Madison Square Garden has always been a stage for testing superstars.

As early as last season, He Feng had already proved himself here.

67 points in a single game in the regular season; 63 points in a single game in the playoffs, these are his records here.

And in the playoffs last season, the Pacers led by He Feng swept the Knicks 4:0, not giving this "traditional giant" any chance.

The Knicks actually became a stepping stone for the Pacers to reach the top!

For this, Knicks fans also hate the Pacers, and they hate He Feng even more.

Tonight's He Feng deepened their hatred.

In addition, there is envy and jealousy.

What kind of dog luck did the Pacers have? They actually picked up such a treasure!

An ordinary Chinese player was "lucky" to be selected because of the big market in the East. His performance in the first year was mediocre, and he suddenly evolved into a super giant in the second year?

Who can stand this?

If they can have a player like "He Feng" in their team, the Knicks will definitely be able to return to the top.

Unfortunately, perhaps this is just a luxury.

After leaving Madison Square Garden, the Pacers continued their journey this season.

In other words, they continued their winning streak.

On the 22nd, they came to TD North Shore Garden Plaza.

This is also the famous "devil's home court" in the NBA.

Manipulating the air-conditioning temperature so that the visiting team cannot adapt to the temperature difference, stealing the floor to cause the visiting team to encounter a "dribble trap"...

These are all things that the Celtics staff have done at home in rumors, and they are highly credible.

Of course, these unconventional means are generally used in important games, and they will not use these tricks in the regular season.

The fans' highly skilled boos are their regular weapons.

It's just the boos of the fans, the Pacers players have already adapted to it.

After all, they have won the championship, isn't this level of booing a piece of cake?

What's more, the Celtics have completely dismantled the 2008 championship lineup.

Garnett and Pierce went to the Nets, Ray Allen assisted the Big Three in the Heat, and Rondo was injured again...

The current Celtics are completely a bottom-ranked team.

High EQ means tactically giving up this season and impacting the No. 1 pick next season.

Low EQ means that even if you go all out, you are still the bottom of the pack.

This game is really not difficult for the Pacers.

In the first half, although the score difference did not widen much, the audience knew that everything was under the control of the Pacers.

Sure enough, as soon as they exerted their strength in the third quarter, they defended the Celtics to only 8 points!

The score was less than double in 12 minutes!

Even though the Celtics no longer care about the record, General Manager Ainge still looked livid.

Indeed, only getting 8 points in a single quarter is absolutely a shame for the team!

At this time, playing badly can no longer be an excuse.

It's simply because they are bad, and they are really bad.

On the sidelines, Vogel had a complicated expression. He shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly, but soon he smiled again and gave a hug to the players who were resting.

"Well done, guys! This is our real strength."

He said this, but his inner thoughts were very rich.

"These young people are too ignorant of the ways of the world. There is nothing wrong with being serious on the court, but we have to look at the situation!

Defending the opponent to only 8 points in a single quarter? The Celtics' faces were swollen.

The court is not about fighting, but about the ways of the world!

I know you want to mess up the game, but at least you have to let the Celtics score in double digits, right?

Single digits in a single quarter, this is still too ugly!

Hey, young people are ignorant and too heavy-handed!

But I like it!"


"Let's go! I can't stand it!"

"It's so embarrassing! I can't blame the opponent for being ruthless, I can only blame myself for being bad!"

"I'm going out for a drink. This game is so frustrating."

Celtics fans are in a very low mood now. They know that reconstruction will definitely usher in a period of pain, but this is too painful!

Once the opponent gets serious, they really play like Shi!

Unable to defend, unable to score, and various mistakes occur under high-intensity defense.

Many seats in the stands were already empty, and spectators kept leaving early.

The Pacers played seriously for a quarter, and the game was completely messed up.

The fourth quarter was a time for Vogel to practice.

The final whistle announced that the Pacers had won 12 games in a row.

Opening the data column, it was found that the Pacers' players were "ordinary" and there was no special highlight.

If I had to say something, it would be He Feng's 15 points, 9 rebounds, and 12 assists, which was close to a triple-double, and it was a Cheng who could drive people with obsessive-compulsive disorder to

He just scored 50+ in Madison Square Garden in the last game, and "only" scored 15 points in the next game!

He Feng is really too "unstable"!

Fans are already accustomed to this.

Who makes He Feng just an unstable "ordinary player"?

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