation, and a handsome girl with a high wealth appeared?

It's just that they just have some doorways in identifying antiques, such as dressing up, and they are difficult to distinguish for a while.

At this moment, not far from everyone, a young man came again, and when the bosses saw him, they all greeted him and called him Boss Tu.

This Boss Tu smiled and waved his hand, and he couldn't wait to say: "Brothers, something has happened!" "

Do you know that Lao Wang just sold a large item?" Boss Tu said a little nervously.

The bosses all laughed happily: "Didn't you sell a big piece?" Isn't that normal? Who can't sell a few pieces a year in a store?

Boss Tu shook his head busily and said with a serious face: "That's different, the key is that you know how much the blue and white porcelain vase was sold?"

Saying that, Boss Tu stretched out three fingers and shouted in an excited tone:

"People sold 300 million!"

When the bosses heard this, they were stunned for a while.

"What? Three hundred million? That's the equivalent of ten years of my revenue!

"I'll go, which big guy is so bold, does Lao Wang have his contact information?"

"Lao Wang's wave of really walking shit is lucky, since the opening of my store, the highest has only sold three million large items."

Several bosses are envious at this time, as an insider they naturally know that this Pan Homestead can really sell for millions of prices is up to the sky, the kind of treasured goods valued at tens of millions are often just placed in the store as a treasure of the town store, and the money in the store is mainly based on the amount of travel, after all, where in the world are there so many gods who can throw tens of millions or even hundreds of millions at will?

But they were met by Lao Wang, and they suspected that this Lao Wang must have saved the galaxy in his last life, and he had only gone shit luck in this life, not only his wife was beautiful, but his business was also rising.

Ye Qing and they were not interested in these things, after all, hundreds of millions of antiques were not a rare thing for them, so after listening to a few words, several people turned around and prepared to walk outside Pan's homeland.

As a result, when he turned his head, he saw that not far away, a group of people surrounded an old man in a wheelchair, coming towards them.

The people around him were very respectful of the old man, bowing his body, shushing and asking for warmth from time to time, and a young bodyguard next to the old man was still holding a porcelain bottle in his hand.

This old man Ye Qing had some impressions, and seeing that he was in a wheelchair, he probably guessed who it was.

And those bosses also happened to see the old man, originally still chatting about Lao Wang's affairs, this time it was quiet, one boss couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and then exclaimed:

"My God, is that really Liu Zhenhai, the head of the Liu family?" He has disappeared from public view for a while, how did he appear in Pan's homeland now? "

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