Fang Qingyan stood at the door of the library.

It wasn't until Elizabeth's carriage disappeared from sight that he shook his head and turned to walk inside.

He has always been a man who is not profitable.

Getting closer to Elizabeth didn't do him much good, but it didn't hurt either.

Let it be.

Fang Qingyan returned to the room, the power of qi and blood surged, and his body surface glowed with red gold.

Continue to soak up the sun and cultivate the power of the sun.


Time flies.

Six months passed.

The life of a librarian is very leisurely.

The city of Bristol is as calm as ever.

Elizabeth would come once a month to take away a love story, and every time she would ask him "have you learned to dance", but unfortunately, Fang Qingyan's answer was - too stupid to learn.

In fact, he didn't learn it at all.


During this period, several major events occurred in other clans.

One of the big news, that is, the head of the Bruch clan, the Marquis of Bruch, actually gave birth to a son again!

Yes, after the killing of Count Marston, the Bruch clan fell into the dilemma of no successor.

But the Marquis of Bruch worked hard, and after sweating year after year, he finally succeeded in creating people!

As soon as the child was born, he was designated as the sole heir of the Bruch clan, and the Duke of Bruch's ancestor actually crawled out of the coffin and personally named the child: Adam Bruch.

The name means "Son of God's creation."

This means that this child will be carefully cultivated by the Duke from an early age and will become a future Marquis!

Vampires are too heavy in qi and blood, and the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to give birth.

So the birth of Adam Bruch brought hope to the entire clan.


And the big news is... The war is about to begin again.

Yes, the war between the orcs and the blood tribe has reached the critical point of breaking out again.

But this time, it was not Azeroth who initiated it, but the seven royal clans of the Kingdom of Nikara decided to go on a crusade against the orcs!

A few years ago, the orcs crossed the Draenor Mountains and captured dozens of cities in the Kingdom of Nikara, with losses from all seven clans.

This time, in order to regain the lost land and drive out the orcs, a big operation is brewing in the Nikara Kingdom.

There are rumors that the seven dukes have decided to join forces!

The truth of this news is not clear, but it still caused a national sensation.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Because in the past, in the tens of thousands of large and small wars involving blood tribes and beasts, the seven duke ancestors had never really stepped on the battlefield.

Some of them have been in retreat for thousands of years, some have even been in retreat for tens of thousands of years, and they have long looked down on worldly disputes, and the only goal in their hearts is to break through the shackles that have not been broken through by the Duke for hundreds of thousands of years-the Twelve Winged Blood Ancestor.

That is, the prince!

It is precisely because of this that in the past, no matter how the blood tribe failed miserably and how bullied by the orcs, the Duke Ancestor was too lazy to make a move... Unless the orcs go too far.

It can be imagined how shocking it was this time that the news that the seven dukes of the blood tribe had joined forces to attack the orcs.

Most people don't believe it.


In addition to the above two news, there are only some gossip news among nobles, such as a certain count giving another count green, a certain princess pregnant out of wedlock... and other boring news.

Fang Qingyan didn't pay much attention.


The lid of the coffin is lifted gently.

Fang Qingyan straightened up and after taking a deep breath, the furious power of qi and blood gradually subsided and lay dormant.

Feeling the qi and blood in his body, he shook his head and muttered, "It's still a little close, if I want to break through the Six Wings Marquis, I still need at least ten drops of Duke Essence Blood." "

In six months, he had absorbed more than thirty drops of Duke Essence Blood.

But qi and blood are still some distance away from saturation and fullness.

There are dozens of marquis in the Kingdom of Nikara, but only the heads of the seven major clans can reach the six wings!

You can imagine how difficult the journey from four wings to six

wings was

Moreover, even the head of the seven major clans relied on the blood of the Duke's ancestors to irrigate and spend more than a thousand years to break through to the six wings.

Talent against the sky, a steady stream of resources, both are indispensable!

Fang Qingyan's cultivation speed was actually miraculous.


By the window, Fang Qingyan's body stood straight, looking at the moonlight in the sky expressionlessly.

Petsia hasn't been back for six months.

Since the last time he gave Petsia three drops of Beast Essence blood, it flew away and has not returned.

He was a little worried.

That guy won't break through and fail, be eaten back, and die in some mountain corner, right?


Fang Qingyan sighed faintly.

Regarding the advancement of Warcraft, he didn't know much about it, the only thing that could help Petsia was to give it essence blood, and the rest had to be up to it.

He learned in a book that the highest level of the recorded night falcon in history was the "war beast", and it was almost impossible to advance further.

"Petsia, if you can't keep up with me, then we can only go our separate ways... You give me some gas and come back alive. "

Fang Qingyan said softly to himself.

Say it.

He turned and went downstairs, because the spiritual power had sensed that Elizabeth had come again with her maid Joanna.

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