A quarter of an hour later, Fang Qingyan walked out of this transaction.

"Mr. Edward, welcome to visit next time."

The vampire's face was full of bright smiles, and she waved goodbye to him with great enthusiasm, "I will have the coffin you ordered overnight and delivered to the house before four o'clock tomorrow afternoon!" "

Fang Qingyan didn't reply, left on his own, and quickly disappeared from this person's sight.

The smile on the vampire's face slowly disappeared, and he looked thoughtfully in the direction Fang Qingyan left, and muttered:

"Count Kastein's man? That's it, for the sake of Lord Count's face, let you go." "

In the black market, eating black is not uncommon.

Just now, Fang Qingyan took out three pieces of body materials of the noble blood clan at once, which means that it is very likely that three nobles have been killed!

But the man in the trading house didn't ask a word and bought it directly, not afraid of getting into trouble at all.

It can be seen that this guy is also a ruthless person with a background!


Walk down the street.

Fang Qingyan touched the bulging money bag on his waist, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

One baron's claws and two viscount's fangs actually sold for a high price of thirty gold coins!

With his current salary of three silver coins a month as a servant in the castle, he would have to struggle for a hundred years to earn so much money.

From this, it can be seen how high the value of the high-level blood clan is.

Fang Qingyan spent a huge amount of two gold coins to tailor a coffin for himself and let them send it directly to Kasteinburg.

He wasn't afraid to let the boss know about it.

After all, "raising corpse coffins" is a very common thing in the ancestral land, and it is just a bed for sleeping for the blood clan, and many civilian-level blood clans have also ordered it in their homes, which is not unusual.

Anyway, the appearance is similar, unless you lie down and experience it, you don't know if this is a "wooden bed" with two silver coins or a "Simmons" with two gold coins.

"This place is mixed with fish and dragons, and you may be targeted after staying for a long time, so let's leave quickly."

Thinking so in his heart, Fang Qingyan quickened his pace and left the black market in a short time.

The purpose of his trip has been achieved.

With the artifact of the corpse raising coffin, coupled with the assistance of the "Blood Tribe Refining Secret Technique", Fang Qingyan is confident that he will awaken his superpowers within three days and break through to the rank of baron!


He was not interested in the bustle of the city that never sleeps.

For him, the real scenery is the strength of strength, and indulging in the wine pond meat forest will only make people degenerate.

In such a dangerous world, the loss of self-discipline is the same as the loss of life.

Politely refusing the warm invitation of the street girl, Fang Qingyan stopped a carriage at the street entrance: "Send me to Kasteinburg." "

The coachman raised his horse, and the carriage went away with a "grunt".

Almost at the same time, several figures appeared, their eyes locked on the carriage where Fang Qingyan was.

"You're not mistaken, are you?"

The man shrouded in black robes asked in a hoarse voice.

"There will be no mistake, I paid attention to this kid when he entered the trading house, and when he came out, the owner of the trading house was very enthusiastic about him, and his waist was obviously bulging, it must be a fat sheep!"

The person who spoke had a strange voice, his eyes glowed red, and after speaking, he bloodthirsty stuck out his tongue and licked Sen Ran's fangs.

"Then I'll take him tonight, a last blood clan, I kill him like a chicken!"

"What about the coachman? It's okay to kill the last blood clan, it's illegal to move humans, and humans are taxpayers under the law! "

"Taxes for a fart! It's not for Lao Tzu, the domestic animals raised by the nobles, and later slaughtered together, eaten dry and wiped, who will know that we did it? "


Gollum gurgle -

The carriage went out of the city gate and drove on the wild road.

Fang Qingyan leaned on the leather cushion on his back and closed his eyes in the carriage.

In fact, he was meditating, and he had already regarded the practice of the "Blood Clan Qi Refining Secret Technique" as a subconscious habit.

Ten minutes later, he seemed to have a premonition of something, and his eyes suddenly opened and closed.

Someone is following me?!!

Fang Qingyan's face became slightly ugly.

His current spiritual power is no longer what it used to be, although the life level has not yet broken through the baron, but his spiritual power is no weaker than that of ordinary barons.

At the moment, he vaguely felt that he was being followed, but he was not particularly sure of his hunch.

What if it's just a drop by the way?

After thinking for a few seconds, with the idea of carefully sailing the 10,000-year ship, Fang Qingyan opened the curtain of the car and said to the coachman:

"Hello, there's something I have to trouble you."

"What are your orders, adults? Please don't hesitate to say so. The human coachman was restrained, his lips pursed in reply.

Obedient and well-behaved, it is obvious that he has a fear of the blood clan.

"Please take a detour and walk around the sparsely populated remote area, and I can pay you three more copper coins." Fang Qingyan politely put forward his own request.

"Well... All right. "

Although the human coachman beat a drum in his heart, he was afraid that this vampire was plotting against his own flesh, otherwise why did he order himself to go to the wilderness?

But he feared that if he refused, he would now be arranged.

So you have to do it.

Fang Qingyan didn't care about the delusional pictures of being destroyed flashing in the coachman's mind.

He held his breath and concentrated on calming his mind completely, and then mobilized his spiritual power to release his perception.


There were indeed people who followed him, and deliberately kept a certain distance, even if the carriage drove off the avenue towards the wilderness, he still followed.

Fang Qingyan opened his eyes, and his gaze was already cold.

Lao Tzu is already low-key enough, from entering the black market to coming out, the time taken is no more than fifteen minutes, and there is no extraneous branch.

But even so, it was still targeted.

Is it the trading house guy who wants to eat black?

Fang Qingyan's anger rose in his heart, no matter who dared to hit my attention, he had to be ready to accept the lesson.

He has always worn the service symbolizing the "last blood clan", so most people who can target such a "weak" person as himself cannot be a noble-level vampire with a knighthood.

If a nobleman wants to kill a pariah, there is no need to follow the other party out of the city so obscenely.

What if you kill it on the street?

Therefore, although Fang Qingyan was not alarmed.

"Pull over."

He said to the coachman in a calm voice.

The car stopped, he walked down and said to the coachman: "You are waiting for me here, I will solve some small troubles, and come back soon." "


The group that followed behind was a little stunned.

"The carriage stopped, what are you doing?"

Some people are puzzled.

"Go, go up and take a look."

Someone said in a deep voice.

They drove forward, leaning towards the carriage in front.


Suddenly, a huge force descended from the sky, and a terrifying wind roared, crushing down like a mountain and a sea.

The carriage of the trailers fell apart in an instant, and the four people fell out in disgrace.

They all looked up in anger, and saw a handsome young man in front of him holding his chest with his hands, looking at himself and the others indifferently.

"Stalking is not a gentleman's behavior, your parents should have taught you this!"

Fang Qingyan's voice was mixed with a touch of coldness.

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