Fang Qingyan was assigned a list.

It says an address: Bonn Town.


There are also densely packed names, totaling more than seven hundred people.

All of them were the targets of his trip, and the list was full of so-called "taxpayers."

At the bottom is a "Tax Collection Standard".

Adult male 1000 ml;

Adult women 800 ml;

400 ml for underage males;

Minor females 300 ml;

500 ml for over 60 years old;

Those under the age of 5 or over 80 years of age will not be smoked.


After reading this standard for drawing blood, even Fang Qingyan couldn't help but frown for a while.

This is also too ruthless!

It's pumping people to death.

Human blood volume accounts for 7%-8% of body weight.

In other words, a 60 kg healthy adult has a total blood volume of only 4,800 ml.

Losing more than a thousand milliliters of blood can be life-threatening.

The point is that everyone's physique is different, this standard is too general, when you encounter a weak person, you may be directly pumped to death!

And even the old people and children are not spared, it is too cruel.

After these humans have their blood drawn, they have to continue to work and earn a living.

You can imagine how miserable it must be!

Fang Qingyan had always felt that Nikara's human situation was okay, after all, it was protected by law.

But now it seems that he is too naïve.


Among the blood clan of the entire country, only Fang Qingyan would feel cruel.

Other people don't have that mentality.

To put it bluntly, the humans of Nikara are nothing more than domestic animals and poultry raised by the blood tribe.

Just like humans enjoying the delicacy of chicken, duck and beef, it seems that they will not be unbearable, right?

However, Fang Qingyan's heart was very conflicted.

Because he still retains his precious humanity....


"Ahem, you got the list, right?"

Old butler Albert looked around and instructed loudly: "Listen well, when collecting taxes, you must strictly follow the standards stipulated by the kingdom, and you can't collect more or less." If you die because you draw too much blood, you will be punished! Tomorrow afternoon, the blood food will be handed in uniformly, the total amount is not enough, take your heads! "

"That... If taxes are collected according to the standard, or do you pump people to death? "

Fang Qingyan suddenly raised his head, looked at the old butler calmly, and asked.

Albert looked at him strangely: "If you die, you will die, it's not your responsibility, what qualifications do weak humans have to live in our blood ancestral land?" Only healthy and strong human beings can provide us with a stable supply of blood for a long time. "

The rest also glanced at Fang Qingyan strangely.

Fang Qingyan suddenly fell silent.


After explaining everything that should be explained.

Old butler Albert set off with the "tax collection squad" of Fort Kastein.

At this moment, the sun is setting and soon night will fall.

Night is when the Blood Clan is most energetic.

Fang Qingyan took a carriage to the town where he was responsible for collecting taxes, Bonn Town.

This is a very beautiful town, the scenery is extremely beautiful, the brilliant sunset sprinkles a golden glow, the grass, trees and houses look particularly beautiful in the hazy light and shadow.

It is a pity that the blood tribe cannot enjoy such a landscape.

The only beauty in the hearts of the Blood Clan is the dark night and the big moon hanging in the sky!

After Fang Qingyan parted ways with the others, he walked alone in the rural wilderness under the setting sun.

After feeling that there was no one around, he lifted his heavy hood, the warm sunlight shone on his face, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Bask in the comfortable golden glow.

This is the first time that Fang Qingyan has felt like a person after being reborn as a vampire!


Night falls.

Knock knock knock -

"Open the door, it's time to pay the tax."

Soon, the door opened, revealing a middle-aged face with a fearful expression.

"Great... Adults, please come in. "

Fang Qingyan entered the house, looked around, turned his head and asked him, "What about your wife and daughter?" "

"I'll call them out right away."

Not long after, a woman came out of the room holding a little girl of four or five years old, the woman was fine, but the little girl was very timid and shrunk into a ball, not daring to look at Fang Qingyan.

"Ahem, start drawing blood, I still have a lot of busy families."

Fang Qingyan very skillfully took out the syringe and blood bag used to draw blood from the toolbox: "You draw a thousand milliliters, your wife is eight hundred, your daughter is three hundred, you understand the rules, right?" "

When the middle-aged man heard this, his face changed slightly, and he quickly flattered: "Adult, my daughter is still young, she... She won't smoke, right? "

"I'm already five years old, I have to smoke."

Fang Qingyan said expressionlessly.

As soon as these words came out, both husband and wife showed despair, and the little girl was even more crying, pitiful.

But he didn't dare to resist the blood clan at all, and he could only hope that his young daughter could carry it.

But then, I heard this "adult" suddenly change his voice:

"But well, if you can pay taxes for your daughter, you can also, if your husband and wife draw an extra hundred and fifteen, your daughter will be exempted."

The family burst into tears of joy.

I know that I have met a kind blood clan.


After coming out, he put the three blood bags on the carriage, and Fang Qingyan continued to the next household.

This time it was a skinny old man.

Fang Qingyan released water and only pumped him a hundred milliliters.

Then I picked a few very strong young people and smoked some more to make up.

It was busy until four o'clock in the morning, and the workload was completed by less than a third.

The good news is that he didn't smoke dead people....

Legend has it that the name "vampire" originated from human fear of blood.

After seeing the fearful expressions on those people's faces today, Fang Qingyan could be sure that this legend was true.


Another household.

Fang Qingyan knocked on the door several times, but no one opened it.

Is this trying to evade taxes?

He frowned, and could clearly feel the fluctuations in the qi and blood of the two people in the room.

"Let's open the door, you should know the consequences of tax evasion, right?"

After the fright, the door finally opened.

In his eyes was a middle-aged woman with a pale and bloodless face.

Her eyes were full of fear, and she snorted at the other party's green ink: "Great... Please come in, my lord. "

Fang Qingyan's eyebrows wrinkled.

After entering the house, he was slightly surprised, because there was also a girl in the room, and she was very beautiful, but she was also weak and weak.

Fang Qingyan quickly withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at the woman, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?" Who drew the blood of your mother and daughter? "

The vital signs of the two are very abnormal, obviously healthy, but they lack qi and blood.

Apparently someone got on the way, and the mother and daughter were drawn a lot of blood.

This is the fiefdom of Count Castein, and Fang Qingyan is fully responsible for blood collection in the town of Bonn, but someone has taken blood from humans without his consent....

Grab food and eat ah?

If Fang Qingyan didn't care about drawing blood again, the mother and daughter would definitely die.

However, if it is not drawn, the blood food that needs to be handed in will not meet the requirements.

So he must interrogate him properly about this matter!



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