A few people were also helpless, nodded, and were ready to leave Taide, thinking that there was more than this family anyway, just go and eat elsewhere.

While walking out, Lin Yi also took out his mobile phone, ready to see if there were other roast duck restaurants with good reputation nearby.

At this time, a crisp voice suddenly came from behind everyone.

"Lin Yi, is it really you?"

Listening to the voice was somewhat familiar, Lin Yi also turned his head to look, behind her, there was a group of brightly dressed young men and women, and one of them, that is, the girl who had just spoken, Lin Yi did know.

"Liu Xin, it's you, I didn't expect to meet here by such a coincidence, we haven't seen each other for a year or two, right?" Lin Yi also greeted her with a smile.

She and Liu Yi are high school classmates, and they have occasional contact on the Internet after graduation, but they are busy with their own things when they get to university, and if they don't meet offline, they are basically unlikely to meet in the future.

But after all, I am a high school classmate, and the love is still there.

"Yes, I will have time to contact often in the future, by the way, I see why you guys just came in and left?" Is there something temporary? The roast duck here is good, you can pack some to take away, or I will buy some and give it to you.

Lin Yi hurriedly waved his hand and said with a smile

: "No, don't bother, the main thing is that this store doesn't need to make an appointment, we don't know about this, so we plan to go to other stores to eat, you just eat, don't worry about us, next time you have the opportunity to make an appointment..." Liu Xin heard this, and then suddenly realized, she looked at the others around her, thought about it, and invited: "Otherwise, we have an appointment, you can eat with us, more pairs of chopsticks and more bowls."

Lin Yi looked at the people around Liu Xin, all of them were gorgeously dressed, with famous watches, diamonds and other accessories, without thinking about it, she knew that it was some famous young ladies and the like, before she heard other classmates say that Liu Xin's family is very rich, it is said that her father is a real estate owner, and the business has gone abroad, so after high school, they went directly to Tianjing Noble University.

Now it seems that the rumors are true, and Liu Xin, who is not very conspicuous in high school, is really a young lady with a prominent background.

But Lin Yi thought about his brother-in-law's net worth, and he didn't feel much surprised by this, but thinking of Liu Xin's aristocratic circle, I'm afraid he valued face, right? So Lin Yi waved his hand a little embarrassed at that time, and said with a smile: "This is not good, you go out to eat with friends, I don't want to disturb you, besides, I still have my brother-in-law and my aunt, the three of us will be even more embarrassed, next time, next time."

Liu Xin thought about it, and also felt that he had to give face to the young ladies around him, so he looked at everyone and said with a smile: "My friend hasn't seen each other for a long time, you see, let them come over and eat together, don't you mind?"

These young ladies looked at Lin Yi and Avril and nodded.

"Of course I don't mind, since it's your friend, it's also our friend."

"Yes, you don't have to be polite, is this young lady's brother-in-law and aunt? Talented woman? Let's come over for a light meal, just when there are many people. "

Well, let's treat Miss Liu Xin for this meal, and there is no such shop in this village after such a good opportunity to rub rice."

Everyone showed a very happy look, but this is mainly to Liu Xin's face, for Ye Qing and them, in fact, everyone is not particularly cold in their hearts, just look at their handsome and beautiful, the first impression is not annoying, plus it is Liu Xin's friends, only reluctantly accept that they are sitting with themselves, after all, their gathering is mainly to connect feelings, make more famous nobles, and pave the way for their future, so there is no need to hurt peace for a few unrelated people.

Seeing that the young ladies all said so, Ye Qing also had to nod and agree, and then, they followed Liu Xin and his group back to Taide Roast Duck.

After walking around, Avril and Lin Yi looked at the exquisite decoration around, as well as the elegant dining of diners, there was no feeling of clutter at the table, the two suddenly felt that the style here was very high, the dining atmosphere was really the same as the aristocratic restaurant, no wonder there was an appointment to let in, and there was probably no ordinary person eating here.

The two watched, and before they knew it, the waiter led them to table 88, and then everyone sat down.

Liu Xin also explained to Lin Yi and said:

"This Li Ming and Li Shao, the family is one of the shareholders of Taide Roast Duck, so the store arranged an exclusive table No. 88 for us..."

Then Li Ming took a sip of tea, waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "Don't mention this kind of trivial matter, order food." The

other young ladies all showed an admiring expression, young and talented but elegant and easygoing, worthy of the Li family, thinking, everyone was praising Li Ming, Li Ming was also very useful, nodded, and chatted with everyone about some "little things" at home.

But Ye Qing heard this, nodded, and didn't say anything more.

The young ladies didn't pay much attention to Ye Qing and them, so they chatted with themselves.

Although they did not reject Ye Qing and them at the table, but deep down, famous nobles like them, for those ordinary people who do not have a large family background, often hold the mentality of superiority, although they will not ridicule and belittle them, but they are unlikely to talk to them together, after all, family backgrounds, academic horizons are very different, and they are not a person of the world at all.

However, Ye Qing and Lin Yi did not mind this, originally because of Liu Xin's face, these young ladies would really be annoyed if they really talked to them about topics related to their interests, so they drank tea, looked at the surrounding environment, and were also leisurely.

But in Liu Xin's opinion, she thought that Lin Yi and they were snubbed, so she used the method of diverting her gaze to cover up her embarrassment, but she was really helpless, after all, their circle has a high threshold, and it is normal for Lin Yi and them not to be recognized, but Liu Xin is a person with a heavy feeling, so he took the initiative to talk to Lin Yi and them.

"Lin Yi, what are the names of your brother-in-law and aunt? Looks so young, huh? The youngest boy in your mother's generation, right?

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, and also briefly introduced Ye Qing and them to Liu Xin.

When Liu Xin heard this, he also said hello to Ye Qing and them, and said with a smile: "You should not have come to Tianjing much, if you have time in the future, come to Tianjing No. 8 Villa to play, my home is over there." "

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