"You want my necklace?"

Elizabeth was slightly stunned, then frowned, shook her head, and said, "This... This one is not good, this necklace is the only relic left to me by my mother, it is not beautiful, I don't believe I will show it to you. "

She gently took off the lock on the necklace with her bare hand, took it out, and showed it to Fang Qingyan.

This bronze key is indeed too ordinary, and if used as an ornament, it looks ugly, and no one will bend down to pick it up even if it is thrown on the ground.

"It's not pretty," Elizabeth hesitated, "and for a very important reason why it's not just a relic of my mother, for a very important reason..."

Her two small hands held the key tightly, which seemed to be more valuable than life.

Not just a mother's relic ?

And more important significance?

Her words aroused Fang Qingyan's strong curiosity, and he asked, "What is the reason, is it convenient for Her Royal Highness to tell me?"


Elizabeth seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly, her pretty face turned red, and her face was so red that it was about to smoke!

She quickly shook her head, panicked to avoid Fang Qingyan's aggressive gaze, and stammered, "This... It can't be said that it is... It's my secret. "

It seems that this question makes her extremely shy!

This made Fang Qingyan burn with a burning desire to reveal the secret, he narrowed his narrow eyes, stepped forward, and his voice was seductive: "Your Royal Highness, so be it... I don't want your keys either, as long as you tell me the secret, I'll tell you a story, how about it?"

His voice sounded like the devil's temptation on the edge of her tiny pinnae.

Fang Qingyan wanted to figure out what was more important to Elizabeth than a fascinating love story


Elizabeth's throat rolled with difficulty, and a tangled, hesitant look appeared on her delicate and beautiful little face, but in the end she shook her head and said shyly: "This secret really can't be said... I'm embarrassed to say, you will definitely laugh at me ... I don't say!"

Coaxing to declare failure!

Fang Qingyan's eyes narrowed slightly, if you don't say, I can't know?

"Her Royal Highness. "

He suddenly spoke.

Elizabeth subconsciously looked up at him, and immediately met a pair of eyes deeper than the abyss, glowing with a faint purple light... Fang Qingyan's eyes were very good-looking, but they were like bottomless black holes, which seemed to devour everything in Elizabeth... Including the soul.

Elizabeth's beautiful eyes became dazed.

And Fang Qingyan has already entered her inner world... The deepest!



Sixteen years ago.

When Elizabeth was four years old, her mother Camilla fell into depression because she missed Count Castein, and finally walked into the sun under the scorching sun.

At that time, Elizabeth was just a little girl who didn't understand anything.

She didn't understand why her mother was sad, why she was desperate, why she was suicidal

"Father, why doesn't Mom want me?"

The first time she asked the Marquis of Morpheus this question, but her father did not answer her, silent and silent, with a terrible expression.

Elizabeth, who could not get an answer, was unwilling and asked every day, every month, every year....

She wondered why her mother didn't want herself?

Until one day two years later.

When Elizabeth asked her father this question again, the Marquis of Morpheus finally answered her.

The Marquis of Morpheus' answer was only four words - because of love.


Elizabeth looked dazed.

Because again, it touches on her intellectual blind spot.

So six-year-old Elizabeth embarked on a new journey, and her biggest goal at that time was only one, that is, to figure out one question: what is love?


She has asked many people and got many answers.

But she still wondered: Isn't love beautiful, why does it bring so much pain, tragedy, and despair to her mother?

With such doubts.

Elizabeth opened her first romance novel "Romantic Castle"....

Since then, it has been out of control.

From the age of six, to the age of seven, eight ...

At the age of ten, she finally began to understand what "love" is.

She also finally understood her mother's choice.

The mother did not love her father and fell in love with another man;

The father loves his mother very much and does not allow her to go to find a hot man;

My mother was sad and committed suicide.


Like her mother, Elizabeth valued love over life, soul, and dignity.

But she didn't want to be like her mother, searching for love all her life, fruitlessly, and finally ended in tragedy.

So when Elizabeth was twelve.

She made an amazing decision!

The relics left to her by her mother, she will always wear on her body.

In the future, if you fall in love with a man with all your heart, you will give him the key as proof of your lifelong love.


No wonder so shy, embarrassed to say.

It turned out that this key was a "token of love" that she was going to give to her future lover.

There was a lot of information that went through Elizabeth's life from the age of six to twelve.

But in fact, Fang Qingyan only used a tenth-one second to read all the information.

He had already turned off mind reading.

Even Joanna, who was not far away, did not find anything abnormal.

"Did I just lose my mind?"

Elizabeth had some doubts in her heart, but then she shook her head and put aside her distractions.

The beautiful face was full of sincerity, and Meimu was apologetic: "I'm really sorry, although I would like to hear your story, but about the secret of this key, I am not convenient to say." "

"It's okay, Your Royal Highness. "

Fang Qingyan shook his head, showed a gentle smile, looked at her softly, and said softly, "Actually, I'm just joking, I'm happy to share the story I know with you, and I don't ask you to do anything in return." "


Elizabeth looked surprised.

Fang Qingyan smiled and nodded: "Really." "


In fact, Fang Qingyan has always felt that Elizabeth's book-loving personality is somewhat abnormal and weird.

Even if ordinary people like to read, they will not be as obsessed as her... Obsessed to the point where you can give up the whole world for the sake of books.

But when he learned about Elizabeth's past, he understood it completely.

Her Royal Highness actually did not come out of the shadow of her mother's suicide until now, and she wanted to study everything about love.

Fang Qingyan was full of sympathy for this girl.

Even looking at her gaze softened a lot.

He didn't have the slightest thought of hurting Elizabeth, and even felt that if this angelic girl had any difficulties, he was willing to help.

The use of mind reading on Elizabeth just now was not done by a gentleman.

Since she wanted to hear the story, Fang Qingyan decided to satisfy her as a way to make up for her faux pas just now.

As for the keys?

She is not willing to give it, forget it, do not force it.

To be honest, in a prince's mausoleum, Fang Qingyan really couldn't see it.

There is a system, sooner or later he will become a prince!


"Your Royal Highness, let me tell you a story about mermaids. "

Fang Qingyan showed a rather infectious smile.



ps: The fifth is more offered, Xiao Pounce Street asks for support!

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